Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 286: Purification Pool

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Zhang Yang didn't reply after hearing it, only to see that he looked at Emma's reflection slightly, and then suddenly raised his left fist and hit it **** its head! Perhaps it was because Emma ’s body was so weak that Zhang Yang smashed the image with just one punch! As the blurred energy fragments completely disintegrated, the light curtain at the entrance in front of the three people began to slowly disappear!

"Wright, how do I feel the sound around me?"

"What happened?"

"I feel like those ice sculptures are moving ?!"

Hearing Kai Neng say this, Zhang Yang looked around unconsciously, but it didn't look good. This look suddenly made him breath out of his heart! ! The unknown hundreds of thousands of ice sculptures around came to life at the same time! However, after just over ten instants, the eyes of those ice sculptures lit up two groups of bright blue fine awns! !

At this time, the light curtain at the entrance has not been completely concealed, and Zhang Yang and other sweats were worried. If he was right, these ice sculptures would be the next test!

Zhang Yang didn't dare to make the slightest sound at this moment. He was really afraid of attracting the attention of these ice sculptures. But perhaps because of the glimmering light, Emma suddenly woke up at this very nervous time!

"... Um ... Wright ... what is this place?"

not good!

Emma's voice is not loud at all, but it is clear and audible in this quiet environment! In an instant, the ice sculptures around turned to look at the three people at the entrance of the tunnel!

Kaka Kaka ~! !

咣 咣 ~!

Looking at the ice sculptures rushing towards them with ice crystal weapons rushing around, the three people's faces suddenly became extremely ugly! Zhang Yang sees clearly, aside from those huge ice sculptures Warcraft, some ice warriors of various races even have thick or pale blue grudge marks on the ice sculptures! In the open space farther away, dozens of ice sculptures dressed as magicians are holding their staff to condense magic!

If these ice sculptures rushed over ... even if only three or five ice sculptures were rushed over, the three of them were absolutely dead!

"Wright! Hurry up to the light curtain at the entrance! Hurry!"

Kai Neng reminded Zhang Yang that he had no choice but to worry about the light curtain at first, but he couldn't care so much at this time! Just when Zhang Yang stepped onto the light curtain, a heavy ice armor holding a huge black ice axe could not see clearly, and the big ice sculpture warrior stepped into Zhang Yang's back!

However, just when the ice sculpture warrior raised his hand for slashing, the light curtain at the foot of Zhang Yang finally disappeared completely! Fortunately, Zhang Yang responded fast enough, and a whirl was standing on the stairs steadily. The ice sculpture warrior suddenly stopped after entering the entrance of the tunnel, and then instantly disintegrated into a sky of ice crystals under the eyes of Zhang Yang and Kai Neng! !

At this moment, Zhang Yang, who should be happy, suddenly realized that Emma's breathing behind him was getting faster and faster, and the unknown hunch in his heart was becoming stronger and stronger! At this time, Zhang Yang didn't want to be crazy to transport [Thunderbolt Enhancement]! His figure carrying Emma rushed down the stairs like a whirlwind!

The downward staircase in this passage is not long. Zhang Yang has exhausted all his strength in anxiety. Within ten seconds, he rushed into a room where the blue sparkling lights flashed everywhere!

The interior of this floor is extremely simple. There is only a four-meter wide and narrow pool in the center of the large igloo. At a glance, the pool is not too deep. And the shimmering blue light of this house is all released from this small pool! Is this the legendary "Purified Pool" failed? !

Right now Emma ’s life fire is about to go out, and Zhang Yang ca n’t take care of so many. If this is really the legendary ‘Purified Pool’, then Emma may still have a ray of life! If not ... Zhang Yang was afraid to continue thinking.

Three or two steps to the edge of the pool, Zhang Yang, without a word, slowly put Emma and the clothes into the pool! But at this moment, Kai Neng suddenly took a dive to take off the necklace sent by Zhang Yang on Emma's neck, which made Zhang Yang a little unclear, but he knew that Kai Neng would not harm Emma, ​​she must have her own intention.

Sure enough, without waiting for Zhang Yang to speak, Kai Neng yelled!

"Wright, you stupid! Don't you know that this necklace is important for Emma ?! Look at the end of her clothes! The pool of purification will` `purify '' all lifeless things!"

In fact, there is no need to open it, Zhang Yang looked dumbfounded! I saw that just after Emma came into contact with the blue water in the purification pool, the leather and leather boots outside her quickly disappeared! In the blink of an eye, Emma, ​​who was completely immersed in the pool water, restored her most natural form! !

However, the wonderful changes are just beginning! Just as Zhang Yang looked reddish and was about to turn his head, the shimmering blue light spilling all over the house suddenly shrank back! In an instant, a strong blue light emitted from the small pool where Emma was located. Although the light was strong, it was not dazzling. On the contrary, it gave people a feeling of vitality and incomparable purity!

With Zhang Yang's eyesight, it can be clearly seen that a trace of blue light slowly enters Emma's body in the pool! It didn't take long for Emma in the pool to become coated with blue light! At this time, Zhang Yang had thrown shyness and other emotions out of Jiu Xiaoyun. Anyone who saw the ** Emma in front of him who seemed to be bathed in pure blue light, I am afraid that he would not have a sloppy heart. At this moment, Emma looks like the purest goddess!

"Huh ~! Wright, you can rest assured! Emma's life has been saved!"

Kai Neng made Zhang Yang slightly startled. Emma hadn't woken up yet, and Zhang Yang couldn't see the ups and downs of Emma's chest. Why could Kai Neng believe that Emma was saved?

"How do you know that Emma is alright? Having said that, she is soaked in the pool water like this, and even her nose and mouth are submerged under water. Is it really okay ?!"

"... Wright, your concern is chaotic at this time! I told you, as long as the" dead "touches the water in the purification pool, it will be" purified "! Emma has not yet woke up yet. , But do you think she is still a good person? If she is dead, then her body will also be 'purified'! As for why she didn't wake up, I don't know, maybe she needs some time. ? Do n’t worry, we just need to wait quietly ... "

Previously, there was no record of what happened when the creatures entered the purification pool. Even if Zhang Yang found the ancient books in the library of Beidou University, they only recorded some legends, and Zhang Yang can only do his best to listen to the destiny at this time. Waiting for the miracle to appear ...

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