Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 443: Shadow Dancer and Sean

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If the professional system of thieves is carefully distinguished, after the second-level bronze level, it can be divided into "organizers" who are proficient in laying traps due to their specialties; "assassins" who are good at ambushing and killing; "shadow dancers" who are proficient in latent penetration. Big class.

Among them, the "organist division" is the most difficult and also the most difficult to practice. Generally speaking, if you want to be an organ division, you must first become a junior alchemist. If not, many delicate agencies cannot do without certain mental power. Layout and control. The most powerful organ division in the legend can arrange a compound magic trap called [element collapse]. When this magic trap is triggered, the magic elements within a few hundred meters will be compressed into a little crazy and then explode instantly. Open, its power can almost instantly kill all the lives below the legend within a few miles! That power is already comparable to a small ban!

As the name suggests, the assassins are guys who specialize in killing. Unlike the other two branches of the thief class, the assassin with a slightly lower stealth ability has an instant burst ability comparable to that of the warrior! Generally speaking, if an assassin is allowed to sneak behind the target, then the assassin's target can basically pronounce his death! Poison and dagger, speed and explosive power, this is the power of the assassin!

The thieves of the No. 8 Hunter Unit who used the brave ‘Go Alone’ to be a brave veteran of the high arts is a Tier 4 silver assassin! If you are approached by him, even the fifth-level gold-level professionals are in danger of death! It's a pity that the man was too confident and too careless. Before he could show his due strength, he was taken away by Anna and others ...

The "Shadow Dancer" in the thieves system is the most mysterious existence among professionals, there is no one!

In general, they never show people their true colors. Shadow dancers who are good at disguising and deceiving are not only good at changing their appearance with drugs, but also can use some unique skills to integrate into the surrounding environment! As long as it is not a person who is particularly sensitive or has a higher level than their two large ranks, in general, the shadow dancer cannot even notice the person behind the target! Although the shadow dancers in stealth state cannot release powerful grudge attacks, this does not prevent them from becoming the most dangerous enemies in the hearts of professionals!

At the moment, close to Charlotte is a fourth-order silver junior shadow dancer. Just when everyone's eyes were attracted to Ryan just now, this guy launched his [invisible] skill for the first time! Unlike other thieves, this shadow dancer does not have the talent to cultivate the dark-style grudge, accordingly, he cannot use the skills related to the dark shadow. But God closed a door for someone but always left a window. Under the fate of fate, this local thief found his own unique way of shadow dancer!

Since it can't blend into the darkness, how about blending into the earth? !

In this way, although this shadow dancer's [Stealth] skill is also imperfect, it does not have the disadvantages of the dark [Stealth] skill that cannot be used under bright conditions! Although his ground-based [invisibility] skill cannot be completely invisible, there will be a very pale gray shadow no matter whether it is still or in action, but if it is no longer in a spacious and bright environment like the arena, his [invisibility] The effect is not easy for ordinary people to find!

Perhaps it is God's will. Destiny always likes to care for those cute girls. Just as the local shadow dancer approached Charlotte less than two meters away, Sean, who inadvertently retreated with the steel puppet of Lanster, found the shadow dance when he looked back. The trail of the person!

"Charlotte! Be careful ... !!!"

At this point, the word "Shadow Dancer" jumped out of Sean's mind! It was too late for him to turn around. He dimly saw that the thief had lifted the pair of sharp daggers behind her while Charlotte was in a daze. This moment was in Sean ’s mind. After passing through all the clips since he met Charlotte, even before it was too late to think about it, Sean suddenly fell back in the direction of Charlotte!

Instant blood shot!

When Sean hit a big shot, Charlotte drove Charlotte to the side with Lanster and became a hoist, but he himself replaced Charlotte's previous position!

At this time, Sean even knew that he had exerted his energy in a hurry just now, so that the grudge that could not progress in the body for a few days broke out frantically. As long as this time does not die, Sean is confident to advance to the second level within one month. Bronze advanced! Of course, if you are not dead ...

The shadow dancer didn't expect that his one-hit, nine-strike blow would go off course, but even if he didn't kill the hated bright priest according to plan, he would be rewarded! I saw a pair of daggers in the shadow dancer's hands penetrated Shaun's left shoulder and left abdomen! Especially the knife that stabbed into the left shoulder, at that time, it would only pierce Sean's neck just a little bit, just looking at the blood splashing, Sean should have injured the arteries and blood vessels.

Suffering from such injuries, Sean's exit was inevitable. However, when the thief withdrew his dagger in a blank expression, Sean tried to spell a spell in his last breath, and struggled to turn back to use it. Only the weak left hand suddenly began to insert his magic stick from the family into the cloak of the thief!

(Must be successful !!)

"[Burning Hand] !!!"

[Hand of Burning] The power of this magic is close enough to the third-order fire magic. Although few magicians will fight people at such a short distance, it is Sean ’s aim to develop his magic swordsman. Skills and carefully learned magic! Of course, because of the affinity of the elements, Sean's success rate in releasing this magic has been less than 40%. Now he uses it at this critical moment, and he has already paid attention!

Even if you are unsuccessful ... you have to scare you!

However, Sean's luck seemed really good this time! As he fell to the ground and was rushed out by a white light, the cloak outside the thief also burned up! It's just that since this thief has a grudge, and his attack power is slightly worse, his physical and magical defense is much stronger than other thieves!

At this time, since it has been exposed that it is impossible to [invisible] again, I saw his ingenious shrinkage and retreat, and the whole person was freed from the burning cloak! It's just that at this time he has no time to be proud of his 'undressing' skills, and Sean's injury and out of the game made Charlotte and others saddened! Only Charlotte lying on the ground screamed, and then a light strip flew out of her hand, instantly binding the shadow dancer who was only two or three meters away from her in place!

Charlotte, under the grief, instantly triggered a third-order light magic that she could not instantaneously [Bound of Holy Light]! Although this magic can only restrain the fourth-order silver level thieves for a few moments, this time is enough for Anna and others to attack!

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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