Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 424: Yaoyang Beidou 4

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Although the man fell to the ground, the words he cursed in his mouth were indeed becoming more and more unpleasant, and even if he was well-cultivated, Neil Jielina was just a young girl. When the rubbish-like man was stunned, a guy with two light beards suddenly stepped forward and shouted:

"This lady, please be merciful!"

Neil Jelina was annoyed, so she apparently heard this but still pretended not to hear anything. She continued to walk towards the man who fell to the ground. Neil Jelina had already calculated her mind and raised her weapon to scare herself. He took a hit, and then simply kicked dizzy. But just as she was ready to put into action, a [rocket] that was flying around and hit the long sword raised in the hand of Neil Jelena accurately! Under the influence of this magic, Neil Jielina suddenly felt a shock in her hand, and at the same time a heat was instantly transmitted.

Under this attack, Neil Jielina's heart suddenly became more annoyed. She instantly changed her mind, and originally planned to kick the kick of the man on the ground into the handle of the long sword in her hand! It was the man's forehead in the middle when he shattered his hand. This time it was really joyful. I saw the unlucky guy stunned when he rolled his eyes.

It wasn't until then that Neil Jielina turned to look at the direction where [Rocket] came from, but at first glance Neil Jielina was startled. It turned out that it was n’t anyone else who shot [Rocket], it was the moustache that just said that he stopped himself!

(Is n’t this a swordsman? I can feel that there is sword energy in him. Is he also practicing magic?)

In fact, it's not impossible to do both magic and martial arts in the Orlando world. It's just that it takes a lot of time to practice and realize after the magic or grudge reaches the fourth level of silver level. At that time, it is impossible to want to balance both. Human life is very short. Under normal circumstances, it is only a little longer than a century. Unless you give up the opportunity to advance to a higher level, you are only satisfied with the status of the fourth and fourth levels of the fighting spirit and magic. .

"Uh ~! Miss, you can scare me, I thought you were going to kill that rubbish, it turns out that you just disgusted him and wanted to stun him!"

Seeing that Neil Jielina didn't hit the killer, the coming person seemed relieved, and couldn't help but look relaxed, even the delicate magic wand in his hand was put away. Actually speaking, this man's costume is really too weird. Not to mention a swordsman's leather armor, he also put a magic gown worn by a magician. This thing is also a kind of magic robe, just There are no sleeves and the hem is slightly shorter, except that the magic pattern is as many as the hood, and the effect is similar to the magic robe.

But Neil Jelina had never seen a magician wear a sword belt outside the magic gown, and there was a long sword obviously used by the swordsman on the side of the belt! This dress is really weird, so weird, so Neil Jelina's look in the man's eyes has changed, how to say? It's like watching a lunatic.


Seeing that Neil Jielina didn't speak but just looked at herself with strange eyes, this man could only helplessly laugh. He is also a celebrity at Beidou College, and he usually gets used to this kind of vision when he sees more. It's just that the beauty hasn't spoken in front of her, which is a bit embarrassing. It's important to know that there are more than a dozen people around to watch the excitement.

"That ... I am afraid you are not a student of Beidou University. I wonder what happened to you here, Miss?"

At this time, Niel Jielin's anger was not much worse, she felt that the person in front of him shot down the long sword in his hand just to stop herself from killing, although she didn't intend to kill the garbage, but others I do not know! Therefore, there is no need to complain about this person, not to mention the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Beidou College. Thinking of this, Neil Jielina put away her short sword, glanced at the long sword that was thrown on the ground by the rocket and was slightly deformed, and then answered:

"I just came to Beidou College to find someone. This guy didn't know that he was trying to use me. I didn't kill him and counted on Beibeidou College. I just didn't expect the famous Beidou College to have such a thing!"

"Ah ...! It turned out that it was his deserved, in fact, I am afraid you missed it. Miss, garbage like him is after all a small number, and there are all kinds of birds in the forest. Don't you just because of this stinky fish? A pot of soup! "

Niel Jielina listened to what people said was interesting, so she no longer pursued it. After all, she had already beaten the man to a halt and died off, so I asked the library where it was.

"Forget it, it's just a pity that I was in a good mood. May I ask this gentleman, do you know where the library of Beidou College is?"

"Huh ?! What are you going to the library for ?? Oh! I know, I'm afraid I'm an admirer of that person again, and Jason is really, what do you do to make yourself so famous ... well, well, I bring You go, you girls, there is really no way to say! "

The man whispered and talked to himself, and he heard Neil Jielina confused. What is this about? Who is Jason? But he came to look for Lord Wright, can't he use a pseudonym here? No matter, go to the library first, as long as you see Lord Wright, nothing else! Thinking of this, Neil Jielina didn't clarify, but just silently followed five meters behind the man and walked away. Behind her, left a spot of blood and the unlucky man who suffered from it.

The Beidou Academy is really too big. In it, Neil Jelina even feels that it is not like a mercenary college at all, but more like a huge and beautiful city! The neat and clean streets, the lush flowers and trees, and the row of fortress buildings are all so pleasing to the eye, so after just a few minutes of leaking, Neil Jielina's mood was better again.

At this time, the man leading the road seemed to feel something, and suddenly slowed down a bit to talk to Neil Jielina. Niel Jielina did not know whether this guy was born noble or absorbed the lessons of the previous car. , Between words is not objectionable. Seeing this, Neil Jielina chatted with him.

"I don't know what you call Miss?"

"Neil Jie Lina."

"... You are so pitiful, this is really similar to Jason. My name is Sean. Morges, and my friends call me Sean!"

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