Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 405: Bross City Mercenary Union 2

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In the end, Zhang Yang only accepted the task of protecting the founder. Although the reward for finding the dagger was very generous, Zhang Yang instinctively realized that there was a problem with that task. His real purpose was only to go to Shenxing Lake to hunt the magic core of the star-spotted water snake, and everything else was just a smooth way, so Zhang Yang actually took up the idea of ​​recruiting mercenaries in the hall after taking the task.

The mercenary is actually a group of guys who make money with their professional skills. Similarly, the mercenary union is in the end just like a large market. Zhang Yang was going to Shen Xinghu, and it was impossible to succeed with only three people. Therefore, after receiving the relevant appointment, Zhang Yang paid a part of the deposit and directly got a mercenary recruitment office not far away.

Even if it is a mercenary, it ca n’t be hired by anyone casually. The reason why Zhang Yang can recruit mercenaries temporarily depends on him as the head of the thunder and lightning mercenary regiment. Zhang Yang is also not planning to recruit too many people. As he wrote in the notice, he only needs seven people to make his team into a ten-person team.

Fifty miles into the deep forest can already deter many low-level mercenaries and adventurers. In general, as long as you enter the deep forest about twenty miles, the number of Warcraft will be ten times more than the edge of the deep forest. Although this is still dominated by low-level Warcraft, if the second- and third-order Warcraft appear in groups, the ordinary adventure team is more dangerous.

Only second-level bronze or higher characters can barely be self-preserving, but if you encounter a large group of third-level Warcraft or fourth-level Warcraft wandering alone, even the fourth-order silver-level strongmen may be in danger. Similarly, the greater the danger, the greater the gain. The more advanced Warcraft, the more valuable the magic nuclei and materials in their brains. Take a third-order poison horned lizard that is common in deep forests. If it is completely disassembled, the tendons, bones, skin, meat, teeth, claws, poison sacs and magic nuclei, as long as the collection method It's not too bad. If you sell these back to the city and sell them, only the third-level magic core can be worth 100 gold coins. If you add up the bits and pieces together, you can earn about 200 gold coins!

This is even a lot of income for ordinary mercenaries. You have to know that when Zhang Yang was still in Balxus, he and Neil Jielina went out for several days and paid for the task to earn dozens. This is a gold coin, which is why Zhang and Yang were very careful not to get injured. Conversely, once injured during hunting and missions, the danger increases, not to mention the need to pay a lot of gold coins and time to recuperate. In case the mission members are damaged, the pension alone will be a lot of money. Therefore, entering the deep forest is dangerous, and there are opportunities and gains.

Zhang Yang has set a high standard for the mercenaries he is preparing to recruit. Except for the fixed commission of three gold coins per person per day, all the Warcraft killed by everyone along the way, all the harvest Zhang Yang is distributed according to the head, of course, this income is not Including the harvest of your own actions, as long as it does not affect the safety of the team, the players can go out and plan their own food during the rest.

Because Zhang Yang ’s customized rules are relatively loose, he soon gathered a lot of interested mercenaries in front of him, but if he wanted to go to Shen Xinghu, there is still some danger without the strength of the third-order black iron. The presence of mercenaries is not Less but not more advanced. Zhang Yang is not in a hurry, because he knows that it is about three o'clock in the afternoon, many mercenaries have not completed the task and come back. As long as they wait for another omission, the number of mercenaries here will double. At that time, Grouping people is much simpler.

Just thinking, a burly warrior wearing a mail armor suddenly stepped forward. He was actually one of the first mercenaries to discover Zhang Yang, but he kept watching until Zhang Yang ’s face was calm and uncommon. After he was not impatient, he stepped forward to talk.

"Are you recruiting mercenaries temporarily?"


"The conditions you promised are very attractive, but I still want to know how good you are. After all, you have a face. If your teammates are too weak, or there are too many ordinary people, this price is not cost-effective. "

Don't look at this man's appearance of a powerful but powerful hole, but his mind is very delicate. If Zhang Yang and his teammates are really weak as he said, then the commission should not only be doubled but also divided into much less. Of course, such a situation would never happen. In Zhang Yang ’s opinion, the strength of this burly warrior could barely be a third-tier black iron intermediate. He is also an outstanding figure among the group of mercenaries right now, but he At this level, as long as there are no powerful occult techniques or weaponry against the sky, it is not enough for Zhang Yang to kill him alone. Even Manju in the team of Zhang Yang can win the ticket!

"How about this friend?"


"Okay Kobe, since you asked about the strength, I can tell you a message. Presumably you will make a decision as soon as you hear it."

"Oh? Then you talk about it. If you have a Tier 4 strong among your teammates, Kobe will have nothing to say, but if you do n’t even reach Tier 2 like you, huh! Or do n’t cheat here. Good people! "

After all, Zhang Yang still ignored an important thing, that is his strength! You have to know that Zhang Yang ’s power has completely embarked on a completely different path from vindictiveness. Because he is low-key and good at hiding strength, so in the eyes of these low-level combatants who are not sharp enough and have poor perception, Zhang Yangding More is just a first-order fighter with better health! It is important to know that combatants with grudges can sense each other. Although this is also limited by the levels of the two sides, as long as the level is not too different, whether the other party has cultivated grudges can be sensed.

It is because Zhang Yang seems weak to them, so this group of mercenaries feel that Zhang Yang ’s recruitment is not reliable, and the price is not fair. Knowing this, Zhang Yang suddenly laughed lightly. He suddenly did n’t want to talk about Manzhu and Li Ang for a while. Zhang Yang thought he should show his strength a little, so that this guy named Kobe could be convinced. ?

Judging from Zhang Yang's second-level bronze senior strength at this time, his physical qualities have far exceeded those of the same level of combatants. In addition to being unable to use grudge, his resilience, reaction, speed and strength have reached ordinary The peak of the third-order black iron level is normally only slightly weaker than that of the fourth-level silver junior combatants. If he adds his control of the strength of the "insignificant" level, in a relatively fair environment, Zhang Yang even I am confident that the same fourth-level silver junior warrior will compete against each other without using the "Thunderbolt Enhancement" trick!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang stood up slowly under the attention of the mercenaries around him, but just as he was about to speak, there was suddenly a mess of coupling in the rest area not far away! At the same time, Zhang Yang suddenly turned back and turned to look in the direction of the rest area, where Zhang Yang actually felt the breath of Manzhu when he cast a spell!

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