Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 411: Mentality determines strength

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It wasn't until he heard Manzhu's question that Zhang Yang recovered from his contemplation. Who is this old man? Why did he appear? These Zhang Yang really couldn't think of it, but fortunately the old man didn't show any malice, otherwise with the strength of the three of them, I'm afraid he could not even resist.

"Manju, what level is your teacher now?"

Zhang Yang suddenly asked an irrelevant question, which made Manzhu a little stunned, but she felt that the teacher's level was not a secret, and it did not matter to tell Wright, so she replied with admiration:

"My teacher is not very powerful because she often devotes a lot of energy to treating others and helping civilians, so she is only a fourth-order silver junior until now, but in my heart, the teacher is still the greatest person!"

"Yes, Anita's sacrifice to adults is admirable. Of course, his strength is much higher than ours. Manju, do you think if you fight with your teacher, you might win?"

The questions raised by Zhang Yang are getting more and more weird, and Man Zhu simply can't guess what he wants to say. How could she fight with her teacher, not to mention that Man-zhu is only a third-level black iron intermediate strength, if according to the trend of a few years ago, Man-zhu may surpass the teacher within one or two years, but the problem is that she does not How did it happen. After advancing to the third-level black iron intermediate level, the strength has completely stalled, otherwise ...

"The teacher is a junior strongman of the fourth-order silver! It is two levels higher than me. Even if my talent magic is stronger than the sacrifice of the same level, there is no chance for the teacher. After all, it is bright. After reaching the fourth level, you will master several powerful magics! "

"Yes, the gap between ranks is difficult to make up. I think Li Ang is about the same as your madman?"

In fact, Li Ang didn't think so much. In his view, what Wright got, he handled it as he liked, and he didn't need to care at all. Just when Zhang Yang called him, Li Ang was still wondering which restaurant to eat better.

"Me, it's nothing! I'm not afraid of you jokes. I'm only good at the defense and healing magic of the light system. As for the attack power, don't mention it."

Zhang Yang and Man Zhu felt helpless when they saw Li Ang, and they immediately felt very funny. This is the third-level black iron senior priest! It was so speechless that he didn't have much attack ability. However, to make him so distracted, Manju's mood was much better. At this time, Zhang Yang's Guanzi was almost sold, only to hear him lower his voice and said:

"The old man with a white beard who smiled just now is actually a strong man above the sixth-order Zijin level!"

Although Zhang Yang's voice is low, the content is no less than a blockbuster! The sixth-order Zijin-level strongman, even in a big city like Bros, is not available in every one. Once the strength reaches the level of more than six, if there is no restriction of similar strength, his destructive power is enough to match thousands of elite soldiers!

Looking at the two who were shocked by what they said, Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. The influence of the sixth-order Zijin-level strongman was really extraordinary. Just a name, he called the two enough to be genius magic. The teacher was stupid. I don't know if I slowly cultivate, when will I have more than level 6 power again?

"... that old gentleman, he, why is he?"

Li Ang is much better than Manzhu's ability to withstand, but after a few breaths, he eased over. After exhaling deeply, Li Angcai asked Zhang Yang babblingly, but this time, he didn't dare to call it like Zhang Yang. Li Ang is from the Temple of Light in Franks, the capital of the French empire. He is also fortunate to have seen the shots of the sixth-order purple gold and above. Because of this, Li Ang knows how terrible this level of strong is!

"Actually nothing, maybe he is just bored and having fun, who knows?"

"Then, then, what does he want your magic core to do?"

"The old secrecy rules of mercenaries, when accidentally obtaining treasures or benefits, in order to keep others secret, the mercenaries will divide some of the treasures according to their strength. Perhaps it is precisely because I know this that the old man will turn around. Let us leave. "

Huh ~! Hearing this, Manzhu slowly recovered. The sixth-order strongman is too far and too powerful for both of them. But even so, Zhang Yang still found the main problem in the two of them!

"Want to know why you two" geniuses "can't continue to advance?"

Zhang Yang's sudden statement came to Man Zhu and Li Ang as much more shocking than just revealing the identity of the old man! Only this time, Manzhu and Li Ang were not stunned, but immediately opened their eyes and stared at Zhang Yang!

"Don't worry, it's not a good place to talk now. I will tell you later when I find the pub at night."

"You ~! Forget it, you are right."

Although Manju and Li Ang felt like there were countless small hands tickling in their hearts at this time, they had already entered this weapon shop, and it was really not suitable to continue the topic just now.

This is a weapon shop for quite a few years. According to the old system, the weapon shop must be a blacksmith shop. It was just that Zhang Yang felt very strange when he entered this weapon store. In this very old weapon store, which was seen from the outside, it was very new and decorated. Even those shelves with weapons were shining!

You have to know that Zhang Yang has been dealing with weapons almost since he was reborn. Even if he hasn't visited many human cities, there are more than a dozen weapon shops. Among them, except for the shop specializing in magic weapons in Beidou City, most of the other weapon shops are not trimmed. Forging masters only care about the strength of their work, and they rarely care about whether the working environment is clean or not.

Hearing someone enter the store, a young man quickly came out from behind, saying that the man might not be appropriate. At least Zhang Yang felt a bit big when he saw him! Perhaps it is more accurate to call him her?

I saw that this man was about ten years old. Although it was a little weird to describe a man with lip red teeth and white powder peach, but not only Zhang Yang at this moment, even the troublesome Manzhu and Li Ang beside him had put their hearts down for a while. Thought, can only look silly at the man in front of him speechless.

Height about 170 centimeters; a light brown half-length hair is bundled behind a head with a blue ribbon; clear and big eyes seem to gather a layer of mist; pink lips like thin petals, plus a body A clean and decent pair of blue and white, all this ... how to look awkward!

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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