Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 606: Wind Crazy Sand

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After Assam worked hard to dig up two leaks. Even if he had used magic to bombard the sand. But there is still no way to get the sand. Before finding a way around the bunker. I want to dig a pothole deep enough in this seemingly small sea of ​​sand. It is almost impossible.

Sand is not like other soil. This thing is too fluid. Until Assam was covered with yellow sand, completely unable to see the elegant vampire aristocracy before. Zhang Yang only told him to stop doing unnecessary work.

(The host is so evil. I ’m afraid he has long known that this kind of sand ca n’t be excavated. But it has kept me pitifully busy for so long ... He is definitely punishing me in the name of excavation. I just told the truth . As for this whole me ... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo_meeting this powerful and black-bellied evil master. I'm so pitiful.)

Not to mention that Assam crouched sideways and complained. Zhang Yang and Ophelia have returned to what they used to be. The contact at that moment seemed to have never happened.

"Wright. You said that if you have another sixth-level wind elemental creature. How should we deal with it. We can catch an already lucky one. Besides, I don't have any extra element collars."

Ofelia looked as usual in her speech. However, she unconsciously clasped her hands, showing her true emotions. The elemental collar with the sixth-order wind elemental creatures has now been put into Ophelia's space bracelet. Although she repeatedly proposed to put this thing worth millions of gold coins to Zhang Yang. The first time to update, but Zhang Yang always justified the saying that ‘element collar is yours’. Stop her back.

In fact, everyone knows clearly. How much is an element collar. The value of the sixth-order wind elemental creatures. Not at this level with this thing. Now, apart from Zhang Yang's intention to take care of it. There is no second possibility at all.

Furthermore, how dangerous was the process of catching that elemental creature before. There are indeed too many accidents. If the wind elemental creature hid in the cloud, he would not come out. Instead, it keeps tilting the magic all the way down. Zhang Yang and others can only use that poor trick to slightly counterattack.


"Judging by the operating rules in this trial space. It is estimated that the wind elemental creatures with the same strength as before will appear in a while. I don't know if this guy will be as stupid as the previous one."

Hearing Wright is interesting. Ophelia couldn't help laughing.

"Elemental creatures just think differently than we humans. It's just wisdom. It's no worse than humans. I think if they can talk. It should be able to communicate with our humans."

"Oh. Ophelia, do you think elemental creatures can't speak. So how do some magicians control elemental creatures. They are said to be powerful servants."

"Then I don't know. After all, magicians with elemental creatures as servants are rare. It's their secret to update how to communicate the first time."

(Is n’t that ... do n’t you know yet. In the mountain below Moxie Wood City. Is there a powerful water elemental creature imprisoned in it? It looks. Your head of the army is really being crowded out The core secret of the Silver Pegasus is beyond ...)

Since Ophelia did not know. Zhang Yang doesn't intend to spend much time to disturb her mood for the time being. The only current solution is to find a way to pass this ancient trial first.

Take this opportunity. Zhang Yang took the dried chaihe dried meat on the edge of Shahai and grilled it and ate it. His injuries have not recovered. Judging from the current situation. There are more than twenty wounds in this forest. Even Zhang Yang's ability to recover is amazing. More and faster chapters are here. It must be at least two days after use to fully heal.

If so, about half a day later. Zhang Yang, who was resting on the rock wall, suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. The gray cloud above the head seemed to be set in stone. Suddenly there was a strong wind elemental breath.

The area within the sand sea here is where the wind element is abundant. Speaking of a fifth-level gold intermediate wind fighter like Ophelia. The concentration of wind elements here is more than several times higher than the outside world. It's not too much to say that it's a blessing.

However at this moment. The moment when the strong wind elemental breath in the clouds came out. The wind element above the sand sea has almost doubled in one stroke. If the outside wind element content is regarded as unit 1. Then the wind elemental content of this piece of sand before was almost 3 or 4. Update first

But at this moment. The wind element content in the sand sea has soared to a level close to 10 in an instant. It is ten times higher than the concentration of wind elements outside. If Ophelia stayed here to practice. You don't even need ten days and a half to upgrade to Tier 5 Gold. As for the higher sixth-order purple gold level. It will also be at least several times faster than the outside world.

"In the clouds ... The space access to the wind element space should be opened."

"Yeah ... I still feel this dense wind element for the first time. Even if it uses magic nuclei and magic crystals to urge the magic circle. I'm afraid I can't achieve this effect today ..."

"It turned out to be a gateway to the elemental space of wind. The creator who updated here the first time is really amazing."


In fact, Zhang Yang and the three did not wait for a while. The mysterious space channel in the clouds is closed. With the passage that may lead to the wind element space disappears. The concentration of wind elements on the sandy sea suddenly began to drop a little bit. Although the magnitude of the decline can only be described weakly. But in Ophelia's induction. It is very clear.

at the same time. Zhang Yang once again felt a gaze from the clouds.

(Sure enough, it is a wind elemental creature with the same strength as the previous one. I just hope this guy has the same temper as the previous one ...)

Zhang Yang and Ophelia have already discussed the countermeasures before. More and faster chapters are here. This time they are ready to watch the changes. See what wind and waves this wind elemental creature is going to make here.

"That ... great master ... although it may be a little late to ask at this time. But I suddenly thought of a question."

Feel the wind elements on the sandy sea begin to gather in the clouds. This is completely a sign of the start of magic of order six or above. See here. Assam finally couldn't hold back and asked Zhang Yang.


"I believe that your judgment is absolutely correct, the great master. The magic gate can only be hidden under the ground. It's just that we can wait a moment to ensure that we won't be blown into the sky by the hurricane. You also saw it. There is no place around here to borrow or settle. "

Maybe it's because of the relationship between wind and sand. The rock walls around the sand sea are almost smooth and mirror-like. Not to mention holding hands to maintain balance. Even if you use a weapon to dig a cave on it. How to continue in a while. Under the sea of ​​sand, it is not known how deep. And the power of that hurricane. I don't know how big it is.

He heard Assam asking the same question in his mind. Ophelia also turned his attention to Zhang Yang. See this situation. Zhang Yang just took a rope with a thick wrist from the space ring and handed it to Ophelia.

"Tie this to your waist. We just need to connect it together. As for the question of whether it will be scraped away. Leave it to me."

Although Ophelia and Assam did not know what Zhang Yang was going to do. But Zhang Yang said so. Ofelia naturally believed him unconditionally. As for Assam. He doesn't think he will have any effect against ...

It was a very strange thing to watch the hurricane form a little bit in front of me. Understand that the power of this magic in such an environment has almost exceeded the power of ordinary sixth-order range magic. Once the three people couldn't fix their bodies, they were swept into the sky by the wind. Then wait for the hurricane mixed with countless yellow sand to be ground into powder.

"got windy……"

No need for Assam to say that everyone can see it. At the moment in the middle of the sand sea. A slender hurricane has gradually formed. As the power of the tornado gradually unfolded. Its volume and speed are increasing madly in units of instants.

Suddenly, the yellow sand on the ground began to sway and dance under the wind. Not long. The cyan tornado has completely turned into a horrible wind column with a gray-yellow thickness of not less than tens of meters, almost connected to the earth.

"Master. Is there any way you can get it out quickly. The wind is too strong. I can't stand it anymore."

"Yeah. Wright. I didn't expect the power to be so great after the formation of this magic. Look at the surrounding rock wall. The yellow sand that has been rolled up by the wind is rubbing out of Mars. I, I can't stand it either."

At this moment, Ophelia and Assam respectively supported the magic shield and the armor of grudge. While desperately trying to stop the raging winds around him, he still started to move with the wind. Zhang Yang, who was in the middle, suddenly saw a ray of light in his eyes. I saw his hands in the blur. In an instant, he took out a huge black sword with a strange red awn from the space ring on his left hand.

When this giant sword just appeared. That extremely heavy weight made Zhang Yang almost unable to hold it. He had to grasp the hilt with both hands and insert it into the yellow sand that couldn't stop spinning. This is not the black iron 'counterfeit' made by Li Wei for Zhang Yang. This giant sword is the most powerful weapon in Zhang Yang's hands. It is also a Titan creation that cannot be used normally. . Forbidden Demon Sword.

The weight of the Forbidden Demon Sword is a huge one thousand and one hundred Parkry. There is the most falling thing of this thing. Zhang Yang suddenly had a focus in the strong wind. At this moment Zhang Yang shook hands in the hilt. No matter how raging the yellow sand and winds are around. The three of them can still stabilize their bodies ...

After about three minutes. This tornado has completely exceeded the control range of the wind elemental creature hiding in the clouds. The deafening and whizzing gust of wind. Almost all two-thirds of the yellow sand in this sea of ​​sand is rolled up. Until this time. As the yellow sand disappeared, Zhang Yang and the others fell. Finally saw a huge and broken palace at the bottom of the sand sea.


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