Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 504: Mile's choice

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As for Millais suddenly came running to talk to himself in the middle of the night, Zhang Yang was a little strange in his heart but he was not too surprised. After he wanted to come, maybe Millais would feel that following him after seeing today ’s battle The life he wants? If Millai is going to leave, Zhang Yang will not stop him at all. He never thought of getting any reward from Millai. The reason why he is to save him is only because he feels that they have some similar situations of loneliness.

It's just that Miley's next move was completely beyond Zhang Yang's expectations! Just after Zhang Yang entered the house and walked to the table to sit down quietly, Millai, standing in the moonlight of the window, kneeled to Zhang Yang on one knee!

"The first few Miley received your life-saving grace but indulged in her cowardice. I haven't had time to thank you. Although I might not care about it, I really wanted to express it. Thank you for your life-saving grace. ! "

At this time, she noticed a change in Millais' eyes, but Zhang Yang swallowed back what she originally wanted to say. He could see that Millais hadn't finished speaking. In fact, Zhang Yang was very curious. If Millai really walked out of the pain and betrayal, what is he trying to say to himself now?

Although Miller in the moonlight couldn't see the expression of Mr. Wright's face in the dark at this time, he seemed to feel a hint of encouragement conveyed in Mr. Wright's calm eyes! Millai believes in her feelings, and does not know whether it is because of the injured relationship. Millai is now particularly sensitive to maliciousness and goodwill on others! Because of this, he could feel the kindness on Wright's deep beneath the calm and indifferent appearance.

"I was originally an ordinary person with little power. Maybe you don't mind bringing me such a useless person, but I don't want to be a burden that you can only eat dry food! I know I can't fight for you in combat. Bring help, but through these two observations, Millais feels that you are really not a person who is good at managing money! Millais is not talented, but has some confidence in this regard! If ... if you do not dislike, Millais really wants to be loyal and you!"

After speaking these words in one breath, Millai felt that he was a lot happier, but after a while, he began to suffer a bit.

(What if Mr. Wright ca n’t look down on his ability? A person as strong as him should n’t be short of gold coins. In addition to this ability of financial management and trading, what qualifications do he have to loyal to him? In fact, Zhang Yangzhen did n’t expect Millai to choose to be loyal to himself. Know that in the human kingdom on the Orlando continent, people are very important to loyalty. Generally speaking, only the upper and lower levels need to be effective, even if there are many. This is true of both the king and his subjects.

Loyalty is completely different. Once this person truly speaks of loyalty, it often means that this person is willing to spend his life serving his goal of loyalty! This is the promise that all kings want most. Of course, this kind of verbal promise can also be abandoned, but if someone is known that someone has betrayed his loyalty, then this person is afraid that he will never get it again. The trust of others.

At this time, Millai only felt that the short waits seemed to have passed for a long time. He finally found the courage this time and made up his mind to say this. If he was rejected, he would n’t be afraid in his life. Maybe regain confidence! And when Millai's heart rate began to get faster and faster, Zhang Yang in the dark finally spoke.

"Do you know what the word" loyalty "means?"

At the moment when Zhang Yang finally spoke back, Miller suddenly felt shaken, only to see him slowly and firmly raise his head, watching the man sitting in the dark in front of him, who suddenly exuded a powerful power from above and below. The characters said one by one:

"Since then, your will is my wish, and your shadow is my direction! I am willing to follow your left and right, and loyal to you all the meager strength of the rest of my life!"

"... You know, once loyal to me, you will lose your precious freedom. Not only that, but the rest of your life may be very long and long."

Hearing Zhang Yang's solemn and solemn voice suddenly revealed in his solemnity, Millai spoke his own truth without thinking.

"Compared to freedom, if there is no place in the world that can really be tolerated ... what is the use of freedom that I want?"


(Where is it? Looking for a home where you can feel at ease?) "Well, I accept your allegiance! From tonight, I will give you the name" Moon "!"

"Thank you Master for your success! Thank you Master for your name !!!"

At the moment when Millai bowed his head happily, Zhang Yang felt that this person suddenly became a little different in the moonlight in front of him. It was a kind of fulfillment and tranquility after finding the goal and destination! Zhang Yang knows that as long as he is alive, Millais will remain in this state. Since then, everything he has served is for himself, and what he can now give is only the sense of belonging and the identity needed. Right?

After becoming Zhang Yang's servant, Millai suddenly became a lot of anger and vitality. It's just that he has always been a very ordinary weapon shop salesman. In addition to being good at bargaining, he also has a face that is enough to make most women jealous ... As for his strength? If it really kills, I am afraid that they may not be the opponents of the sturdy and bold waitresses in the pub downstairs?

In order to test Millai's strength mentality, Zhang Yang immediately took out 100 gold coins and gave him care. In fact, although there is not much money, it is enough to test a person's many abilities. Of course, in such a world where thieves and thieves frequently infest, how to conceal and save money is also a knowledge.

In addition, when Millai obeyed Zhang Yang's instructions and was ready to go back to his room to rest, Zhang Yang suddenly called him. After thinking for a while, he took out a slender and sharp dagger and gave it to his hand.

"... On my side, you will always encounter a variety of accidents. Although you are just an ordinary person, you have to learn how to fight and how to protect yourself. Of course, I will not ask you now To what extent, when I find the direction that really suits you, make a decision. Go. "

"Yes, master."

After Millais left, Zhang Yang still sat in the same position as before and did not light up. As more and more people put their destiny into his hands and are closely connected with him, Zhang Yang feels that his dream of traveling around the world at the beginning of his life is unlikely to be realized.

Regardless of whether Zhang Yang is willing or unwilling, he has been involved in too many ties at this time. But at the same time, it is precisely because of these constraints that Zhang Yang, the guy who has passed through countless time and space souls, has become more and more closely connected to the Orlando world!

At this moment, influenced by the mentality from Millais, in the room of this hotel on the second floor of the Cross Street Tavern, Zhang Yang seemed to really feel a pulse from this world! He, can't go back ... there is no need to go back to the world where only you are! Just in this vast and beautiful Orlando world, will there be its own destination? Thinking of this, the scenes of the past once again flooded Zhang Yang's heart, unconsciously, in the darkness of him, the pair occasionally flashed a trace of electric awning eyes, as if crossing the endless time and space barrier, saw the vast universe At the beginning of the quaint ancient times, a burst of electricity ...

As far as Zhang Yang's physical fitness is concerned, let alone sleep for two nights or two nights, even if I stay in it for three to five days, I'm not afraid of it. However, when the morning came, and a ray of sky reflected from the open window overnight, Zhang Yang, who had awakened from his memory, not only did not feel a trace of fatigue, but the whole person's condition was surprisingly good!

When Zhang Yang got up from his chair and was about to move his muscles, he was very surprised to find that the injuries he suffered when he fought April in the battle yesterday, I don't know when he was completely healed! As Zhang Yang stretched his hand, the crusting on the original wound suddenly fell off. In addition to the scarring of the wound, Zhang Yang could not believe it. This originally needed to be stimulated by [Lightning Resuscitation] for at least two days. The recovered injury is really good now!

Recalling his miraculous state of last night, Zhang Yang suddenly knew that this kind of thing was absolutely impossible to meet. However, as he prepared to pack his heart and go out to investigate the movement of the Black Armor, a slender, flexible girl turned into Zhang Yang's house from the window!

"Oh? You drunk the little drunk cat? I didn't expect you to get so infatuated with Ingir. You were drunk when you sat together for the first time."

Somehow, Zhang Yang looked at the little girl Angela in front of her but always remembered the sticky little black panther after drinking too much last night. In addition, he really likes this lively and smart little girl from the heart, so as long as there are no outsiders, Zhang Yang will joke with her in rare ways in front of Angela.

I originally thought that jumping in through the window would scare him, and even bad things could disturb his good dreams. However, Angela never guessed that the bad uncle who had left him alone seemed to haven't slept all night, and there was no trace of pressure on the floor! This makes Angela very unhappy, the consequences are naturally very serious!

"Ah! You threw me to the violent woman yesterday and ran away! Now she is still standing there and talking coldly! Who is the drunk cat ?? They have become an elegant black panther, okay? See you Have you ever had such a big cat ?! "

"Well, aren't you?"

"... Ah ~! I'm fighting with you ~!"


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