Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 406: Bross City Mercenary Union 4

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Fighting Manju is a huge trouble for the three mercenaries, regardless of whether they win or lose. There are not many options left for the three of them. However, the three have just been promoted and have become accustomed to it. Serve softly, fearing that you will not be able to raise your head in the future.

Reminiscent of an important message that I accidentally obtained when I went out, these three mercenaries temporarily trapped by the "Bound of Light" exchanged glances with each other quickly, and then their own grudge broke out at the same time. With his broad sword drawn out of his waist, he slammed into the golden chain of light elements outside him!

Compared with the magician who is powerful but subject to many constraints, the advantage of the combatant's grudge is also obvious. Strong explosive power, fast movement speed, and more delicate control. In general, when the two levels are similar, the distance becomes the key factor in determining the victory and defeat of the warfighter and the caster.

The distance between Manju and the three mercenaries is really close. The distance of four or five meters is a stepping thing for the soldiers! If it were n’t for Manju ’s talented magic, it ’s extremely fast and powerful enough, otherwise she ’s probably going to be passive in only one round, and the best case is just to carry [Holy Shield] for a while. If they are caught accidentally, these daring guys can do anything!

These three mercenaries use wide-edged swords. This weapon has higher strength and higher weight. Even if it is against medium-sized Warcraft, it is enough to cause considerable damage. Coupled with the increase in grudge, this is only seven or eight pounds wide. The damage caused by the sword is no worse than that of the great sword!

However, when the three mercenary soldiers were confidently preparing to cut off the entangled chain of light outside the body, with Dangdang's three sounds, the chain of condensed light elements did not break and dissipated, but the color was dim. Quite a lot!

(Damn! How could it be so hard ?! Is this woman a fourth-order silver-level powerhouse not successful ?!)

The three mercenaries irresistibly produced a trace of fear. If they really provoke the fourth-order silver level strong men, then the three of them will completely lose the qualification to resist! Manzhu bluffed his opponent with this shot, because the chance of talented magic is too small, and the three mercenaries instinctively throw away this possibility. Who would have fewer magicians and fewer magicians with talented magic? ?

Since Manzhu decided to take action, it was impossible to finish with just one "Bound of Holy Light". Light magic has no harm magic in the early stage. From the first to the third order, there is only a first-order magic scene such as [Holy Light Bomb]. Therefore, most of the time, the light sacrifice and light priest of the fourth-order silver level and below They rarely participate in battles, and even if they have to take action, they will also bring some paladins and warriors with them. Only after reaching the fourth level of silver level, the light priest and the light priest can have a strong attack ability.

The Holy Light Bomb released by Manzhu is also her talent magic. The strength of this talent magic is the quantity and speed. I saw that in less than a moment, Manzhu released seven [Holy Light Bombs] in one breath, which is already the limit of her current stage. According to previous experience, [Holy Light Bombs] will increase with each time of Man Hoo To increase the number, according to this calculation, when Manju is promoted to the fifth-level gold primary sacrifice, she will be able to instantaneously 12 [Holy Bombs].

Do n’t look at [Holy Light Bomb] is only first-order magic, but it is the basis of other light-based attack magic, so this magic is quite maneuverable. If a ritual above the sixth-order purple gold level is released, through control, The power of this magic can even chase the fire magic known for its attack power!

At this moment Manzhu ’s first release of the “Bound of Holy Light” has been destroyed by three mercenary warriors, who can trap three third-order black iron level warriors with a third-order magic at the same time for more than 5 instants. Manju has been very satisfied. Photo In this way, if Manju only controls one of the three mercenaries, she can even use [Bound of Holy Light] to fix that person for almost half of the leak!

Now that Man-zhu has achieved the first move, she will naturally try her best to maximize this advantage, so just when the three men just broke away from the entanglement of the "Light", one of the seven "Holy Bombs" floating outside the body of Man-zhu One by one, they rushed to the three quickly!

The mercenary headed this time was suddenly shocked! You should know that if the warrior wants to gain some advantage in the battle with the magician, he must at least reach the level 4 or higher silver, because only then. A warrior who can release a protective grudge can effectively reduce the damage caused by magic. Although this grudge defense is also determined according to the level between the two sides of the battle, at least this can already make ordinary first-order second-order magic lose half of it. It worked.

Seeing a series of fist-sized [light bombs] coming to himself with a hazy phantom, the leader of the famous mercenary suddenly thought desperately. He understood in his heart, do n’t look at the two 'brothers' next to him. I respect myself, I am willing to run around myself when I am okay, but when this life and death matter, they will not be in danger for themselves!

The thought of being blasted into a pile of coke by seven [light bombs], the mercy of this mercenary head is irresistible, and there is a kind of madness unique to the dying person! Mercenaries are a group of professionals who walk above the tip of the knife. Almost all of them have experienced one or more deaths in the face of death. Because of this, many mercenaries who are not determined enough have been in this environment for a long time. The next time, the mind and character have already become distorted and extreme!

Do you want me to die? ! Well, I can't beat you, but you can't avoid it, but I will stab you even if I die!

This is the true portrayal of many mercenaries at the bottom. While chasing the ideal wealth and strength, it slowly corrupts and slowly loses itself ...

How powerful can a warrior who reaches the third order of fighting spirit? If faced with ordinary people, this guy can kill dozens of people alone! But in the same way, in the eyes of the fifth-tier gold-level strong men, the third-tier black iron-level fighters are only a little stronger than ordinary people. This is that at least if the third-tier fighters are desperately fighting hard, how much can they give the fifth-tier manufacturing points. Trouble, and ordinary people, want to hurt a prepared fifth order, it is almost impossible!

There are many strange secrets in Orlando, only a small part of them are used by magicians, and more are secrets dedicated to warfighters. Strictly speaking, like the [Thunderbolt Enhancement] discovered by Zhang Yang himself, its nature is not like a skill, but more like a powerful secret method! Because such skills usually have strong potency and strong sequelae, plus the Er family's self-preservation of the broom, so few have been circulated.

However, there is such a very simple low-level secret method that has spread very widely on the mainland. This is the "fight" from the kings!

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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