Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 631: Extreme cold transition

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In terms of Zhang Yang's archery. It shouldn't take so much time at such a short distance. However, the extremely hot temperature in this cave. But it has formed a great obstacle. When Assam withdrew his magic and found the blaze corpse. He and Ophelia were surprised to find out. This fire ferret was actually killed by a piercing arrow.

Look from the wound. The arrow shot from the left eye of this ferret. Right eye shot. Not only keep the next complete body. And even the magic core in the brain. It is also intact. Unfortunately, at this time, the three of them had no time to study the magic of this ferret. Because the three fire beasts had consumed too much fighting spirit and magic power before. If you don't speed up at this moment, leave the extreme temperature channel like a steamer. No need for hands-on warcraft here. The three of them will be finished by themselves.

After putting away the ferret's body. The first time to update Zhang Yang three people began to accelerate. Go deeper. The red light from the black rock wall surrounding it became stronger. But just before the three pass a downhill. When I came to a crossing. Ten meters away in front of me, the steam that couldn't stop steaming suddenly blocked all the way.

How to do. Do you still keep going forward? You know, the moment the three approached the mist. A shocking heat wave has already rolled over. If you rush over. What would it be like to wait for three people across the street?

"Wright. What shall we do. This place ..."

See this situation. Ophelia also hesitated. She now consumes more than 60% of her grudge. There is no way to recover in this extreme temperature channel. Not only that. Every moment of delay. The consumption of grudge will be one more point. But now the road is blocked by this high temperature gas. This situation really made her a little unsure.

If you go back and forth, you will die. So how do people choose?

In fact, this problem is hardly a problem for Zhang Yang. Have come here. It seems that he will pass this trial. What is hesitant? Although the road ahead is unknown. But for the purpose of trial. There will never be a desperate situation ahead. Even if there is any danger. Just face it.

There was almost no hesitation. Zhang Yang smiled at Ophelia with a hint of encouragement. Then he accelerated towards the endless high temperature gas.

"Oh hey. Boss. You said it. I can't keep this shield too far from you ..."

Seeing Zhang Yang burst into the mist instantly. Ophelia has not had time to express. Assam was taken aback. Now Zhang Yang's external shield is maintained by him. If you suddenly lose your magical support. The consequences are really unimaginable. So Assam only had time to scream and gritted his teeth as Zhang Yang rushed into the mist.

By this time. The pressure in Ophelia's heart disappeared inexplicably. Xu was infected by a companion. She never felt so determined. So full of fighting spirit.

(Chong. Just rush through this final trial. Later in your life. You will return to your own hands. By then. You will have unlimited possibilities. You will also have unlimited choices. Even your marriage and Love. It will be up to you. My mother. Please bless me.)

Ophelia felt courageous and motivated at this moment. The surging blood seemed to make her completely forget the extreme temperature around her. Although the body is not full. But it seemed extremely surging. Ophelia pressed hard. The whole person rushed into the fog in front with a touch of blue light ...


The facts are often unexpected. The range of the mist was much smaller than the three expected. The first update after Ophelia rushed past. She just found out. The extremely hot mist was only less than ten meters. This made her rush out directly at the start.

But because of this. After Ophelia stood again with a trace of confusion. Everything in front of her suddenly made her feel like a dream.

At the moment, it appeared to be a channel of ice crystals glowing with blue light. The crystal clear ice icicles, sharp ice cones. Even the scales covered the entire passage. It looked like a mouthpiece of a horrible frost giant insect. Just looking at it made people feel cold.

Not to mention Ophelia froze at the moment. Even the well-known Zhang Yang is now amazed in his heart. Update first

The three of them were still in an extreme temperature channel that seemed to be in the crater below the ground. This is just passing through a mist. He came to a world of ice and snow. It can perfectly combine extreme heat and ice in a channel. This method really admired Zhang Yang.

(It used to be extremely hot. It ’s really here ...)

Because the three have just entered the ice crystal channel from the extreme temperature channel. At the beginning of the period. The three of them felt cool. But it's just a few breaths. Zhang Yang suddenly noticed a magical phenomenon. That is the gas he exhaled after leaving the body. It instantly turned into a puff of ice. And when Ophelia emerged from the fog behind him. More and faster chapters are here. Zhang Yang, who was the first to pass, already felt a bit of a chilling icy jump from his feet.

The temperature here is exactly the two extremes. It was terribly hot just now. It turned out to be so cold now. It's just like the two sides of the sky are generally feeling. That sour ...

Have to admit. Compared with the full burnt black and reddish color entering the extreme temperature channel. The scenery in this ice channel can be called dream. The clumps of icicles with magnificent glare. Like the purest crystal in the underground world. If you add the dark blue ice mist floating slowly in between. The scenery here is almost entirely in line with the most beautiful crystal dream in the mind of the little girl.

Ofelia was shocked by the magnificent scenery at the beginning. However, when the grudge armor outside her consumed her grudge at a faster rate than in the extreme temperature tunnel. Ophelia woke up in a cold war. This is not a good place for dreams. At this temperature, it is almost possible to freeze ordinary steel to be brittle.

"Assam. How long can your magic power last."

Zhang Yang is still the first to speak at this moment. Just as he asked questions. Zhang Yang has removed the Warhammer from the Space Ring. Gently tapped on the side of a transparent ice edge with a long rice and thick fingers.

However, a scene that surprised the three happened. Just when the handle of Zhang Yang and its heavy and hard warhammer touched the ice edge. The first time to update a crisp, as if the clash of gold and iron clash sounded out. Not only that. When Zhang Yang moved the hammer away from his hand. The ice edge is not only intact. Zhang Yang's hand on the "hammer force" on the hammer. Instead, there was a frost that could not spread.

This ice edge is not only stronger than gold iron. The temperature is surprisingly low.

"Oh my god. This thing can almost catch up with the ice formed by water magic. Oh. No. In terms of hardness, it's even harder than the ice released by magicians below level five. "

As Assam exclaimed. Zhang Yang not only frowned. Only then did he really not exert himself. But that is also relative. What's more, the remaining length of the current half-meter including the hammer head of the "Omok Power" is calculated. The weight is still around 125 pakri. Add these two together. Even for Zhang Yang, it was just a ‘gentle’ touch. Its power is not to be underestimated.

In order to test the hardness of the ice edge here. Zhang Yang once again waved the warhammer in his hand. This time he probably used 50% of his strength. At this moment I saw a minimalist arc of the Warhammer. Once again hit the seemingly thin ice edge.

When buzzing ...

With a penetrating sound wave spread out from the ice edge. Ofelia and Assam suddenly felt that the grudge armor and magic shield outside were suddenly unstable. The sound wave generated when the ice edge struck. It can actually affect the protective magic of the elements.

Look at Zhang Yang who launched the attack. He was very serious now. The sturdiness of this ice edge is really unexpected. Now under his normal strength of 50%. Only a few cracks appeared. Not at all to the extent of crushing. At this time Zhang Yang kept on hand. He gradually improved his strength. Until the 80% strength under normal conditions is used. Only this finger can be thick. Three fingers wide ice edge breaks.

Yes. It is breaking, not breaking. The hardness of this ice edge has far exceeded that of ordinary steel. It is completely comparable to magic weapons of order three or above.

See here. Not only Zhang Yang's face became serious. Ofelia and Assam's complexions are even more ugly. If there is only such an ice edge, it is better to say. However, this ice channel is almost completely covered by this kind of ice edge and icicle no matter up, down, left or right. If these hard ices have such strength ...

Looked at the strips, one after another, like sharp sword edges in the jungle like a sword. The three of them could not help but burst out of their hearts. There are obstacles to these things. Coupled with the extremely cold frozen air in between. If there is any more strange Warcraft coming out to make trouble ...

The three did not dare to continue thinking. These ice edges are like sharp swords. Under the cover of these ice edges. There was almost no place to move in the channel. If you really encounter an attack. What can be done at the beginning of hard resistance.

"No way. Since we have come here. We have to break through even Daoshan and Yuguo. It's just a hard ice edge. It doesn't take much effort to break a path."

At this moment Zhang Yang had a general understanding of the hardness of these ice edges. So after he dropped this sentence, he waved the Warhammer and opened the way. However, a few steps have not been taken. Suddenly Zhang Yang turned to look at the ugly face of Ophelia and Assam. Asked tilting his head:

"What. Is there any problem."


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