Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 634: Abyssal Arena

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At the moment of passing the **** vortex. Assam's consciousness suddenly appeared in a trance. Those pains, sorrows and despairs buried deep in his memory by him. It was like a flood that broke the dike. Uncontrolled flooding ...

Although both belong to the camp of undead spirits. But the vampires, liches, and death knights are not a monolith. Although among them, the lich who is proficient in darkness and death is the oldest. But they and their sparse numbers are a bit too thin compared to the other two lines.

In contrast. The death knight serves as the commander of all levels of the undead legion. Relatively speaking, although the number is arguably the most. It's just that the strength of the death knight is uneven. The most powerful individual can be comparable to the ancient lich. Almost close to the level of the eighth-order epic. The first update and the weakest. But only the strength of the fourth-order silver level ...

vampire. As a force that cannot be ignored in the undead. Although the number of powerful pure blood vampires is not too large. But they have a large number of mixed-blood descendants and several powerful vassals. Such as werewolf, manta, etc ...

right. It's always uncontrollable. at this point. This is even more true of the immortal wise undead. Because the power of pure-blooded vampires is the simplest and fastest. As long as there is a strong bloodline and blood source. In just a few decades, there will be a large number of Tier 6 Zijin Peak Powerhouses.

Because of this. As long as there is a chance. Vampire wine will be harmed in secret by the lich. Those bone racks that are good at darkness and death magic. In order to maintain his dominant position among undead creatures. He will secretly deal with the most talented rookies in vampires by means of a curse of evil and more direct assassinations and seals.

Very unfortunate. Vivienne is a talented pure blood vampire girl. Became their goal ...

Assam has been reluctant to remember that lying in the crystal coffin. Those who have fallen into eternal sleep. That day, when the tip of the pure black with evil runes pierced through her heart. Assam instantly felt that the whole world was going to collapse. On the day of her adulthood ceremony. Just behind this banquet hall. How dare they assassinate blatantly. . Damn lich. Damn death knight. .

When Vivian fell in her arms. The first time to update Assam's heart was suddenly filled with sorrow, hatred, pain and despair.

(If Vivienne is going to die. Then this **** world should also be buried with him. Destroy. I want to destroy ... um ...

Just when Assam's consciousness was in chaos and madness. What used to be with Vivian seemed to reappear. She smiled. Her anger. Her coquettishness ... In the end, there was only the pale and beautiful beauty sleeping in the crystal coffin ... Do you really want this beautiful person to destroy with the world?

Suddenly Assam suddenly remembered something. The reason why he went out alone. Not to destroy the world. He was looking for a way to save Vivian. The kind can repair the soul. The treasure that brought Vivienne back to life.

(What's wrong with me..)

There was a jitter all over. Assam opened his eyes instantly. At this moment he had just stepped out of the swirling scarlet magic door. But Assam was too late to see Wright and Ophelia beside him. The scene in front of him made him feel horrified as a pure blood vampire.

At this point, the three of them were at the other end of the Scarlet Magic Gate. Except for the **** vortex that is gradually shrinking behind. It turned out to be a square room with a length of 100 meters. of course. If it's just a simple stone room or something. Assam will not be scared at all. It's really creepy. Indeed the countless twisted faces on the ceiling and on the ground here.

They are all alive. More and faster chapters are here.

Looking around. In the four corners of this room. Each has a huge and weird sarcoma. That's up to the ceiling. A blood-red meat block nearly six meters high. At this time, he was still slightly bulging and beating.

What the **** is this? . What are these things? .

At the moment, Assam was deeply shocked by the horrible and disgusting things in front of him. Next to Ophelia and Zhang Yang finally recovered. Similar to Assam's previous performance. At this time, Ophelia's emotions were extremely excited. Not only are the eyes blushing. Even those jade hands. At this time, he had already pressed on the hilt worn on his side.

"Is this the most difficult" Abyssal duel field "in the legend ... damn. Why are there four abyssal knights appearing at once. More and faster chapters are here. This time is bad. Wright ... . "

It is different from Assam ’s horror and Ophelia ’s anger. At this time, Zhang Yang's state really made the two around him a little confused. At that time his face was no longer as calm as before. Instead, a deep sorrow and a little bit of nostalgic memory ...

(These almost forgotten memories ... turned out again ... but now these memories seem to have become too old. Even the pain has faded a lot ...)

"Relax. I'm fine. Just listened to you. You know where this is."

"Yeah. It's just because I know. So it's bad."

Stepping **** the ground underneath, a big stare staring at him tightly. More and faster chapters are here. Ophelia strongly resisted the nausea in his heart. Continue to say:

"There are actually many possibilities for the final level of trials. The enemies are possible from undead to demons to all kinds of Warcraft. And among them. Abyssal creatures are indeed the most difficult to deal with. And here. It is the famous abyssal duel Field. "

"Oh ... famous. Why have I never heard of it."

Speaking of which. Did not wait for Ophelia to explain. Suddenly Assam suddenly remembered something. Then his face changed drastically from the bite of a disgusting mouth on the ground. Pointing here eagerly shouting:

"Gosh. Is this the Abyssal Duel .. No wonder he is so strongly spiritually attacked as soon as he comes in. More and faster chapters are here. The Abyss Knight is indeed a collection of negative consciousness. But why are four. . "

Listen to Assam here. Zhang Yang and Ophelia subconsciously swept their eyes from the three of them. Finally, it focused on the cold-bound zombie who was dropping ice particles from Perak Bara's eyes. See here. The hearts of the three were instantly clear.

"Oh my god. Did you arrange your opponents according to the number of heads? Isn't that a death order? You know that every abyss knight that appears on the abyss of the abyss has a combat strength of more than six orders Ah. One abyss knight is scary enough. This one is good. Four in a wave ... that master lord ... shall we go back now and rush again ... "

It so happened here. The first time to update the **** vortex behind the three of them suddenly disappeared completely disappeared. This is good. The three can't do it now if they want to go back.


"Now that I have come here. The big deal is desperately. Besides, don't we still have a cold-binding zombie. While those sarcomas haven't broken open. Let's talk first."

Zhang Yang's words just fell. Countless terrifying big mouths on the ground and on the walls began to weep and **** together. This is good. The elements of the various systems that were not sufficient were suddenly swallowed up. In such a place. The magician's strength will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. Not only that. Even the high-end combatants' outburst of vindictiveness and other vindictive skills. It is also a sharp decline in power.

"Mom's. Does anyone want to live anymore ..."

"Don't call it. Save your breath. Haven't you noticed that the air has become extremely thin too ... Besides, you're not human ..."


Speaking room. The three of Zhang Yang have rushed to a sarcoma with the cold zombies possessed by Terna's soul. In fact, the closer to the sarcoma. The feeling in the hearts of the three people becomes stronger. For example at this time. Zhang Yang and others had a strong grief in their hearts for no reason.

"It's too evil. Could it be that the abyss knight has the power of sorrow ..."

For Assam and Zhang Yang. Everything in the abyss is still a mystery. But this is for the Camod family with a long history. Therefore, there is still a little introduction to the abyss in the paper pile. Although the time to leave this information is no longer available. But there is always a little understanding. At the moment, Ophelia's expression was clearly struggling. The breath of the abyss knight. All the time, it has a negative impact on the surroundings. So Ophelia can only try to control his emotions. I thought about it and said:

"The legendary abyss. It is a dumping ground shared by countless planes. All the siltation there is excess negative emotions and energy released by each plane. It is said that the abyss is an integral part of the entire plane world. If no abyss exists . There will be no enron and happy land. There will be no more ethereal kingdoms and pure land. "

This is the first time Zhang Yang has heard about the abyss. Since this is from Ophelia's mouth. Even the details are slightly inconsistent. But basically it won't be wrong. However, if you follow this statement. The Abyss is a garbage dump common to all planes. So why was there such an abyss invasion?

Taking advantage of the cold zombies to fully touch a sarcoma. When gradually assimilating it with the power of the extreme cold. Zhang Yang asked this question strangely.

"What ... Abyss invasion. No such thing has ever been recorded in history. The Demon World has invaded many times. It even opened a stable space channel once. As for the occasional intersection between other planes and the Orlando world. Various element subplanes. If the abyss is really connected with the Orlando world. I am afraid that the Orlando world is not far away from destruction. After all, the legendary abyss is the most complex and sinister in the diverse world. It is also the most extensive place. "

(Isn't that the case? If it was really like Ophelia said. Then when learning "Deep Water Fighting Qi Qi". What about the inherited memory. Is it false. Impossible. It seems. There must be some secrets that people do not know.)


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