Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 608: Palace under the yellow sand 2

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After hearing Zhang Yang's words, Ophelia suddenly turned her head to look back and forth, where she could already see the yellow sand falling from the outside rushing in! This is only the result of a small amount of yellow sand falling. After a few moments, when a large amount of yellow sand falls, I am afraid that it will be filled up in an instant!

Seeing this, Ophelia dare not hesitate, she turned her qi and recondensed her blue body, and then pulled Zhang Yang and Assam to rush down the passage.


Although the wreckage of this palace does not seem to be built by humans, its scale is large enough to be called grand. The place where Zhang Yang and others just entered now seems to be completely the window of the palace ruins. As Ophelia pulled Zhang Yang and Assam down and could not stop running, the more he moved below the palace, the surrounding passages And the room is actually more spacious!

Looking at the scale and the height of the building, the creatures that originally lived here were absolutely nearly twice as tall as humans. As for the race, it is impossible to see with the knowledge and experience of Zhang Yang.

After a minute or so, the sound of quicksand behind him gradually became smaller. At this moment, even without looking back, Zhang Yang and Ophelia could also guess that the entrance was completely buried. In fact, since the three of them entered the wreckage of the palace, there was no escape route, and they could only look down at the magic gate with a daring scalp.


"Wright, do you feel anything is wrong in this hall?"

Going down more than ten floors, after about a hundred meters deep, the three came to the entrance of this hall. At this time, through the light of the magic lamp taken out by Ophelia, the interior of this hall suddenly became clearly visible. I saw that in the middle of the hall of about 200 square meters, there are four gray and white rock statues standing quietly. These five meters of statues have almost no human appearance from the outside. If they have to be similar to something, It's a bit like a puppet made by an alchemist!

The big head that is connected to the body but occupies almost one third of the body, plus four disproportionate thick arms, not to mention the hands and feet, and the structure is only three fingers, so it looks completely powerful and strong synonym. The problem that Ophelia said at this time was the eyes of these four stone statues. There was only one single eye on their heads, but these four eyes were all inlaid with some kind of gemstone.

Although the four statues only stood side by side, but looking at the gem-set eyes, Ophelia always felt that they were staring at the three of them!

"Maybe this is the palace once guarded? Let's walk around and try, if it's best to be able to settle down ..."

Zhang Yang hadn't finished saying this, and Assam, who had already come to his feet, suddenly began to crow again.

"Come on, master, don't you feel it? The four stone statues are clearly alive, they are looking at you!"

"... you will die on your mouth someday ..."

"Ah ~ !? I was originally a member of the undead spirit! How could I die again? Master, you have a question ... Oops! Don't suddenly throw me over !!"

Assam was still chattering about life and death, Zhang Yang finally couldn't bear to lift his neck collar and flicked to the four statues! In fact, with Zhang Yang's extremely keen perception, he has long been aware of the eyes of these four statues. Not only that, he also vaguely felt that the strength of the four statues was not so powerful, that is, the feeling of the fourth-order silver senior.

Zhang Yang knows how difficult it is to be a vampire. With the strength of Assam's fifth-level gold intermediate vampires, he will not be killed in seconds no matter how bad it is. There is such a broken-mouthed slave who is not used to test the water, it is really a shame.

But an amazing scene happened. When Assam fell his teeth and fell to the four statues, nothing happened! This is a bit unexpected for everyone, and even Assam who is ready to escape is somewhat unexpected.

"Hey? Hey! What's going on ?! Is this statue a fake ?! Oops! Fortunately, the Earl's Blessing is dead, otherwise he will be scared and will be scared to death by the unscrupulous master!"

"No, you said you are an undead spirit. For you, the most is to completely disperse the dust and smoke. How could I be scared to death."

"... uh! This ..."

Assam is now self-sufficient, and what he said just now was returned by Zhang Yang intact, leaving him speechless. However, when Assam walked back in despair, as he owed his hand to a statue and touched it, the walls around the room suddenly lit up with scarlet red lines!

"Be careful!"

As the tragic red lines lit up, Ophelia suddenly saw the four statues raise their giant hands in full and took them to Assam in front of them! If this is a real shot, I am afraid that Assam's body will all become a puree and a source of blood!

"Wow! Master saves!"

Seeing that the four statues were finally triggered by Assam, Zhang Yang sighed helplessly. He really couldn't run away, nor could he ask for anything he shouldn't come ...

At this moment, Zhang Yang is under overload because of his use. Not only is the body sore, but both the strength and physical quality have dropped by about 30%. In this way, his combat power is suddenly greatly affected. If the combat power at this time, Ophelia is even higher than him. a little.

But even so, Zhang Yang's combat effectiveness is not comparable to ordinary professionals! Suddenly he saw his violent hand throwing the weight of the heavy warhammer Omok. At the moment when the giant hands of the statues were about to be shot behind Assam, he slammed the leftmost statue. At the arm!

Normally, this one doesn't have much effect at all, but when the hammer hit the arm of the statue, the arm of the statue hit the arm of the next statue with a flicker! Because of the pace of these four guys and their consistency, Zhang Yang's flying hammer actually hit the domino effect! One by one collided with each other in turn, even let Assam escape from their attack range! This is really amazing!

"Wow ~! It's dangerous! What kind of thing is this ?! Is it elemental creatures? Not like it !?"

Assam, who had escaped his life, did not dare to carelessly, and saw him concealing himself and several, while hiding behind Zhang Yang regardless of his image.

Of the three, Ophelia's knowledge in this area is relatively more, so when she saw the red light on the four statues, she was surprised and said:

"Is this the rock puppet in the legendary puppet world? It's incredible! I always thought that puppet world is just a legend spread among alchemists!"

It ’s no surprise to hear that Zhang Yang is here. The magical things in this trial field are completely beyond some knowledge on the Orlando continent today. Compared with the surprise at this time, I still solve these four statues and continue to look for it. The magic gate is more important.

"The strength of these statues is very strong, but the turning speed is not too fast. You must be careful, Ophelia, you should be able to solve them easily! And I have to leave a leak to restore the combat power, so this It's up to you! "

In fact, Zhang Yang's strength was only 30% even if he was weakened, and he didn't lose his fighting ability like he said. The ancient Pegasus Trial was originally designed to train Ophelia's trials. If Zhang Yang keeps on maintaining it, I'm afraid that it will also be detrimental to Ophelia's growth, and this is what Zhang Yang recently wanted to understand.

Hearing this, Ophelia suddenly felt very motivated! It turned out that Wright was protecting herself, but now she wants to protect Wright. This feeling really makes her a little excited!

Suddenly, with all his strength, Ophelia sprinted towards the rock statues with a long sword and dawn.

With the strength of Ophelia's fifth-level gold intermediate level, and her light and quick fighting style, but after two points, she broke the gems on the heads of the four rock statues and knocked them into one place. gravel.

"Ah! The beauty is amazing! It's just that if this gem can be saved and sold to those crazy alchemists, I'm afraid there will be a lot of gold coins too! It's a pity ..."

"Assam, are you really a vampire? How do you feel more like a profit-seeking merchant in the human world ?! Or is there a legendary dragon in your bloodline?"

"How is it possible! My Count Assam is a noble blood of pure blood! Master, you can enslave me, but you can't slander me!"

"Oh ?! Is that true? But why do I always feel that your passion for gold coins is completely higher than your passion for blood?"


And no matter how secretly Assam was in the back, when Zhang Yang and Ophelia continued to rush down through this room, the huge rock statues around them came alive! See that the number is almost no less than tens of hundreds at most, Zhang Yang and others don't have so much time to knock them down one by one, to know the entrance of the hall behind you, you can already see the slowly flowing yellow sand at this time!

Like a mouse crossing the street, Zhang Yang and three people finally saw through the encirclement of the large group of statues and reached a hall with a radius of hundreds of meters, but the number of statues here is terrible! Not only that, according to the neat arrangement in the hall, in the center of the hall, a metal statue with the same shape as the rock statue is standing on the high platform like a king!

"Ah! Are we going the wrong way ?! Master? Why are there more statues in this hall than behind us! Should we turn back and look for it again ?!"

"No! Let's go right! This is the core position of the wreckage of this palace. Do you see the white touch on the opposite side? That's the magic door in this space!"

[,! ]


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