Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 475: Soul guard

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Maybe Kobe's fate should have been like this. Zhang Yang and other talents found an excellent place to stay within 500 meters! It was a lair that was abandoned by some unknown Warcraft. After a careful search by Zhang Yang, the original owner had not returned for more than two months. Naturally, the World of Warcraft seldom stays away from their nest, even if they go out for food for a few days or so, to infer that the owner of this nest is afraid that it is dead.

The entrance of this cave is not obvious from the outside. Its entrance can only accommodate an adult with a head down. However, it was not until Zhang Yang and others got in that everyone discovered that the cave is quite spacious! After the broken bones and weeds were removed one by one, Zhang Yang visually observed that the area inside the cave was nearly eight square meters in size! Not to mention four people in such a space, even if there are four more, it will be rich.

After everything was rectified, Zhang Yang arranged for Li Ang to guard the hole. He quickly recovered a large handful of branches serving as dry wood. When Manzhu finally lit the campfire in the cave, Zhang Yang not only got back two strange birds half a meter long , I don't know where to bring back a bucket of water.

Li Ang was really tired this night. Why did he go through such a tense and terrible battle on weekdays? Zhang Yang looked helplessly at Li Ang, who was able to sleep directly in front of him at the entrance of the cave. He was relieved after a little hesitation. Zhang Yang has been carefully inspected within 200 meters around the cave. Except for a few nests of poisonous insects that do not like to move, there is no danger for the time being. In addition, Zhang Yang set up some small traps just now, even if there is any danger, he can find out in advance.

Li Ang, who didn't even respond when Zhang Yang entered the hole from himself, woke up himself! This has to say that the temptation of food has completely overcome the danger for Li Ang. At this time, the two processed fat birds had been placed on the campfire and roasted to a golden yellow color. With the large drops of amber grease falling into the fire, a burst of strange fragrance filled it unconsciously. In a cave.

What surprised Man Zhu the most was that Li Ang was the first to wake up all over his body! I saw the flickering nose on Li Ang's face suddenly fluttered, and then when his whole head was looking for with his nose for a while, he finally targeted the barbecue on the campfire!

With a series of gurgling sounds like thunder and thunder continuously coming out of Li Ang's stomach, this authentic foodie woke up with his eyes drooling.

"Hey ~! I said why did you dream of a roast chicken dinner! It turns out that it's really delicious!"

"I remember that when I went out, I kept you at the door?"

Zhang Yang glanced lightly at Li Ang, and the words remained calm as before. Guarding the gate or vigil when going out for exploration is a very important task. It is not only related to your own safety, but also the lives of many of your companions! Zhang Yang may be able to forgive Li Ang's negligence this time, but it does not mean that he will tolerate such slackness in the future! No matter who you are or what kind of professional you are, as long as you participate in the tasks of the team, you have to shoulder your responsibility!

Zhang Yang's sentence asked Li Ang to froze in place for a moment. He knew that he had indeed neglected his duties just now. Nothing happened now. Fortunately, he would encounter an enemy or Warcraft. He would die and have no face to see Manju and Millais?

"In view of your performance just now ... I decided to punish you for waiting for me and Meen Zhu to have dinner, are you okay?"

"Ah ~? No ~! Of course no opinion !!! I'm very, very good at dividing roast chicken !!!"


After the end of a sumptuous "Strange Bird" dinner, the crowd was really full and tired this time. After Zhang Yang signaled that he would stay vigil, the rest of the crowd would fall asleep. However, it didn't take long for Zhang Yang to confirm that everyone had fallen asleep, but he got up and drilled out of the cave and disappeared into the jungle ...

After a few omissions, when Zhang Yang appeared again, he actually returned to the place where Bryant died! I saw that he first closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then opened his eyes again, while wearing the space ring on his left hand slightly moved, with the opening of the space, the seed of the world of Tandani was released by him. !

At the moment when the seed of the world of Tandani landed, the three priests of Terna: Ogila, Andurei, and Magcha, which Zhang Yang was most familiar with, appeared at his eyes almost simultaneously.

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

Looking at the three Terna leaders who gave themselves a big gift, Zhang Yang could actually understand what they were thinking about at the moment. In Zhang Yang's view, these three "My Lord" are more respectful than before, and the ring of space is also a rare treasure among the Titans. Zhang Yang has reason to believe that those who can already freely shuttle the plane are better than Taier. Regardless of the skill, the Na people have to be too strong.

This makes the seeds of the Tandani world after Zhang Yang fit into the ring of space, and the souls of the people of the Terna people instantly lost all contact with the outside world! Not only that, the sword of forbidden magic in the ring of space can be said to be the nemesis of the Terna soul at this time! Taken together, they are not afraid of being strange.

"I want to tell you something this time when I release the seeds of the world. If this thing is successful, it will benefit you and us a lot. The only problem is that I need some" volunteers "to make sacrifices in advance."

"Your will is our wish, I don't know what you need us to do?"

"[Occupy]! I need some of you to use [Occupy] 's ability to build an absolute loyal power in a short time! If you only rely on one person, you want to win on such a big stage in Orlando. What, unless you have a seventh-order legend, no, eighth-order epic power is possible! I need time, and you also lack time, that's it. "

"Understood, my lord and three of us will lead elite warriors for you to send. It's just that the space treasures you hold are too powerful to contact you freely. There is a piece left when it was built with the seeds of the world. We can temporarily put in the ring made by the fragments below for you to send, do you think it is good? "

"It's exactly what I want."

This matter is basically the same as what Zhang Yang had expected. The only surprise is that the three priests headed by Ojira will take the lead to leave the world of Tandani. But there is nothing wrong with this. Want to come to the seed of the world of Tandani, still hiding the stronger Terna?

Having endured the headaches caused by the exhaustion of the soul's power after the show, Zhang Yang glanced at a purple crystal ring on his left **** and said: (This group of Terna people cannot make equipment, can't they Do you make a low profile? The color of this purple crystal ring is so magnificent, you will know that it is very valuable at a glance, right ?! No way, I will wrap it with silk thread first.)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang found that Oujira and others were still standing there waiting for instructions, and Zhang Yang thought for a while before saying:

"There is a body of a human warrior who has just died. I will take away the power of death from this body and arrange for a warrior to [occupy] him. If successful, the" rebirth "who are loyal to me from now on will be My immediate guard is called 'Soul Guardian'! "

This book is from the first time, read the original content immediately!

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