Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 612: Song of Mermaid 1

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"Have you heard ?! What is this voice! It seems like a song! Is there anyone living here?"

Ophelia could find a chance to distract the subject, she really lost to Wright's calm and sincere eyes. The thought of the bandage he just mentioned ... Ophelia is also drunk!

At this time, Zhang Yang and his three people have discovered that the dense fog here will block sight and perception, but will not affect the sound. Moreover, after spending a long time here, the three of them didn't feel a hint of danger. Although the environment here is a little weird, for safety, it should not be considered for the time being.

Not only did Ophelia hear the song at this moment, Zhang Yang and Assam also noticed this. However, because he was beaten just now, Assam didn't dare to pick up Ophelia's words at this time. The water in his stomach hadn't been spit out yet, so he didn't want to drink it again ...

"I heard it too, Ophelia. Isn't it just a world of water elements? I guess the world around it should be water? Theoretically, there can be no one living here, and could this song be ... "

Zhang Yang wondered if there would be such a magical thing as a mermaid in the Orlando world, but the mysterious song that suddenly appeared in the misty water world is really too different from the legendary scene. Too similar. Although this place is not under the sea, this mist is indeed a cause for imagination that can't help but want to go there.

Hearing Zhang Yang's question, Ophelia suddenly changed her face. She seemed to remember something, and she seemed a little uncertain:

"This ... is it the legendary Siren Siren's singing?"

"What is Siren Siren? A kind of Warcraft? I don't remember the name in the Warcraft Illustrated Book."

When Zhang Yang was in the library of Beidou University, he carefully read the Warcraft illustrated book there. However, in his impression, there is no such memory of Warcraft named Siren. In terms of his memory, although it has not reached the level of unforgettable, but as long as it is something that has been seen, it will definitely Some of you are impressed by the fact that Ophelia has said this, so I am naturally curious.

"Siren is not a kind of Warcraft, Wright. They are an ancient and magical intelligent creature. According to legend, in ancient times, they were a member of the high elves!"

"High elves ?! Is it that the siren is the sea elves ?!"

"Yes! It's the sea elves!"

"But isn't the sea elf a fierce creature called" Naga "?"

Hearing Wright's confusion, Ophelia looked at the mist that was almost indistinguishable from southeast to northwest, and had to patiently explain:

"Although Siren and Naga are elves living in the sea, in contrast, temperament and habits are completely different. The number of Siren is not only extremely rare, but also the individual strength is much stronger. When the sea rises into the mist, it sings a beautiful song, which makes the sailors and ships lose their direction, but will not take the initiative to harm people's lives. Naga, however, is much more brutal and brutal. The territories, and extremely hostile to terrestrial creatures, if encountered, they will be killed soon. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang finally had a rough outline in his heart.

"In this way, Siren and Naga are evolved from the ancient high elves. So how do they distinguish between them? Isn't it possible for Naga to sing such a good song?"

"Almost, Naga is ferocious. Both men and women have hoarse voices and can't make such a beautiful voice at all. As for the appearance, no matter whether men and women are beautiful, Naga looks more horrible."

"Originally, what should we do now? Is it necessary to follow the singing to find that siren?"

"This ... I don't know, but there are fogs right now, and there is no way to go left or right. Would you like to give it a try?"

After listening, Zhang Yang felt that it was not unreasonable, but now he is still in a state of overload and weakness. Before the fighting power returns to the normal level, he still does not want to take advantage of it. In case of a situation that requires him to fight, his current situation is really dangerous.

"This is the last resort. Now it's imperative to take a break first and wait until I get back in shape. Otherwise, it will be a bit risky."

Hearing Zhang Yang saying this, Ofelia would not object, as for Assam, now he hardly dared to see Orphea right now, and he could feel at ease holding the floating platform floating there, and he was satisfied. .

However, with the passage of time, Zhang Yang and the three floated on the water without even knowing whether they had moved. Although the mist around it was filled with water vapor, it still made people feel bored and upset. Under such circumstances, the strange song that came from nowhere became more beautiful and sounding, and the attention of the three people was unconsciously transferred to the misty song ...

In fact, at this time, the song passed through the mist, there is no trace of lyrics at all, which is composed of beautiful and strange melodies and voices. But this is the case, but the song can still convey all kinds of inexplicable emotions, there is joy; there is sorrow; there is tranquility; there is temptation ...

Unconsciously, three people including Zhang Yang fell asleep on the floating platform! Under normal circumstances, with the strength of the three of them, even if they are tired, they will not fall asleep without determining whether it is safe, so now only one thing is explained, including the undead spirit Assam, the three Zhang Yang Unconsciously, he was still influenced by Siren's singing ...

Assam suddenly found himself back in the Norton family's castle. At this time, he was wearing a purple-black, and expensive dress, standing in front of a tall and gorgeous door.

After all, this is Assam's home. From childhood to big, he is very familiar with every room here. Assam even remembered the pattern on every door in the castle! It is as if the door in front of him is the door of the largest banquet hall in the Norton family castle.

Gently stretched out the hand wearing pure white silk gloves, Assam ’s fingertips touched casually on the front door, and the door that looked absolutely light was slowly opened to the sides. . Suddenly, bursts of laughter and beautiful music flowed out of the door. With the light from the gold candlestick on the long table in the room, Assam suddenly saw everything in the room.

It turned out that there was a reception here!

(Oh! Yes! I wear it so formally, is n’t it for this reception? Look at this scale, it seems that the young people of several nearby families are here? Whose adulthood ceremony? Is it really a lot of beautiful women what!)

When Assam thought of this, the nobles who were drinking and dining in the hall had seen him standing at the door. At this time, Assam was so charming. The white white collar shirt and purple-black aristocratic dress completely set off his slender figure. The dark red cloak outside added even a bit of mystery to him. temperament.

However, in front of Assam's handsome face and gray-white flowing hair, these clothes are simply supporting! His equally pale gray pupil seemed to be rippling with mysterious brilliance, and his handsome and flawless face almost made most women embarrassed at the same time. And what makes the women in the hall crazy is indeed the look on the corner of Assam's mouth that looks like a smile!

"Oh! God! Blood God is coming again! Isn't this Lord Count Assam ?! He actually came!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Sure enough, like legend, it is the most fascinating blood race I have ever seen! Ah! If I could spend a beautiful night with him ..."

"Huh! I advise you not to dream anymore! How could Lord Assam look at you **! I guess he came to Miss Lilian at all!"

"It's just a little girl who hasn't developed well. How can it compare with me with all kinds of amorous feelings!"

"Come on! Regardless of bloodline, appearance or strength, you can't compare with Miss Lilian. Besides, today is her most important adult gift. I advise you to ..."


(Lilian ... Is it Lilian ’s adult ceremony today? My most beautiful and lovely cousin, are you going to become a real blood family too? It ’s so fast ...)

Slightly stunned, the Assam of God recovered in a flash. I saw him stepping into the hall gracefully and indifferently, and said hello to the beautiful women around him with a smile and hello. To get up ...

Time rushed, and when the bell struck midnight, today's true Lord finally came out accompanied by several elders. It was a noble girl who looked only fifteen or sixteen, slender, with a melancholic face and long lilac hair. At this time she was wearing a long, pure black princess dress, and her pale pink lips were now painted blood red.

"Oh! Really Miss Lilian! She is so cute!"

"It's so cute! I really want to ..."


Listening to the ups and downs of praise around him, Assam's face suddenly showed a spoiled smile. This is his favorite cousin, and he vowed to protect forever! Assam desperately improved his strength in order to protect her and take care of her.


The adult ceremony of the blood race is actually very simple, that is, to give a human source blood to let it be the descendant of its deployment, that is, complete the "first embrace"! Of course, the first initial embrace of a pure-blooded vampire has extraordinary natural effects. This first embrace can even allow an ordinary person to directly possess one-third of the strength of that vampire!

Vivian is only 20 years old, and she is really a very young vampire, but because her bloodline is pure enough, even if she does not practice hard, her strength has reached the level of Tier 4 silver intermediate! If luck is good enough, then those who accept Vivienne's initial support are likely to directly reach the level of Tier 4 silver primary!

And tonight, Vivienne is preparing for her first embrace, it is a cute girl who looks only in her twenties!

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