Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 56: Footsteps of growth

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Since the soldiers of the ninth brigade joined, Zhang Yang's behavior has changed. In the past, the task of killing the surrounding monsters and low-level Warcraft has gone too much, but it seems to be a waste of resources. So when Zhang Yang personally led the team for several missions, he changed the method. There are a total of 302 newly added "Rookie" in the 9th Brigade of Balxus in Silver Pegasus Regiment. Therefore, Zhang Yang divided these people into 15 teams according to his team. Counting the 8 veterans who take turns in turn every day, he could dispatch 2 teams of 48 people in one day. According to this rotation, it can be rotated about once every 7 days. Immediately after, Zhang Yang actually started to let Neil Jielina lead a team of newcomers and two veterans. The other team is handed over to the team leader of 6 veterans. And he himself began to practice hard in the Doyerson River.

Niel Jielina was still at a loss at first, and did not have much confidence in her heart. Although she has learned many field survival skills with Zhang Yang, she also has some knowledge of fighting. But it is really inexperienced to lead a team to complete a task. So when he found Zhang Yang to express some concerns, Zhang Yang just told her: think more about how I taught you, how you did it, and you can do it.

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Neil Jielina gathered courage and led a team to decide to choose the most familiar shallow water oasis mission. To her surprise, although there was some confusion at the beginning, as Neil Jielina found that these fighters were much worse than herself, she became more confident, and she began to command the fighters according to Zhang Yangjiao ’s methods. At the same time, I found that the quality of these fighters is actually very good, just lack of some experience. So soon she felt more and more comfortable. After all, the work of the original two people was divided into more than 20 people, which was much easier immediately. So when most of the month has passed, Neil Jie Lina has already won the support of most of the soldiers, began to have such a confident temperament.

On the other side, the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps, which Zhang Yang had established, also began to look something. Now, the city of Balxus has an extra scenery. The original Dubins house has been hung with the sign of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps. When the sun rises every morning, the door of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps station will be There will be a group of elderly people and disabled people quietly waiting in line to distribute food. It was a group of children of all sizes that kept order beside. Nabini and others appeared abruptly in it! This is also a matter that Zhang Yang gave Dubins to do, adopting orphans and distributing food to orphans. At first, when the news spread, many people's first thought was unbelief, but as the days grew, people realized that this mercenary group organization called Thunderbolt was actually doing this kind of self-interest. Good thing for people! Therefore, even the local city-owner of Balxus knew that the matter was actually exempted from the taxes of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps! Because he knew how much trouble this Thunderbolt mercenary group would save himself, and how many thieves and troublesome crimes would be eliminated in the city. Up to this point, the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps had gained considerable popularity among the civilian population, and Dubins, who presided over the matter, was also respected by many people. Although he has repeatedly said that he only works for his master ...

In fact, Zhang Yang once discussed with Dubins, he wanted to distribute food twice a day. But Dubins said that for the long-term consideration, it is enough to distribute one piece of coarse food at a time. If too much, it does not work well. Zhang Yang stopped thinking about it.

Binny was standing guard with joy at the moment. The change in the last month actually made him feel like a dream! What brought about this change was the girl Niel Jielina, who had saved her life that day, and her more mysterious master.

Since the last time the Piranha was cleared, Benny, Luke, and Shanny began to lose heart. In a small group of more than ten people, there were three of them in a flash. Since then, the three have been a little scared, and a shadow has fallen in their hearts. But when he was at a loss, the city heard the news that the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps organized alms and recruited orphans. In order to prevent other orphans from being deceived, Binny first went there and prepared to observe. Who knew where she saw Miss Neil Jelena! So he joined the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps without saying a word ...

After that, he really understood the good here. There is enough food although it is only rough brown bread, but it is always better than a full meal. It is also possible to live in a safe house. Although it is very simple, it is only a big house where many men and women live together, but it is better than some orphans who have nowhere to live. You can even learn some knowledge and skills here! Therefore, Binny began to play his appeal, and many orphans who were still watching also came here. Now, there are nearly 100 orphans between the ages of 8 and 18 in the Raiden mercenary station. Here, they can finally feel the warmth of some homes and live a simple but stable life. day.

These children are not without things to do, just eat dry food every day. In addition to the three hours of study time each day, they also have to do some work within their ability, such as younger ones who need to sweep the floor to collect firewood, and older ones learn to handle leather and make leather armor. Thirteen people over fifteen years of age, together with Binny and others, perform some daily guard work. For example, maintaining order in the morning, guard patrolling the station on weekdays, and sometimes doing some mercenary tasks such as collecting objects. Binny felt that this kind of life was really many times better than before, so Neil Jelena, who brought him all this, has deeply imprinted into her heart, and a complex emotion has gradually begun to be in Bin Ni's heart breeds ...

When all this is on track, where is Zhang Yang?

There is a huge and smooth rock in the deepest part of the Doyason River, and there is a hazy figure on this extremely deep underwater boulder! You know, this is the bottom of the river that is 28 meters deep from the water. This place cannot even penetrate the sun! Only the dark and icy and extremely stressful environment deterred most people. But who can be the figure here?

That's right, this meditation practitioner is Zhang Yang who disappeared for a few days. At this time, when he looked closely at him, there was a large piece of light blue mist swirling around!

Zhang Yang has been practicing like this for almost a month. From the first few meters, tens of meters to the deepest part of the Doyason River. Maybe it is the reason for the exercises, so that he can stay underwater for a long time. The water pressure, which was so large that ordinary people could not bear, became a huge help for his cultivation! At this time, Zhang Yang felt that he had a reborn feeling compared with himself a month ago!

Twenty-eight days ago. That was Zhang Yang already felt that the mercenary mission with Neil Jelena and others could no longer help him absorb energy particles, so after he arranged Neil Jelina, he started his own submerged training. The destination was actually the rolling mountains in the north of the Doyason River, and the occasional first-level Warcraft also became the target of his practice.

A cavalry's slashing sword, a "fang" short sword, a strong bow and a few hidden weapons plus his "special armor" made by old blacksmith Dan Lott-copper core accompanied him in this piece All items in the waters when the road to cultivation begins.

Speaking of that special armor, when I found Dan Lott-copper core to help make it, the old blacksmith who had built countless armor weapons in his life opened his mouth in surprise! The reason is that Zhang Yang's request is very weird! Most of the other equipment needs to be made strong and light, but the armor he needs should be as heavy as possible! And the smaller the thinner the better! This made the eccentric old man also interested in it, so the old blacksmith brought Zhang Yang and his cat to work in the broken blacksmith's shop all day.

At this time, Zhang Yang only wore 4 pieces of that equipment: a belt and a pair of gloves. The full set of armor has 7 parts and 9 pieces of equipment! They are:

Chest plate armor, lock coat, a guard arm, a belt, a pair of gloves, a set of leg guards, a pair of armor boots.

The entire set of armor is gray-black and dull, and it looks very simple. Its defense ability can only be regarded as average, and its total weight has reached a staggering 375 Pakri! This set of nearly four hundred Pakri's heavy armor is nearly 20 times as much as ordinary armor! The materials used to make it are treasures that the old blacksmith has saved for many years: metal scrap! That is, the impurities and heavy parts knocked down each time the metal is purified. It is also due to the savings of the old blacksmith for nearly a lifetime, otherwise it may not be possible to build such a strange set of armor for him. And for this set of armor Zhang Yang also paid 250 gold coins at once! I am very satisfied with this set of armor Zhang Yang, because this thing was made for weight training, so I named it "Dashan", which means heavy like a mountain.

With the help of Dashan's weight-bearing, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that the speed of energy particle absorption during training was 40% faster! Because he can only wear these 4 pieces without affecting the combat effectiveness, a total of 90 Pakri! After that, Zhang Yang began to practice life like masochism alone.

At this time, Zhang Yang, who was at the bottom of the river, was quietly running the core of grudge, so that it could absorb as much energy as possible. After more than two months of cultivation, this time, Zhang Yang's body has already undergone earth-shaking changes!

Although the deep-water fighting qi decided to absorb energy, Zhang Yang did not feel how the energy was strengthened **. I just feel that the core of grudge has changed slightly. But today, Zhang Yang has officially entered the ranks of Tier 2 professionals! At this time, he officially began the cultivation of grudge. Therefore, until this time, Zhang Yang did not feel the powerful force brought by the grudge!

The energy absorbed by the previous practice is silently used to change his physique and consolidate the core of the grudge. It is not until the physical fitness reaches a critical point that the core of grudge will be transformed to the second order. From this time on, the ability of the core of Dou Qi to absorb energy has greatly increased, which is more than ten times that of the past! The absorbed energy starts to really strengthen his **!

At this time, Zhang Yang's ** quality has nearly doubled as a whole! And the power is more than twice as great! What a huge leap this is, so at first Zhang Yang was a little shocked! If you continue to practice like this, maybe one day your own strength will really be as powerful as the legendary ancient god? Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking, but it seems that that day may be hundreds of years later, right? Will you live that long? Zhang Yang really didn't know this.

As the energy absorbed by the grudge core in the body reached the limit at this time, Zhang Yang slowly opened his eyes to end the practice of 12 leaks. At this moment, he just felt like he had unending strength. Although the bottom of the river is cold and dark, everything in his unfolding range of perception is completely visible. He is happy to find that the originally weakened perception actually recovered a lot as he broke through to the level 2 bronze level. The current distance and The range has been nearly doubled than before, and although the resume is still much different when he was heyday, at least it gave him some hope. I saw that he stood up slowly under the water, then squatted slightly, and then slammed on the smooth boulder. The body rushed out of the water with the force of the pedal, but only upward. Zhang Yang's speed slowed down when he rushed out more than ten meters, and then he began to stroke hard with his limbs and continued to float upward ...

As he got closer to the surface of the water, gradually a faint ray of faint light came through. In the fine moonlight, I saw that Zhang Yang's waist and hands were wearing the incomparably heavy black. Grey armor parts!

After going ashore, Zhang Yang found his weapons and equipment hidden in a tree hole and then prepared to return to Balxus. But in the moment he was about to turn around, Zhang Yang was vaguely seeing a blaze in the forest on the other side of the river in the distance! Immediately afterwards, a familiar roar made Zhang Yang tremble, was that? ! The roar from the fire leopard!

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