Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 53: Greylin Shaman's Witchcraft

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Just as the Grein Shaman and Grein Fat had just appeared, Neil Jielin shot an arrow that she didn't even want, and this arrow actually crossed the distance of 378 meters and ran straight to Grein Shaman flew away! And just as Neil Jielina was about to make a contribution with one arrow, the Greinlin fat man straddled a step in front of the shaman. The arrow that was going to hit the Grerin shaman was actually nailed to the fat man's fat shoulder!

Seeing that Neil Jelina wanted to continue shooting arrows at the spot, Zhang Yang immediately pushed away Neil Jelina and ran away from the spot with the reaction force of a push. Immediately after less than 5 seconds, a dark red fireball slightly smaller than last night's number one burst into the place where the two stood just now! For a moment, both the dense bushes and the trees with thick bowls burned and withered under the explosion of this dark red fireball!

During the run, Zhang Yang shouted at Neil Jielina:

"Use poison arrows!"

And he himself had taken out the arrows that had been contaminated with the dragonfly venom, and shot a arrow at the Grerin Shaman in a cloud and water while flying fast!

At a distance of more than thirty meters, it rushed past in less than a moment! Zhang Yang also shot as many as 4 arrows during this period.

Seeing rushing to the front of the Grein Shaman, Zhang Yang threw down his bow and arrow and took out the shield sword to quickly rush up.

It is said that this Grein Shaman is really cunning. Seeing Zhang Yang approaching, it actually began to hide behind the fat man while brewing the spell, and this Grein fat man began to wave his axe crazy. This routine made Zhang Yang unable to attack the Rui Ruilin Shaman for a time! Although he seized many opportunities to cut a few deep wounds on Fat Graylin, the fat man ’s vitality and fat defense were very powerful, and he could eat Zhang Yang ’s attack and still live a tiger. Brandishing axe. At this time, Zhang Yang suddenly felt a sense of crisis and suddenly locked himself!

I saw that the shaman who had been hiding behind a Ruo Lin fat man suddenly jumped out, and then the wooden stick pointed at a dark red fireball and swooped at Zhang Yangfei!

Zhang Yang is still very calm at the moment. In view of the destructive power of this dark red fireball, there may be some other weirdness besides the flame. It is unwise to fight hard. So Zhang Yang rolled away from the roaring fireball! The fireball exploded not far behind Zhang Yang, and some scorching waves seemed like a low wall. Zhang Yang rolled straight out for several meters.

Just before Zhang Yang attacked Neil Jielin close-up, afraid of hurting Zhang Yang with his bow and arrow, he kept aiming but did not release the arrow. At this time, Zhang Yang turned away, and the Green Shaman was also exposed to her vision, so Niel Jielina, who had already quietly entered the 20-meter range, shot without hesitation. Feed poison arrows!

The Grein Shaman was annoyed that this soul fire did not hit the target. Suddenly, a feather arrow hit his back! What makes it strange is that this arrow did not actually hit the point, but why did he suddenly not listen to it?

When Zhang Yang turned and jumped, the Grein Shaman had just hit the arrow. Zhang Yang saw that the ugly face of the Grein Shaman suddenly showed a crazy and fierce expression, and then the wooden stick in his abrupt handle slammed down to the ground! I saw its thin and dry body suddenly ignited a dark red flame! It was only 3 moments when the Grein Shaman burned himself into a black skeleton! But as the black skull was scattered all over the place, a thick black gas was emitted and rushed straight into the body of Grein Fat from the nostril!

At this moment Zhang Yang's face began to dignify, and that Grein's fat man also began to change!

I saw Grein's fat man, who was still fierce, suddenly stopped after being flushed into the body by black gas. It just stood there shaking slightly, but this abnormal scene made Zhang Yang's uneasiness even stronger! Zhang Yang is not a pedantic person. At this time, although he feels that a close attack is not a good choice, so Zhang Yang Fei quickly drew a flying knife and threw his hand and threw it at the head of Grein Lin! With just a bang, the sharp flying knife only penetrated a little bit of flesh, and could not cause fatal damage at all! At this time, Grein's fat man began to tremble more and more violently ...

Zhang Yang looked at the flying knife that didn't get much meat, but he wasn't discouraged. Instead, he found out two flying knives and shot them into Grein's fat eyes, but this time the two flying knives were Straight into the eyes almost half! But at the moment when his eyes were stabbed by flying knives, the grinning fat man who was standing still suddenly roared up in the sky!

Ao Ao Ao Ao! ! !

A sound wave visible to the naked eye swayed to the surroundings with its roar! And Zhang Yang and Neil Jielina who passed through the sound wave suddenly felt as if their heads were smashed hard with a heavy hammer! In a blink of an eye, he was staggering to the ground, and two blood flows immediately from his nose!

With a crazy roar, the body of Grein's fat man also began to change rapidly! The muscles started to grow explosively. The original figure of about one meter and seven was actually pulled up to almost 3 meters in the crackling pop! Its epidermis was broken in an instant, and at the moment in the blood splash, it was dark red knotted muscles all over his body! Its thick arms reach almost the same height as the body! I don't know when Bai Sensen's bone spurs were born on that huge palm. Can you still see what Grerin looks like in front of Zhang Yang at this time? At this moment, the dark red mist-filled monster is more like the scarred murloc before it! ! Is there any connection between them? Zhang Yang already had doubts in his mind at this moment, but at this moment he could not allow him to think about it. The monster was moving sideways now ...

The monster in front of Zhang Yang's eyes gave him a sense of crisis that was so strong that he even exceeded the demonized scar-eye murloc to chase the crazy Tier 3 Warcraft fire leopard in his memory! Zhang Yang looked at the huge and muscular arm and the frightening bone spurs on his fist. He really doubted whether it was himself or Neil Jelina. As long as it was knocked down in the front, there would be only one: change into a pool of meat!

At the moment, Zhang Yang is only lucky and the only chance to win is that the monster's eyes are blind! Otherwise, just turn around and escape!

At this moment, the flesh and blood giant is shaking his narrow ears, trying to find the location of Zhang Yang and Neil Jielina ...

Speaking of this, the Grein fat man is actually the king of the Grein tribe. Under normal circumstances, it is only a level 1 intermediate level, but the skin is thicker and the strength is slightly larger. It may be that Grerin Shaman is a serious second-level intermediate combat power. The ordinary mercenaries see the Grerin tribe with the Grerin Shaman generally walking around, otherwise the nearby Grerin may have been killed. It is also Zhang Yang who points back, because the mercenaries and adventurers have repeatedly visited the shallow water oasis to hunt the Grein tribe. As a result, the smaller Grein tribe came to one place, and this combination of king and shaman was born. At this time, the big guy after this mutation is called Flesh Avengers, which is already the strength of the third-order Warcraft Junior!

Moreover, Zhang Yang is in a critical situation at this moment, and he has to move. After all, Niel Jielina has too little experience and is not calm enough, so when she came back from the roaring shock wave of that flesh avenger, it was the first time she stood up and pulled away! Although there is nothing wrong with this, the sound of this movement attracted the attention of the flesh and blood monsters not far away. I saw that the Flesh Avenger turned around violently, rushing towards Neil Jielina on all fours! Zhang Yang was helpless and caring for Niel Jielina's comfort at this time, so he rushed forward to prepare to attack the flesh avenger from behind ...

Only when he just rushed to about two meters away from the flesh and blood Avengers, an extremely dangerous heart palpitation made Zhang Yang's subconscious choice rush to the right!


I saw a dark red giant arm passing by Zhang Yang's head with a shadow and huge wind pressure.

The speed and power of this flesh-and-blood avenger turned out to be so huge! If half of the night is too late, Zhang Yang may be photographed as minced meat at the moment! This shock is not trivial, but actually dispelled Zhang Yang's idea of ​​close combat. At this time, Neil Jie Lina finally ran out of about 278 meters, and then turned back and shot an arrow!

This arrow just hit the back of the flesh-and-blood avenger, but it also succeeded in attracting its attention.

In this case ... I had to. Zhang Yang had a strategy in mind and rushed over to pick up the bow and arrow and then took out the arrow soaked in dragonfly poison and shot the bow. Although Zhang Yang's archery is not so subtle, it is extremely accurate. This time it was an accurate shot in the neck of the Flesh Avengers.

"Use poison arrows! Move, shoot!"

Seeing this, Zhang Yang once again attracted the attention of the Flesh Avengers and shouted at Neil Jielina.

After hearing the call of Zhang Yang, Neil Jielinna remembered the performance of Zhang Yang once taught him a tactic. In the face of opponents with huge power but slower than themselves, mobile shooting is a relatively safe and efficient method. However, this kind of tactics also test their own endurance speed and hit rate ...

Niel Jielina's hit rate is really not very good, in the face of this flesh avenger can hit a 70% hit rate is already the limit. Because of this, whenever the flesh-and-blood avenger chases Zhang Yang wildly, Neil Jielina needs to shoot at least two arrows to attract its attention again. This seemed feasible, but Zhang Yang soon discovered a big flaw, and the arrow was not enough. He had no choice but to shoot the last arrow at the leg joints of the Flesh Avengers, and then with a cry, he rushed into the woods to the west with the Flesh Avengers ...

Soon after the flesh-and-blood avenger bulldozer chased Zhang Yang into the woods, it became more troublesome. It was not a joke that Zhang and Yang arranged traps for so long before. As the number of triggering traps increases, more and more sighted blood and flesh avengers suffer more and more injuries. When a sharpened tree trunk suddenly bounces off the ground, this huge violent monster finally changes to no Anxious to put yourself on it! Zhang Yang gasped and stopped a short distance away, watching the monster strung on the trunk from his stomach, and saw the big hole almost half a meter! The blood flowed down there unceasingly ... Then, after nearly a leak, Zhang Yang cut off the head of the flesh-and-blood monster that had just died, and then began to clean the battlefield with Neil Jielina. It was only at this time that there was an indiscernible black gas floating from the head of the cut flesh and blood avenger, and this black gas just rushed into Zhang Yang's body just a little circle! At this time, Zhang Yang, who was in the woods, was still unaware ...

Zhang Yang just thought that if there weren't any traps set in advance this time, the two of them would have confessed.

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