Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 291: Two hundred and twenty-four percent load

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This mysterious ice temple hidden within the limits of the Arctic Ice Field is said to have been built by the ‘god’ of the ancient water element. Although it is called a god, it is nothing more than a very powerful creature that has lived for a long time. The ancient gods were not really ‘gods’, and this has been confirmed by scholars from later generations in Orlando.

Correspondingly, the ancient gods did not really possess the omnipotent and omnipotent power of God, so they needed the palace to live, and they also needed to serve with their men and servants. The ice sculpture warrior was born because of this need! There are five types of ice sculpture warriors in the Ice Temple! The lowest level is the ice sculptures that Zhang Yang and others saw in the video hall. They all have about four levels of silver strength!

I thought that when the Ice Temple had n’t sunk into the ground, in order to find enough servants, the “God of Ice” would release news about the purified water. In this way, countless creatures eager for power and breakthrough consciously Gathered in the Ice Temple. Most of these people are left in the hall of the image, and only a few people with powerful minds can get the benefits of purified water.

But if you want to leave, you still have to go through the "Maze of No Return"! As long as you go back there, you will trigger various deadly traps! If it were n’t for Zhang Yang ’s good luck with the ability to open with navigation, the labyrinth would have killed him before! However, even if you can get out of the "Maze of No Return", the two ice wars guarding the last exit will be enough to make people desperate!

The Ice Warfare will be the second-level servant in the Ice Temple, and above it and the lowest-level Ice Warrior, there are three more powerful servants! They are the ‘Ice Commander’ above the sixth-order purple gold; the ‘Icebringer’ above the seventh-order legend, and the ‘King of Ice’ at the eighth-order epic rank!

Except for the Ice Warrior, he was basically attracted by the purified water, and then transformed into the soul of the creature that died here. Most of the ice servants of other ranks were transformed by the strong men killed by the **** of ice at that time! It can be seen from here that the **** of ice is not a kind person at all!

Zhang Yang will face two such ice warriors! Their bodies are made of ice crystals that are harder than granite, and their huge bodies are enough to give them incomparably strong power. Although they move a little slower, they are already competent enough as ‘door gods’ who guard the portal!

Silently estimating the distance between himself and the two ice warriors in his heart, Zhang Yang, who was highly concentrated in spirit, suddenly felt that everything around him had become slow! ! At this moment he can clearly hear the heart beat in his body, and even the sound of blood flowing faster and faster! Every muscle, every bone, every joint on the body can be completely controlled! Unconsciously, Zhang Yang's control of his own strength at the 'micro level' was able to break through at such a critical moment!

In fact, Zhang Yang is currently under tremendous pressure! That pressure comes not only from the huge level gap between the two sides, but also from the giant axe in the hands of the ice warfare! In fact, according to the strength of the ice war that is close to the fifth-order golden peak, it is impossible to use energy. Although they are immense and tough, these are not enough to produce the top-level oppression of the fifth-order gold! Therefore, Zhang Yang can almost conclude that the two giant axes in their hands must have another mystery!

From Zhang Yang's intuition, if one is not careful, even the seventh-tier legendary strongman will suffer from this giant axe! However, with his vision and knowledge at this time, he could not see any doorway on this giant axe.

At this moment, Zhang Yang will be less than ten meters away from the ice battle. I saw that he suddenly showed a strong momentum of unprecedented strength. Then, as Zhang Yang used the power of his soul to mobilize the power of thunder and lightning in his body, a sudden appearance The dazzling thunder light wrapped his body instantly! Zhang Yang, who has nowhere to go, has used a desperate move [Lei Ji burst]!

Suddenly Zhang Yang felt that everything around him had slowed down several times! The two ice sculpture battles in front of me turned the slightly slower moment into a tortoise speed. He knew that it was not that the other party really slowed down, but that his perception level had changed dramatically! At this moment, whether it is power, speed or reaction force, it has turned too many times in an instant under the impact of the terrible thunder and lightning!

At this time, Zhang Yang almost recovered the powerful force that he could only feel when the blood of the demon raged! Zhang Yang, who was originally not a second-order bronze intermediate, has risen to the level of a fifth-order golden intermediate within the three instants under the full power of "Lei Ji burst"! But this is not enough! Although Zhang Yang was completely confident about bypassing the two ice sculpture battles at this time, he could not leave Emma and Kai Neng alone!

Therefore, if you want to leave together, you must first destroy these two fifth-level gold advanced ‘door gods’!

(So ​​how about adding another fire !? Stop me from dying !!! [Strike of Thunder] !!!)

If you want to get it, you have to be ready to lose it. [The explosion of Leiji] The reason why Zhang Yang called himself a ‘forbidden move’ was because he was greatly boosting his power at the same time, and the load was too great! Because Zhang Yang's original strength was too low, at this time [Lei Ji burst] the load on his body reached 160% of the horror! ! Unless Zhang Yang's own strength can exceed the fourth-order silver level, otherwise don't want to use this trick safely! !

However, in order to make a living, Zhang Yang had to fill himself with fire under such a huge load at the moment! If you use [Strike of Thunder], Zhang Yang ’s strength can suddenly be promoted to a large rank again! So as to reach the point of the sixth order Zijin Intermediate! Although such a powerful Zhang Yang only has about three instants of time, in just three instants, he already has enough power to destroy the enemy!

Therefore, when all the people present could not react, Zhang Yang, who was covered with electricity and light, exploded again! In the blink of an eye, Zhang Yang burst out a very dazzling, gleaming thunder of light on his right hand, and then his body suddenly accelerated. When the ice war was about to lift the giant axe, Zhang Yang was behind him. He dragged a slick light band formed by high-speed movement, and suddenly slammed the right fist that had been burned to the skin, but still wrapped in blue thunder, and hit the ice warrior's chest. middle! !

In an instant, the upper body of this four-meter-high ice warrior burst into a burst! Zhang Yangna contained a powerful thunderbolt, and actually killed this cold war in seconds! Then he didn't look at his right hand, which had been completely skinned, only bones and a few tendons, and suddenly accelerated again, and at the same time, the "exposed" right arm lit up a strong blue thunder again. !

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