Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 455: Denseness of the lake bottom

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It is often said that the phrase "curiosity kills the cat" is generally very reasonable. However, it is because of the existence of curiosity that people will strive to pursue various answers in the world and turn the unknown and mystery into knowledge and experience. So to a certain extent, curiosity is also a big motivator for people's progress.

Before the rebirth, Zhang Yang's heart was full of hatred. At that time, he was immersed in pain and killing, not to mention curiosity. Sometimes even the survival of the ** is lacking. If it was not for that promise, Zhang Yang might have been in hatred. Self-destructive in the flames.

At this time, he was different from before rebirth. After inadvertently undergoing the test of countless years, Zhang Yang's heart will no longer be troubled by negative emotions such as love, hatred and hatred. Now he is very relaxed, in this mysterious and beautiful Orlando world, Zhang Yang can start again. Whether it's a dream to travel around the world, or to regain valuable friendship and the like, even if injured or desperately fighting, Zhang Yang can now face it calmly. This is the growth of the heart, and it can also be said that the transformation of the soul .

Maybe Zhang Yang would ask himself in the past, can this still be regarded as a real self? But now Zhang Yang has found the answer, no matter how the appearance changes, what is the shape of survival, as long as you keep your memory and persistence in your heart, then you have never changed ...

Zhang Yang likes water very much. At this time, being at the bottom of a cold and deep lake made him very active in thinking. However, while he dived slowly and thoughtfully, an invisible and qualitative wave suddenly came from the direction of the lake bottom under Zhang Yang!

(This kind of fluctuation ... a familiar feeling! But why do you feel like you have never seen it before ?! Huh? Strange, it seems that it is not a single individual, but what is coming out of it !?)

At this time, Zhang Yang estimated that he had dived for nearly 300 meters. The water temperature here has not continued to drop since it exceeded 100 meters, but kept strangely around minus 36 degrees. The wave just disappeared immediately when it touched Zhang Yang. If Zhang Yang had the power of the soul, he could not even notice the approach of the wave. But that's not important anymore. Just when Zhang Yang was on guard, a clear wave of fluctuations had come to Zhang Yang!

("Welcome to you, the lost traveler! Maybe you are the one we have waited for thousands of years? Please come down, at the bottom of Shenxing Lake, we look forward to seeing you ...")

When that wave of turbulence came to Zhang Yang's side, a force of soul that followed suddenly conveyed such a message! Zhang Yang doesn't know whether the other party is a human or any other creature, but from the other party's attitude, Zhang Yang estimates that the other party should not be malicious.

(Does the Druid named Lothar know anything before? If this is a trap, what is there for me to conspiracy? Forget it, there will be no results if you want more. Innocent! If the opponent is so strong that he ca n’t resist, then it ’s too late to leave now, otherwise, if the opponent is not as good as myself, what do I have to worry about?))

Continue to dive for about 100 meters, Zhang Yang can finally vaguely see the bottom of Shenxing Lake. In fact, the closer it is to the bottom of the lake, the brighter the surroundings are. Although the light is slightly overstated by the word 'bright', the soft purple light has indeed illuminated the bottom of the lake. through. Zhang Yangxun looked at the light source. At the center of the lake bottom, a long piece of purple crystal was quietly inserted there!

In fact, Zhang Yang has found that during the dive, after more than two hundred meters down from the location of Shen Xing Lake, it turned out to be a huge iron mine below! If you say that, according to legend, this thing that looks as crystal and beautiful as glassware, if it really fell from the sky, then it first penetrated the earth layer about 200 meters above the ground, and then was born in an iron with amazing hardness A big pit nearly 300 meters deep popped out of the mine! This power is already comparable to that of a large ban ...

At this time, Zhang Yang had taken a close look at the surrounding environment within tens of meters by the light of amethyst. Except for the amethyst, it was clearly a bare piece, let alone a creature, not even the remains of a creature! The bottom of this Shenxing Lake is really clean and a little weird.

Zhang Yang turned around cautiously, and after confirming that no other creatures existed, he slowly approached the amethyst in the center of the lake bottom. However, when Zhang Yang swam to the amethyst about ten meters away, from the amethyst A dim purple figure appeared slowly! !

It is actually inaccurate to say that it is a human figure. At least at this moment Zhang Yang can be sure that the first shadow is definitely not a creature, at least definitely not a living creature. Second, this shadow can only be regarded as somewhat similar to humans, not only taller than humans. A lot higher, about three meters up and down, even the ratio of facial features to limbs and humans is completely different! Its forehead and eyes are large, and its nose and mouth are relatively small. From the perspective of clothing and dress, it should also be a race that can use magic. Is this the "alien"?

"Are you surprised, my friend? I'm glad I didn't scare you. Looking at you, I may have seen the fact that I'm not the life of the Orlando Plane World. My name is Magcha. I'm begging you here. Please be sure Spend a little precious time and listen to our experience ... "

Zhang Yang was a little dizzy by this sudden guy, what's going on? What happened when the aliens complained when I saw them? Although this guy doesn't look malicious, the name Magcha sounds a bit like "Mom Fork" ...

Furthermore, it is said to be the bottom of the lake, that is, a place close to 500 meters underwater, not to mention the low temperature of minus thirty degrees, even the huge water pressure does not allow ordinary people to speak. What's more, Zhang Yang knows that although the transparent guy in front seems to have been talking with his mouth, it is not the sound but the fluctuation of the soul that conveys the content of his speech! Although Zhang Yang can understand, it does not mean that he can speak, but this is a problem.

Maybe the other party didn't notice this, or deliberately pretended not to know. At this time, Zhang Yang didn't object, so he slowly said it himself.

"The race we belong to is called" Terna ". If translated in the language of the Orlando world, which means" smart life ", we have been seeking since Orland fell here 3,572 years ago. Looking at our future ... and you, if it is the one in the prophecy, the hope of our entire race is probably in you! "

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