Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 484: Angela Stephen

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Zhang Yang just smiled lightly about the Luosa couple's random guesses. He was not familiar with the other party. Although he didn't talk about bad feelings at this time, he didn't have much affection. Through this series of events, Zhang Yang can already guess that the couple It is very possible to foresee some kind of danger or opportunity from the mysterious and unpredictable [Heart of Nature], so it is only in a hurry to entrust the only daughter to this "stranger" like a doctor!

It is precisely because there is so much retention of mystery that there is no harm to Zhang Yang, but the interpersonal encounter is really wonderful. Although Zhang Yang looks a bit cold and indifferent on the surface, he is essentially a good person. If not, he would not save Neil Jielina and create a "Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps" to take in orphans, plus Later, when I heard that the zombies were besieging the city, I went to the city of Duronis, and now I am soft-hearted and have accepted the important task of the revival of the Terna people!

Although not very willing, but in the face of the sudden trust of the Losa couple, Zhang Yang's words that he wanted to quit had come to his mouth but he couldn't say anything!

If the Lhasa couple really entrusted Zhang Yang with the only daughter and the only hope because of the irresistible crisis, then if Zhang Yang refuses, the whole family of Lhasa will be unpredictable ... Is it possible that Zhang Yang will regret it? !

(Think empathically. If my parents entrusted me to someone who is not familiar with them, then they might face a crisis that is undoubtedly mortal! Hey ... this entrustment is no better than Terna. People's burden is light ...) "... Well, if you really trust me."

Hearing Zhang Yang agreed to the Luosa and his wife's breath. If the crisis in the hunch is too strong, how can they both trust their daughter to others? Speaking of which, this is a farewell. The Losa couple also worried that their daughter was in danger, so after Zhang Yang agreed, they decided to give Zhang Yang some gifts ...

The Rosas deliberately concealed the truth from Angela at the time of separation. According to the two of them, the reason for Angela to disguise as Warcraft partner and leave with Zhang Yang was only a slightly longer trial task. It is to let her go to the mainland to see this magical world.

Although Angela is clever, she has no doubts about what her parents who have always loved her have said. In fact, she has also received the trial task assigned by her father and completed it successfully. Angela clearly remembers the content of the trial task is Cultivation [Heart of Nature] Here ...

As the only insider other than the person concerned, Man Zhu was really happy and confused at this time! It would have been great to be with her best friend for a while and take her to where she normally lives. However, since Zhang Yang told her about the "Temple of Light", Manju suddenly felt bad for the whole person!

As a member of the Light Temple, Manju knew from his childhood that there were no other gods in the Orlando world except the legendary creation god! Although there is such a word as "God" in the title of the ancient god, she knows from the classics that the ancient **** is just a group of powerful lives beyond ordinary sages and nothing more!

Reminiscent of the group of people mentioned in the tavern with Wright when he heard Li Ang say he met Angela in the tavern, what do they call themselves ‘people of the Temple of Light’? ! In this way, has a group of 'worms' appeared in the temple of light that has always been adhering to the elegance, purity and justice of light? !

Thinking of these, Manzhu's heart could no longer be calm. She grew up in the Temple of Light since she was a child. Apart from the name of the flower 'Manju', she knew nothing about her life experience. But because of this, Manju's affection for the Temple of Light is like a child to home! Now that her family has a big problem, how could she not be in a hurry ...

"Uncle Wright ~! Do I have to turn into a leopard to get in when I get to Bross City soon! You have to tell me when I'm almost there! By the way, this is my first time to go to the city Among them! "

In fact, Angela is somewhat introverted and a little afraid of birth because she rarely contacts outsiders. However, since Alizee told her that Zhang Yang is a good person to trust, Angela's character suddenly turned a 180 degree turn! Since then she has suddenly changed from a timid and obedient little girl to a cute and curious baby!

This time Zhang Yang was completely gone. If fighting against the enemy, even the sixth-order Zijin and the legendary strong Zhang Yang are not afraid. However, in the face of a little girl like Angela, Zhang Yang is probably adding the two lives together. This is also the first time the big girl is on the sedan chair!

"Well ... rest assured, Angela, as long as you pick up the city of Bros or find someone else's trail, I will tell you."

"But Uncle Wright, you are not a druid !? In the forest, how can your perception exceed me?"

"Hey? Never asked, how far can you find someone else's trace, Angela?"

"Well, if it is a person like Sister Manju, it can be found within 200 meters. If you change to Uncle Wright, I think it should be noticeable within 20 meters? Oops! I want to do so much What, just try it! "

Speaking of which, before waiting for Zhang Yang to stop, Angela turned over and jumped into the woods beside him. This sudden move surprised Man Zhu on the side, but when she looked over to find Angela's trail, she found nothing!

"How could this be ?! I just saw that she jumped into the woods here! Why didn't she disappear all of a sudden! Wright, she ..."

"... rest assured, she will be found by you. It doesn't matter that you are a third-order black iron priest, but the concealment and stealth skills in the forest are not ordinary for Angela. It ’s just a person. Anyway, Angela is also a genius Druid, and you should n’t compare with her in this respect. "

"But she ..."

"In this respect, wait for her to come back and emphasize it with her. Although she is used to freedom, but the outside world is unpredictable. If you still do it like in the deep forest, you will be dangerous."

When she heard Zhang Yang say this, Manzhu stopped speaking. She was now full of the Temple of Light and the guy who claimed to be the "God of Light". According to Zhang Yang, she couldn't help her in a short time. After about ten minutes of leaking, a tree branch with watery leaves suddenly stabbed from the woods next to Zhang Yang! Seeing that direction, he went straight to Zhang Yang's back and stabbed!

However, in Zhang Yang's opinion, this attack really requires strength, power, speed, and speed. The only thing that can be praised is that this attack is relatively sudden. Of course, this attacker is not someone else, it is Angela who just jumped into the forest and disappeared. Although she knew from her parents that Wright was a very powerful person, but under the circumstances that she had never seen his shot, the wild little girl would inevitably evaluate it secretly.

In fact, she has been patiently observing Zhang Yang for a long time, but Zhang Yang's situation is too special, not to mention Angela, a beginner in the Druid, even her father Lothar cannot see Zhang Yang's depth. Because Angela knew that Zhang Yang would not hurt her, after thinking for a long time, she came up with such an opportunity to examine Zhang Yang's skills!

In fact, Angela is right about one thing. The druid in the natural forest will be greatly enhanced invisibly. Taking the perception range just mentioned as an example, it is good for ordinary second-level bronze intermediate professionals to take care of themselves around ten meters in the forest. Professionals like Manzhu who are not stunned to fight can only come through her eyes. Judging the situation. And the Druids, who are also in the forest, usually have more than ten times the perception of ordinary people! Not only that, the Druids in the forest, both physical and magical recovery is also several times the ordinary people! Therefore, it can be said that the druid is naturally a darling of nature, which other professionals simply cannot compare.

In the face of the branch stabbed by Angela, Zhang Yang seemed to know in advance that he usually just sideways and hid. This was not over yet. When Angela was about to pull back and attack again, Zhang Yang stretched out his right hand with lightning speed. Grabbing the branch with cleverness and pulling it around, Angela didn't say she wanted to run, her whole person and the branch in her hand were actually pulled into the arms by Zhang Yang!

"Oh! Why are you so powerful !? It feels like you can fight with your mother when she turns into a giant bear!"

Looking at Angela, who was carrying her cloak outside and carrying her eyes in the air, her eyes were instantly sprouting into Manzhu. Zhang Yang just wanted to be angry with her and couldn't get up.

"Your move is useless to me. Since your parents have entrusted you to me temporarily, then I have to do my best to ensure your safety. It's just that the outside world is not as beautiful as you think, although it looks colorful. , But the corresponding dangers are too much. "

Angela, who was in a cute mood, heard Zhang Yang say this, and she nodded as soon as she realized:

"Well! Uncle said it really makes sense! The really deadly poisonous insects in the deep forest are all colorful, and although they look good, they are untouchable! Uncle, am I right ?! "


Although Zhang Yang was carrying Angela, he was already helpless in his heart. The little girl screamed unclely at a bite. Although Zhang Yang's actual age is no problem, why does he always feel so awkward? ! Even so, Zhang Yang still has to admit that Angela is really smart, although she has not received the kind of education on the mainland, but the metaphor she just made is really right ...

[This book comes from, read the original content for the first time! ]


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