Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 295: Fitch's Earth Wall

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The fierce blow of this electric light flint completely exceeded the imagination of several people around! I originally wanted to come to Fitch. Daleran's beautiful mercenaries like Neil Jelena, even if they were not flowery, mostly did not receive the baptism of actual combat. The strength cultivated in the various demon martial arts academies cannot be regarded as their true combat power! How many beautiful women who have been spoiled by the stars on the weekdays have actually seen blood and killed people? !

This kind of thinking is of course due to the lack of knowledge and experience of Fitch and others, but at the same time, Dalaran city has been stable for too long and the environment is too comfortable. In fact, regardless of men and women in the city of Dalaran, they basically haven't experienced any dangerous battles. Even if they went out to practice, they just killed some low-level Warcraft. Therefore, Fitch and others completely miscalculated Neil Jielina's strength and mentality!

Taking advantage of the stunned effort of several people around, Neil Jelena lifted her foot and kicked the soft-robed man in front of her away. In an instant, as Neil Jelina's left dagger was pulled out, it was pierced from the dagger. A blood arrow was fiercely ignited at the wound! The first bearer, Niel Jielina, seemed to have expected it. The simple one flew sideways, and easily let go of the blood arrow that blasted out. Immediately, she suddenly showed force under her feet, and her hands were long and short. The two blades pointed at the ground diagonally. The whole person leaned forward and carried the power of killing one person, rushing towards the two black robe men who had just pulled out their weapons a few meters away!

"You two idiots! Hurry to stop her! If you let her run, you will wait to bear the anger of our brother!"

Fero's cousin Ferro, rather than being a noble of a magical family, is more appropriate to say that he is a second-generation ancestor like a city gangster. He has been promoted to a second-tier bronze senior magician for three years. When he reached this level at the age of 16, he had hope in his family. But who knew that this success made him proud, plus Fich turned him on to do bad things at the time, and Ferro completely edited it ...

Pride, selfishness, and cruelty, all the inferior habits of the second ancestor can be found in him. Thinking of the vicious means of him and Fitch, the remaining two men in black robes had to bite the bullet and Neil Jielina in one place!

Although Neil Jelina's combat strength and fighting spirit are higher than those of the two black robes, but in the face of the deliberate struggle and the comprehensive defense of the two, Neil Jelina really has no chance in a short time. Break through the blockade of the two!

In fact, from the time when Neil Jielina shot to now, it is only a little more than ten seconds. This series of changes for an ordinary person only happens in the effort of four or five breaths. However, just when Neil Jelina had just seized the opportunity and was about to highlight the blockade of two black-robed men, Fitch, who had been concentrating on the magical spell not far behind her, suddenly moved! I saw Fitch splayed his right hand forward, the ring on his index finger inlaid with bright yellow crystals of fingernail size, at this time also radiating a light earthy light!

"Hah ~! [Earth Wall Technique] !!!"

With the success of Fitch's magic release, the ubiquitous earth elements around him quickly gathered into the magic framework constructed by his spiritual power. In less than a third of the time, Fitch gathered enough earth elements ! In an instant, on the ground of the road between Neil Jelena and Fitch, a wall of solid earth elements more than three meters high and more than eight meters wide, with a rumbling loud noise, completely blocked this one in an instant Little fork!

"Damn !! This is not the result I want !!!"

Fitch's roaring roar and the sudden appearance of the earth wall made Ferro and Orbote beside him look dumbfounded! Not to mention how amazing it is that Fitch ’s own second-level bronze advanced power can release [earth wall] this third-level magic. The problem is that this magic does not have much effect in the regular combat of mercenaries or adventurers! To know that even if it is just a second-level bronze junior warrior, it is easy to turn over this earth wall that is only more than three meters! [Earth Wall Technique] The place where it really works is when defending the city or facing long-distance professionals like cavalry charges and archers.

Although Fitch thought very well, not only did he choose the wrong magic, but he also did not have the skillful control over this magic! At the beginning, he was trying to find a wall of earth to block Neil Jielina's retreat, but after the magic was released, Fitch knew he couldn't control it precisely! In fact, it was already very difficult for him to throw this magic directly at his feet!

This is good, Neil Jielina unexpectedly relieved her worries. At that moment, the two men in black robe looked at this posture and felt bad! If it was n’t for the shock caused by the appearance of [Earth Wall Technique] that disturbed the attacking rhythm of Neil Jielina, they just had to pay attention just now! At this time the black robe duo had scared a white hair sweat, seeing that this terrible heroine was going to be cruel again, the two of them suddenly began to release water! In the final analysis, people like them are selling their lives for Fitch only for the sake of making money. The two of them are not real desperation. Where can they fight for Fitch? !

So when the two-edged sword was cut in the hands of Neil Jelena, the black robe duo wailed with exaggeration and fell to the roadside! Seeing this, Neil Jelina was not chasing after her. Seeing that the intersection had given way, she stepped on her feet and jumped past. In a blink of an eye, Neil Jelina's figure disappeared. The corner in front ...

Fero rarely sees that Cousin Fitch's face will be so bad that his cousin Fero knows. He doesn't want to touch Fitch's mold at this time.

Orbot had no intention of doing anything. He looked at Fitch's increasingly dark face with nothing to do with himself. This caused Fitch, who was sullenly sweeping his face underneath his hands because of Neil Jelena's escape and his own spitting! There was a gurgling sound in his throat, and then Fitch seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly turned his head and yelled at Orbot, who smiled and said nothing:

"Orbote, get me back! I want her to appear alive and completely in front of me! As long as you can do it, 200 gold coins are my reward !!"

Orbote stared at Fitch's angry face for three instants before he said:

"Fitch, my friend, you need to know that I'm just an assassin less than Tier 4 silver! I'm not a ranger or a hunter. I want to kill her easily, but can I catch it alive ..."

Fitch and Orbot can already be acquainted with each other, and Firch knows very well the temperament of Orbot. What only kills people without catching people is nonsense! What did you do less to rob him of the girl? ! This is clearly the lion's big mouth want money!

"... 300 gold coins! Hurry up!"

"Hey ... willing to serve you! Master Fitch."

Orbote's contented smile, he first performed an exaggerated noble etiquette, and then the figure flickered, and several ups and downs disappeared behind the [earth wall] arranged by Fitch ...

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