Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 468: Fighting with the Iron Bear

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With the subtle power to control the weight of ten thousand pounds, the mastery of the whole body will be integrated, and it is for the sake of the micro!

If Zhang Yangneng survives today, if he throws away his luck and other elements, the rest depends on two forces. Among them, the power of thunder and lightning contained in the mysterious thunder and lightning nebula in the soul is naturally indispensable, but compared with it, the combat skills that Zhang Yang had practiced since his childhood before he was born are his real reliance!

The young military officer in the famous military world was able to gain a foothold in Zhenhua by virtue of his unmatched fighting ability. Now, although Zhang Yang ca n’t use the magical skills of fighting spirit, he believes that as long as he continues to practice bitterness to improve his body Quality and his own strength, even if he can't release his grudge, Zhang Yang is not afraid of any challenge!

Information about the iron brown bear Zhang Yang remembers clearly that if he wants to deal with this kind of Warcraft, he must use powerful magic to break through the defense of his outer fur, otherwise he must arrange traps and use toxins to slowly grind him to death. Of course, the reason for this is just because of lack of strength. If you let a fifth-tier gold-level warrior release his grudge to attack this front-end third-level senior iron brown bear, it will certainly be effortless!

Zhang Yang is not a fifth-level gold-level warrior, and he can't even use the grudges that meet the third-level black iron level. But even so, Zhang Yang still confidently crashed into the arms behind him that was twice as tall as his brown iron bear!

(The effect of [Thunderbolt Enhancement] now can last for about fifteen instants. This iron brown bear ’s fur defense is too strong, and the existing weapons are useless to it, but I do n’t believe that its viscera can also be like fur. It's hard! I haven't fought with my fists and feet for a long time, and I don't know if my previous skills are rusty? Come on! I'm welcome to send the sandbags to my door!)

As the saying goes, ten punches are not as good as one elbow, and it is about how to use human body fighting skills. Zhang Yang's leaning back is very particular, and this trick before rebirth has a resounding name [Tieshan leaning]! In Zhang Yang's airy backrest, he has already used the subtle skills to fuse the strength of the whole body, and then introduced the strong force into it at the moment of hitting the belly of the iron brown bear centering on the elbow of his right arm. Belly!

The iron brown bear occupied by the soul of the Terna was originally full of ambition and wanted to kill the human in front of him at once. Although it was impossible to use magic attacks because the soul was not integrated, it still remained in the body of the iron brown bear. With a hint of Terna's conscious thinking, it is enough to use the minions only to deal with this human being who does not have the slightest grudge response. However, after Zhang Yang leaned up to attack, the iron brown bear suddenly felt a strong and subtle force instantly penetrated the tough fur outside, and then directly acted on its stomach!

"Oh ~ !!"

Is Zhang Yang [Thunderbolt Strengthening] a full blow under the state? ! The force of the blow directly shook the internal organs of the iron brown bear alone and was about to burst! Under such severe pain, the iron brown bear suddenly roared in the sky, because Zhang Yang just rushed into the arms of the iron brown bear, because of the length of his arm, he not only avoided the attack of the forelimb and claw of the iron brown bear, but also for him The next blow provides good orientation!

Taking advantage of the iron brown bear eating a painful howl behind him, Zhang Yang jumped up from the iron brown bear's arms and kicked **** his throat! At this moment, Zhang Yang's outbreak of power has completely exceeded the beaten Warcraft. I saw that he adjusted his figure in mid-air, continuously spinning his three feet and kicking off the iron brown bear's jaw!

The series of severe pains have caused this iron brown bear, which is occupied by the Terna's soul, to arouse fierceness! At this time, his crooked mouth was already full of blood, but it still struggled with red eyes and rushed to Zhang Yang again. At this time, the duration of [Thunderbolt Enhancement] on Zhang Yang's body was still five or six moments away. He no longer dodged the rush of the iron brown bear, but he stretched his hand to resist the crazy palm of the iron brown bear!

This is purely a confrontation between force and force! Where Zhang Yang stood, he instantly stepped out of two deep pits that didn't reach his knees! At this time, Zhang Yang twitched his legs and jumped backwards. With this force, he actually grabbed the forearm of the iron brown bear and brought down the more than two thousand Pakri heavy Warcraft to the ground!

Feeling the power of "Thunderbolt Strengthening" that is about to disappear in the body, Zhang Yang rushed forward again at the moment of landing. This time he used the same flexibility, as Zhang Yang's right fist hit the iron brown bear's eyes with a loud blow. , A force of destructive and destructive suddenly shocked the brain of this Warcraft!

Up to this time, only 16 moments have elapsed since Zhang Yang loosened the heavy metal bow and killed a third-order high-level iron brown bear with his bare hands! Not to mention that Li Ang looked dumbfounded in this scene, even Manzhu, who had been holding the "Bound of Holy Light" and locked another iron brown bear, could see that his mouth was stunned!

(Mammy ~! Is this guy a human or a World of Warcraft ?! Even a Tier 5 gold level, no! Even a Tier 6 purple gold level might not be able to do it empty-handed without the use of grudge. World of Warcraft ?! Is this guy really human?)

At this time, Zhang Yang felt a trace of weakness due to the fading of the "Lightning Strengthening" force, and his reaction to Manzhu at the moment was extremely satisfying. Just when he was fighting with the iron brown bear behind him, Manju decisively used third-order light magic [Bound of Light] to control the other iron brown bear rushing towards them in place!

It is also considered that Manzhu has good luck, and the strength of the iron brown bear that rushed towards her is not as good as that dealt with by Zhang Yang. If not, the [Bound of Holy Light] released with her third-level black iron intermediate strength may not be able to control this Warcraft. It!

The reason why I just hurriedly covered up because of the raid, and now there is only one iron brown bear that is tied up, Zhang Yang and three people are really easy to deal with. [Bound of Holy Light] In addition to the damage to the magic when dealing with the undead, the rest of the chain is still struggling with the chain formed by the magic of the light system, whether it is human or Warcraft.

In fact, this is enough for Zhang Yang, and he really has too many ways to deal with such an unmovable Warcraft. Picking up the heavy metal bow again, Zhang Yang doesn't even need to use [Lightning Enhancement] to aim at the unlucky iron brown bear's eyes with the original power and shoot two arrows in a row. It suddenly becomes out of breath and out of breath. Seeing that this iron-maned bear still couldn't move under the magic of the "Bound of Light" released by Manzhu, Zhang Yang was too lazy to waste his arrows, so he walked quietly and walked over and kicked the shot. The end of the feather arrow in the iron brown bear's eye socket suddenly ended its life!

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