Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 513: Kill genius

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Before the rebirth, Zhang Yang ’s arrow skills can only be regarded as ordinary. Compared with the masters who can change the archery, he has too few things. However, even so, Zhang Yang can use bows and arrows to compete with those archery masters. Here, two of the secrets are the kind of control that Zhang Yang has over the power [into the micro] and a keen grasp of the battle situation!

【Turning Arrow】 It is one of Zhang Yang's few arrow skills that is relatively advanced. Legend has it that after practicing this kind of archery to the extreme, you can control the arrows from your heart and be free like a bird! Of course, this was just a legend once, and it is already rare to be able to practice Zhang Yang's turning arrows.

At this time, I saw two dovetail arrows clasped in Zhang Yang's right hand. When he quickly opened the bow, the two arrows shot at the thieves ten meters away in turn, regardless of the speed!

This time Zhang Yang did not use the technique of making the dovetail arrows silent, but when the dark whistle thieves prepared to raise the double dagger to block the first dovetail arrow, the second dovetail arrow came first, in midair. After a little collision with the edge of the first swallowtail arrow, the two swallowtail arrows changed direction to both sides when they reached the thief!

Zhang Yang's hand was completely beyond the expectations of the whistle thief! After all, the odd-shaped dagger in his hand is too short, and the speed of Zhang Yang's two arrows is really lightning fast! In desperation, the thief had to make a difficult choice at this time: whether to look at the left or the right? !

In fact, Zhang Yang's two arrows did not aim at the other party's vital point at all. His goal was simply the shoulder of this dark whistle thief! Do n’t you have superb blocking power? Then I want to see, when you hurt your arms, how do you block? !

At this critical moment, the whistle thief suddenly wanted to understand one thing! Why does he have to block? ! His legs are still immobile, but it is just a temporary buffer, can't it end if you avoid it! Thinking of this level, he suddenly felt that the opponent as a shooter could not understand the importance of slowing down the enemy and keeping the distance. If so, does the opponent want to paralyze his thinking? !

After thinking of this, the whistle thief's heart suddenly became cold! Not only are the enemy's strengths unexpectedly strong, but their strategies and thoughts are also not to be underestimated! In this case, he simply bent backwards during the run, and then the momentum was gliding forward three meters on the kneeling half of the weeds!

Although it doesn't look pretty like this, at least Zhang Yang's dark two arrows and whistle thieves finally hid, not only that, he slid forward and rushed three meters more! At this time, the whistle thief and Zhang Yang are only about seven or eight meters away. This distance is enough for an assassin known for explosive power to launch a deadly attack!

I had suffered so many attacks in order to get closer, and the whistle thieves had accumulated enough anger in this moment! The double-edged blade in his hand is already hungry and impatient, and it seems that the blooming blood flower can already be seen in his eyes!

The dark whistle thief no longer cares about the consumption of arrogance in his body, only to see a black gas emanating from his legs, and then the whole person leaps forward violently. Come to the throat with two thorns!

At this point, the dark whistle thief was only three meters away from Zhang Yang, and his face hidden under the face towel already showed a bloodthirsty smile! Open his chest and dig out his heart! Cut his throat and cut his head! However, as he imagined how to dismember the enemy in his play, the whistle thief suddenly discovered that the opponent was clearly an archer, but why didn't he open a bow and arrow at this distance? ! Has he been scared silly? ! Or at such a close distance, it is no longer possible to open the bow?

At this moment, when this dark whistle thief was suspicious, Zhang Yang suddenly smiled at him! At the same time, as Zhang Yang waved his hand, the dark green elven bow in his left hand disappeared instantly! Not only that, it was replaced by a huge black warhammer that made people feel extremely fierce at a glance! !

(How is this possible ?! It was a black-green longbow just now, how did it become such a sledgehammer in a blink of an eye !? Isn't it ...? !!!) The dark whistle that came up to the closest possibility to the truth The thief was shocked! If this person is really the kind of guy with space equipment, is he always hiding his strength? ! Reminiscing that this person has not used any fighting spirit at all, the whistle thief is miserable. He knows that he is afraid to follow in the footsteps of the companion who was crucified in the tree, but this thorn is too far Forced, by this time, even if you want to recruit, it is no longer possible ...

The speed of this dark whistle thief's breakthrough is not unpleasant, but Zhang Yang is best at static braking! At this time, he had the power of Omok in his hand, and he still had time to use this handle to weigh a beautiful 155 Parker's Warhammer to get a beautiful 'hammer flower'? ! At this time, the two odd-shaped daggers happened to stab into the "hammer flower" in front of Zhang Yang. At that moment, only the two clinking sounds were heard. Shocked!

The splattered metal spikes are just like the hidden weapons thrown by novices. Not only does it not have the most accurate head, but the arc of the wanton splash is afraid that even the oldest organ divisions cannot judge their trajectory! The dark whistle thief is a third-level black iron assassin. Although he is also a thief professional, he has nothing to do with secret weapons like the organs!

The whistle thief specializes only in the two daggers in his hand, but now the daggers he relies on are broken. At this time, the whistle thief with only a small half of the remaining blade in his hand is really desperate!

The two odd-shaped daggers are made of the hardest and sharpest steel, and even if he is not good at power, he can still use these two odd-shaped daggers to cut off ordinary iron swords! From this point of view alone, the material of this dagger is indeed pretty good.

However, the words "Gang Bi Yi Zhe" were almost tailor-made for the pair of odd-shaped daggers in the hands of the dark whistle thieves. Now they are facing the powerful heavy hammer in Zhang Yang's hands, known for their solidity and toughness. Only when the "Strength of Strength" is subconsciously blocked!


Watching a few pieces falling from his dagger instantly pierced his cheeks, the dark whistle thieves only had time to squint his eyes but could not make other movements at all. With the blunt sound of a few snorts into the flesh, there were four Five sharp steel thorns penetrated into the eyebrows, cheekbones and cheeks of the whistle thief!

Because of the great force during the collision, the four steel thorns penetrated the flesh and nailed into the skull of the dark whistle thief! Although this injury is not serious, the strong tingling that occurred at that moment made the eyes of the whistle thieves sore with tears and a snot.

However, the sad whistle thief no longer had the opportunity to 'cry and runny'. When he closed his eyes instinctively because of the severe pain, he was blinded and slammed his head into the heavy vortex of death. ...

This thief as a dark whistle is undoubtedly a very potential genius! It's just that not all geniuses can reach the end to see the dawn of success, and only if they are alive can they have the chance to get everything. Even if the talent is high, it doesn't make any sense if they die.

One arm transports a heavy weapon weighing 155 Parker, which is also a big load for Zhang Yang, but under his control, the warhammer could not hold in his hands. Spin, accelerate, spin again! It is precisely because of this force that looks like a miniature tornado. When the upper body of the whistle thief rushes into it at once, he will be instantly driven by the hammer. Don't move ...

The dark whistle thief is dead, and his entire neck is now showing a strange and terrible twist. Looking at his entire head and face has turned to the miserable state behind his neck, this is indeed so dead that he can no longer die ... In fact, if only Looking at the injury of this dark whistle thief, it must be difficult for others to imagine that this was caused by a heavy warhammer!

Compared with this, this broken bones injury is somewhat like a masterpiece made by the fighters! In fact, Zhang Yang really made a lot of effort to cause this injury! Although this dark whistle thief is dead at the moment, for Zhang Yang, the body itself is a good harvest.

(I did n’t expect that Zhang Yang would have such a day of deliberately collecting other people ’s bodies ... It seems that he has changed too much, too much unconsciously ...) Zhang Yang suddenly has this kind of emotion, which is actually normal, After undergoing the tremendous changes and chasing down in the past life, Zhang Yang can no longer return to the normal mentality of the former. After experiencing great sorrow and despair and too many killings, although Zhang Yang was reborn in the Orlando world at this time, he is now another completely stranger than his own before the tragedy that did not happen in his previous life. People.

Although Zhang Yang still retains a touch of precious goodwill at the bottom of his heart, will these goodwill and the pure pure land in the memory gradually disappear in more and more killings? Zhang Yang really didn't know this.

When he experienced the "Curse of Aging" at the beginning, the memory of the half-lich Lansang showed him that after the light sacrifice had been exposed to too much killing and sin, it was eventually wiped out due to the fall of his son. The last trace of conscience, within the Tribunal of Sin Abyss, stepped from one extreme to the other ...

Zhang Yang lamented his recent changes, but he would not deny himself casually. Opportunities determine character. What has happened can't be changed. Now, if you want to survive in this increasingly chaotic Orlando continent, Zhang Yang understands that this change is already an inevitable.

Under the premise of living, in the process of pursuing strength, many insistences are gradually weakening, and the human heart will gradually slide into the cold abyss ...



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