Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 624: Stand up my friend

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As the legendary magic of the soul department. Its power is beyond Zhang Yang's imagination. Different from the general. This is after release. Not only will the power of the target be sealed. It will completely save the state of the target at the time of the seal.

This means that. When Zhang Yang sealed the source of magic in Assam's body. It is the state that is about to explode. If it is lifted rashly. I'm just afraid of the next moment. The source of magic in Assam's body will continue its unfinished business. . Explode.

That is something that Zhang Yang simply cannot accept. Now Zhang Yang has felt this after using it. But he had no choice. Even if the power is temporarily lost. But Assam's life was saved. Think of here. Zhang Yang took out the bone dagger and cut a blood on his wrist. More and faster chapters are here. Then he put the dripping blood directly onto Assam's mouth ...

Because of Zhang Yang's blood intake. Assam quickly woke up. But Assam, who had escaped from death, suddenly lost the vitality of the past. After opening your eyes and getting up. It was just sitting on the ground staring blankly, watching his own hands fascinated.

When Assam woke up, he had noticed something strange in his body. The source of magic is sealed by him. The current strength has fallen to the lowest point in history. In terms of his strong magical ability with partial preference. The only way to lose the magic power is by the blood clan. The combat strength may only be above the second-order bronze. At most Tier 3 black iron junior professionals are comparable.

This fact is too difficult for Assam to accept. More and faster chapters are here. If there was no Vivienne, he would be pressed against him. Assam's optimistic instinct is that even if he loses his strength, he will find it slowly. At this time he could feel the existence of the source of magic in the body. Even the state of the seal at the critical point of self-detonation. He can also feel clearly. However, the loss of magic is an indisputable fact. Want to find a way to wake up Vivienne in her sleep. Assam must have power. if not. Why should he go to all kinds of dangerous places to find the one ten thousandth possibility? .

Vivienne ...

What should I do……

Just as Assam's will fell. When despair is full of helplessness. A powerful hand suddenly pressed against his shoulder. Looking blankly in the direction of the big hand. Master Wright, who looked equally pale. More and faster chapters are here.

"Don't make such a stupid decision next time. I am your master. Do you have no confidence in me. You can try to find the lost things. Whether it is power or other. There is hope only if you live. .. There are all kinds of possibilities only when you are alive. Do you understand ... "

"I ... I don't have magic anymore ... I'm useless to you now. Why do you want to save me. Why do you fight back against me. Pay such a big price to save me ... I have no magic. It's useless. "


Look at the pain and confusion in Assam's eyes. Suddenly Zhang Yang realized that he now really knew this strange vampire. He should have pretended to be funny and silly in the past. More and faster chapters are here. Now this fragile blood family is full of heavy, helpless and sad. I am afraid that is the true portrayal of his character.

Think of here. Zhang Yang resisted the growing dizziness in his mind. And the physical weakness and soreness caused by the excessive use of lightning. Zhang Yang, who stood strong. Looking down slightly at Assam's eyes. Looking calmly and sincerely:

"You ... want to know why it is. It's actually very simple. Because now I have regarded you as my friend. That's it."

After hearing Zhang Yang say this sentence suddenly. Assam's eyes widened at once. He raised his head in a daze, staring at the master in front of him, who was indifferently firm but gave him a sense of perseverance. Suddenly moved inexplicably in my heart. More and faster chapters are here.

"I am a vampire ... even if I haven't actually been to Orlando. I also know that I am a member of the undead spirit. It is a dead enemy of humanity. And I signed a slave contract with you ... so powerful You. Why would you consider me a dead enemy of humanity and a humble slave to be your friend. Please tell me. "

The more it comes to the back. Assam's emotions are more excited. When it comes to the last sentence. Assam yelled unconsciously. At the moment, Ophelia, who had escaped the control of the small entropy, came right behind Zhang Yang. What Assam did before was also in the eyes of Ophelia. So at this time Assam asked questions. Waiting for Zhang Yang to speak. The first time to update Ophelia, he stepped forward and stood behind Zhang Yang, slowing down and speaking softly:

"Because you have never shown hostility to us. Even from the very beginning. You have never harmed us. Not only that. You can get here smoothly. Thanks to your help. Even just now. Do n’t put a burden on Wright. You ’ve even decided to choose a strong self-exploitation. If you ca n’t call it friendship. If you do n’t see you as a friend if you see you doing so much, do we still have a conscience ... ”

"Sir Ophelia ..."

"Huh. Isn't it usually called the beauty.... How. Lost magic. Don't you dare to spit flowers when you lose power ..."

"This ... you would be angry when you were called a beautiful lady ~. And. Master Wright ..."

"It's no problem to call it beauty. The problem is that you always look at me with a sly expression. It's time to be beaten."

He heard Assam's confused answer. Ophelia rolled his eyes rarely. Do n’t the dead spirits be stupid. Why are there so many messes in this vampire's head? But scolding scolding. Ophelia after saying this. Looked at Wright who was standing in front of him, but his face was getting paler. Suddenly slowed his tone again.

"Anna ~ Based on my knowledge of Wright. He should think so too. If you don't believe it. Ask him well."

"... It was originally you who took the lead and answered it. More and faster chapters are here."

"What are you talking about ... have you got a good face ..."

"No. Does anyone speak ... Master Wright ... I ..."

Seeing Assam's mental state is much better. Zhang Yang then said:

"Ophelia is right. What you do. I see it in my eyes. I don't have a lot of racial discrimination. As long as I am sincere to me. I am willing to make friends with him. As for this slave contract ... "

Speaking of which. Suddenly Zhang Yang reached out his right hand and pressed Assam's forehead. It was in Assam's heart. When I think of a possibility. Suddenly he felt that the soul seed from Master Wright, encased with a trace of thunder, was at the same time as the slave's mark disappeared. The big hand pressed against the head was taken back.

he. Lost strength. Earl of the vampire who lost his magic. It was at this time that he gained precious freedom. If Assam is a human on earth. I'm afraid I will jump up and shout: It's true that Zeon has lost his way.

"Master. You, this is ..."

"Okay. From now on I am no longer your master. I had to sign such a contract for safety. Now that you have been recognized and accepted by your actions. Then what else does this contract do ... Congratulations. Assam. You are free. More and faster chapters are available. Of course. Want real freedom. You have to pass this trial with us. "

"the host……"

"Let me call Wright. Haven't you been a slave enough?"

"This ... is unacceptably used to ..."

Speaking of which. Assuming a lot of mood, Assam suddenly looked straight. I saw him change his posture to a decadent sitting posture. Turn over and kneel in front of Zhang Yang. Looking up at Zhang Yang's eyes seriously. Word by word:

"Blood Count Assam-Norton. Volunteer serving the kind and great Lord Wright. Offer your meager strength and all loyalty. Please accept my humble blood servant."

"This ... Assam. What are you doing ..."

Ophelia really can't understand. Assam who regained his freedom. Why do you put shackles on yourself again? Is he really like Wright said. Is it uncomfortable without being enslaved? . If that is the case. Need bitch.

Ophelia thought of this in his mind. She heard Wright's calm voice coming from her front.

"Assam. You don't have to be like this. I said I already regarded you as a friend. And the seal on the source of magic within you. With my severely wounded body now. I have no power to undo it. Not only that. In the power of power The source of magic will remain in the original state for a long time. If you forcibly unlock the seal, you will still face a crisis of self-exploitation. But you can rest assured. Just wait a few days for the state of the source of magic in your body to return to normal. . Even if I try to force the spell again, it will lift the seal for you. "

"No. I don't mean that. For the source of the magic in me. I know it best myself. It is a great luck to be able to retrieve this life now. I want to unlock the seal safely. Not only Master Wright is needed. Your help. You also need a magic tower with at least seven or more floors. There is a large magic-enchanting magic circle. Borrowing the power of the magic-enchanting magic circle. I can safely unlock the seal. "

"I don't know. Seven-story magic tower. Where can I find it."

"It's difficult. You need to know that you want to build a seven-story magic tower. The magician in charge of the construction must have at least the strength of the seventh-level legendary intermediate level and its rich magic knowledge. Not only that. Not only that. The material is just an astronomical number. As far as I know. In the plane of the undead where I am. There are only less than five liches with more than seven magic towers. This is still a good collection of materials for the undead magic tower. 'S sake. "


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