Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 430: Recruit friends

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Although Niel Jielin did not see Zhang Yang on this trip to Beidou College, she also had other gains. When it was getting late when Neil Jielinna was about to leave, Sean and others were very enthusiastic about keeping her for dinner. At the beginning, she didn't want to agree, but later she couldn't stand Charlotte's soft and hard bubbles, so she had to follow everyone He got up and sat down at a tavern in Beidou College.

According to Charlotte, when Wright hadn't disappeared, they often came here for recreation. The newcomers of the Beidou exchange team have become a small and famous professional team until today.

While chatting around, eating and drinking delicious barbeque ale, Neil Jielinna thought that Wright also had a life like this? At this time, there were already a lot of people in the tavern, and even the admirers of Jason who met in the library during the day were gathered here. At the beginning, Neil Jelina was a little puzzled. She admitted that Jason was really handsome, and there was more or less a shadow of Lord Wright on him. When you think about it carefully, Niel Jielina immediately understood that I was afraid that this elf should adore Lord Wright very much?

Thinking about it, Neil Jielina suddenly realized that somehow the pub was suddenly quiet, but Jason got up and walked to a high stool in the middle of the pub, where an old bard played the piano. With a piano sound different from the one just now, Jason used his slightly ethereal voice to sing a song that Nigelina couldn't understand.

But even so, after hearing this song, Neil Jelina had to admit that even if she didn't understand the meaning of the lyrics, she would still be intoxicated by the melody! This should be the song of the elves? This sound from the distant elven continent seems to have a natural breath and the fragrance of the years ...

At this moment, the entire pub was silent. People put down their hands and knives and wine glasses, and put aside the usual hustle and irritability. Hundreds of people listened quietly together, listening to the slightly sad elf movement.

About five minutes passed and Jason's singing slowly stopped. But at this time, except for an intoxicated old bard who still played the music repeatedly, others did not find that Jason had finished the song, even Neil Jielina ’s mind was intoxicated by Jason just now. In the singing of the song, the melody unconsciously resonated in people's hearts, the joy and sorrow of the past, under the influence of the song, an uncontrolled scene emerged. If it were n’t for Neil Jelena ’s strong concentration and keen sense, I ’m afraid she wo n’t know when Jason returns to her seat!

"It's an amazing skill! I didn't expect your singing to be so magical. I now understand somewhat how the women like you so much."

Neil Jielina rarely praises others actively, but today Jason ’s singing is indeed commendable, so Niel Jielina does not hesitate to praise. Hearing Neil Jelena ’s words, Jason just smiled and shook his head. His singing was actually a coincidence. Although the elves ’singing was beautiful, they generally did not resonate with others. Jason was only recently awakened to the talent of using voice to influence the thinking of others after he advanced to the fourth level of silver.

In fact, Jason is not like having such a talent, what he wants is not art but power! If the awakening is a kind of magic and skills, he will be more happy. People around do not know the information about the elves, but Jason has doubts. Ordinary elves do not have the ability to awaken talents. Only the blood of the nobles in the elves will awaken talents at a certain stage. Do you have your own identity? Other secrets?

Although Jason is curious, there is no solution for the time being. The Elf Continent can't go back in a short time, and it is more useful to improve its strength than to think about these. At the beginning, Jason's ability was just awakened, and when it was shown to everyone, it was hard to let outsiders hear it. It was impossible for Sean to come up with such a song every day. Too.

After chatting with you this night, Neil Jelina felt a lot closer to everyone. Including Randst, the pervert, in fact, these people are still relatively simple, so getting along with them, Neil Jelina is still relatively happy. of. She could feel that these people miss Master Wright very much. In this case, Neil Jielina was fortunate to make a bold request.

"How are you going to plan in the future? Have you stayed at Beidou College to practice? But you know that although it is good, there are too few opportunities for training. If you don't have any place to go, why not join the 'Thunderbolt' maid created by adults? How about the Corps? "

"It doesn't matter to me ~ Actually staying here for so long, I am a little annoyed. It has always been my dream to go out and go out in the world!"

I did n’t expect that the first answer was Lily. She is now half a person who has stepped into the fourth level of silver. She will be welcomed wherever she goes, not to mention that she is still a hot woman, as long as she shows a little If you want to join the mercenary team, I am afraid that people around you will break your head?

"As long as you can improve your strength, it doesn't matter where you practice. Of course, wouldn't it be better if you could stay with you without being separated?"

Now that Jason has expressed his position, the rest of the people suddenly talked about it.

"Okay! Anyway, the teacher asked me to follow the guidance of the Holy Light, and I didn't specifically say anything else, so I want to be with my master! You promised to teach me magic skills, but don't let it go!"

"Uh ~! How is it possible Charlotte! I am the kind of person? But you are too good to eat! I think we still turn to the Wright boss and let him support you better!"

"Hey ?! There is money to be made if you eat, drink, and live !? I don't know how many beautiful women are in our mercenary regiment? My uncle Lanster is still an alchemist! Is it possible to get double commissions!"

"Lust! Your greedy and **** pig! Let me die!"


Seeing these people talking and suddenly making a mess again, Neil Jielina suddenly felt relieved in her heart. This feeling should be friendship? I think the reason why adults do a lot for them is also for this.

Niel Jielina was watching them fascinated, and suddenly felt that her left hand was picked up by a soft hand. She turned to look at the female magician named Anna.

"I know that what I want may not be realized, but please give me a chance so that I can stay with him, even if I can just see him ..."

Looking at Anna's tense but firm expression, Neil Jielina knew how much courage she needed to say this. However, Neil Jelina did not know what Master Wright thought, and what promises could she give to others?

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