Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 488: European Product Weapon Shop 2

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"+ Chess + Son + Small + Talk + Net Dedication" seemed to be taken aback by Zhang Yang's problem. This middle-aged male waiter actually looked at Zhang Yang again. Then he seemed to be awed and said in full awe:

"The villain has a clumsy eye. I didn't see that you turned out to be a sniper. Because the sniper is too scarce and officially banned the sale of sniper bows. So except for the black market. Weapons stores in the city generally do not sell snipers. The corresponding equipment. "

Speaking of this, the waiter glanced left and right. After discovering that no one paid attention to it, he reached out to Zhang Yang and pointed upstairs. See what he meant. On the third floor of this weapon shop. This type of contraband is for sale ..

"In this case ... two bags of dovetail arrows, one hundred bags of three-sided broken armor arrows, and then six gold coins of iron-headed feather arrows. This should be enough to go to the third floor."

As a waiter of a European weapon shop. The middle-aged man is not a big customer who has never seen a shot, and hundreds of thousands of gold coins. However, most of these people are people from nearby mercenary groups. The goods are also There are all kinds of things. A guy like Zhang Yang who spends only 100 gold coins for just buying various arrows. The middle-aged waiter saw it for the first time.

"This, this, of course. As long as you have paid the money, you will get a badge representing the VIP status of our store. Just ask the next question. How do you take the nearly two hundred bundles of arrows. Or you can take The location of your mercenary regiment will be explained below. As long as such bulk goods are within the scope of Bross City, we can deliver them to your door. "

“It ’s convenient. It ’s good. Just give me the two bags of dovetail arrows. The other ones are just sent to the cross street tavern.”

"Good sir."


When Zhang Yang finalized the arrows and took the VIP badge of the European weapon shop and walked to the third floor, a heavy armor soldier sitting at the door suddenly reached out and stopped Zhang Yang's way. At this time, Zhang Yang turned to look at himself. The big-faced big man laughed. He pointed to an upright gray square stone opening next to the staircase next to his finger and said:

"This friend is slow. In accordance with the rules of our European weapons store. If a friend wants to go to the third floor to see. It can be achieved by first meeting the prerequisites. Whether it is the gold stock tickets or cash of the four empires. Only if you meet at least one. The requirement of ten thousand gold coins can go up. The contemptuous person is entrusted by the shop owner and hopes his friends to understand. "

Although this heavy armor warrior said it politely, but looking at his posture holding a heavy sword beside him, Zhang Yang knew that if he did n’t follow, this guy would definitely do it directly. In fact, Zhang Yang can already feel that this heavy armor warrior is absolutely It is a strong character of the fourth-order silver senior and is about to enter the fifth-level gold level. Although it is really hands-on, Zhang Yang is confident that he can easily kill each other in the state of [Thunderbolt Enhancement]. However, this time Zhang Yang just wants to stroll around and shop Only. He didn't come to find fault.

"What you said is different from what the waiter said just now."

"Oh ... how is it possible. Friends, what are you saying is different ..."

"It is said that if there is no 10,000 gold coins. But as long as you have a level 4 or higher silver level, you can go up."

"Yeah. This is true. It's just that I can't feel the presence of grudge or magic from both of you. I'm afraid this condition ..."

Do n’t look at this heavy armored man who looks rude. He speaks very well. It is quite rare that he can be as ordinary as the quasi-fifth strong man. It ’s just that people always look away. Even this big man His eyesight is good. But he can't think of Zhang Yang, who can't feel the grudge or magic in his body will be a strong man.

"I don't know how you identify the strength of the comer. Do you need to fight you?"

"Ha ha ha ha. Friends, you really can laugh. Even if I want to fight. It is estimated that the owner will not agree with it. Since friends, you want to try it. It ’s nothing. See this gray stone. Whether you use grudge or magic. You can leave marks on it without using skills. "

"Oh. Just leave marks without using skills."

"Exactly. This gray stone itself is a rare thing. Don't look at it but it is a" trial stone "made of alchemy. This thing itself is extremely strong and heavy. Not to mention the resistance to grudge or magic is surprisingly high. . If you have a small eye for your friends, I am afraid ... "

He hadn't waited for this heavy armored soldier to finish his speech. His last half sentence was stuck in his throat and he couldn't spit it out anymore. It turned out that when he was self-explanatory, Zhang Yang stepped forward to reach out The right hand touched the gray stone. At the beginning, Zhang Yang found that this thing was really heavy and hard as this person said. Because there was no grudge, it was really difficult for Zhang Yang to leave marks on it with empty hands. Nothing else. Just look at this All kinds of shallow traces on the gray stone can be judged. Even if it has a fourth-order silver level of grudge or magic. It is extremely difficult to leave a trace on this.

However, when Zhang Yang touched the corner on the right side of the gray stone, Zhang Yang felt a sudden movement. He thought of its incomparable hardness. Zhang Yang made a bold attempt.

With the unique breathing rhythm, Zhang Yang began to condense his body strength with the method of subtlety. When the movement of each muscle and the strength of each bone are controlled by him. Zhang Yang feels that his body strength has been controlled by this moment Excited to the peak of the current state. Then I saw his right palm violently. The corner of the extremely hard gray stone was broken by him ..

"This, this ... how is it possible ..."

The heavy armor soldiers can hardly believe their eyes at this time. How can one break the gray stone with one's ** strength. Is this guy a barbarian on the extreme northern snowfield? I am afraid even those who are crazy on the snowfield The soldiers ca n’t do this ..

Gently put the corner of the gray stone that he broke off to the top of the gray stone. Zhang Yang ’s right hand shuddered slightly undetectable. If the heavy armor warrior is not in a state of shock, I am afraid he has already Found that Zhang Yang's right hand is abnormal.

"Can I go up."

"Dang, of course. I didn't expect you to be such a deep and powerful man. If you have the chance, Mukcha really wants to ask you for advice."

"There is an opportunity to naturally accompany."

After taking the scene, Zhang Yang took Milley, who was hidden behind her cloak, and went up to the third floor. In fact, Zhang Yang's breakout just made him break the limit of the force he had always applied. Since then, Zhang Yang will not only increase his overall strength by at least 10%, but even the effect caused by the use of one component in the battle will also increase by 10% again.

However, Zhang Yang also paid a great price. In terms of Zhang Yang ’s powerful **. At this time, the muscles of the entire right arm have been strained. If not, the bones in Zhang Yang ’s body are abnormal due to the body of Ere. Hard. I am afraid that his entire arm will have to be discarded just this time.

(Although this time I got a lot of benefits. But this kind of brutality is a bit arrogant. Fortunately, with this small injury, you can slowly recover with [Lightning Resuscitation]. But you do n’t want to use the right arm in a short time Fighted ...)

The stairs on the second floor of the Ou Pin Weapon Store entering the third floor were twice as long as those on the second floor. When Zhang Yang took Millai to the third floor, everything in front of him suddenly gave him a sense of brightening.

Compared with the first two floors, the space on the third floor is obviously too much. Although it is less than half of the first floor in terms of area, it is relative. Whether on the third floor is the booth for weapons and equipment or here Guests need to go too much. If you count it as a high-end and noble decoration in the house, these three floors are completely two worlds below.

At this time, there are only three guests of some ages and two beautiful women standing behind the booth. Perhaps it is because of some emptyness here. Zhang Yanggang caught the attention of these five people as soon as he came up.

"Miss Lerella. Thank you very much this time. We will provide the full payment later. Please also prepare the goods for your contact."

"Naturally, you can be assured of goods. We are also acquaintances. If you are so polite, you will be out of sight ~"

"Hehe ~ Then I won't delay you to greet the guests. See you when we deliver."


Watching the three old men dressed as businessmen smile and greet them from the side and leave behind. Zhang Yang turned around and steadily walked to a weapon rack next to him. To tell the truth, Zhang Yang's move surprised the two beautiful women behind the opposite showcase. The two of them asked themselves whether they were the best choice in terms of appearance or temperament. Generally speaking, as long as male customers almost greeted themselves and asked about the demand and price, but the man in front of him seemed to turn a blind eye to themselves. . This move suddenly caused the two beauties to be curious.

The things displayed on the third floor of this European weapons store did not disappoint Zhang Yang. At this time, the weapons placed on the exquisite shelves in front of him were all fine. Look at them. The weapons that can appear here. The worst are also All are third-order weaponry with low-level amplification effects.

Two-handed epee, two-handed axe, wide-edged sword, various lengths of warhammers, and either a single piece or a set of various armor ...

With Zhang Yang's eyes unable to patrol. He secretly estimated. The price of each weapon or equipment here may not be lower than 1,000 gold coins. But this weapon is good although it is not the type that Zhang Yang needs. Judging from his current strength characteristics. In addition to those fourth-order magic weapons that can be embedded with magic cores, these other high-quality third-order weapons are probably not as good as a weapon with a lower grade but a strong enough material.

When he continued to walk to the left along the booth, Zhang Yang discovered that the closer he seemed to the two beauties, the higher the level and material of the weaponry. When he took Millai to go When the two beauties were nearby, the items displayed on these weapon racks were already magic weapons and equipment of order five or so.

"Sir, you're very face-to-face ~ Is this your first time to visit our European weapon shop?"

Just as Zhang Yang looked and walked to the showcase where the two beauties were located, the temperamental beauty on the left wearing a blue high-end dress smiled and asked Zhang Yang first.

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