Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 63: Altar in the cave 3

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"Quickly stop them! Otherwise it will really die !!"

The head of the Blue Feather Mercenary, Munch, shouted with horror at this moment, ignoring the wound that had penetrated the left abdomen.

"Kill them !!"

"Brother! Be side by side!"

Although the remaining mercenaries were basically exhausted at the moment, many people were wounded in many places, but at this time they were flushed with anxious eyes. Everyone knows clearly that the guy who can be summoned by such things as the Demon Summon Circle is definitely not as simple as a low-level monster, at least they are all authentic low-level demons. , People will kill all the hundreds of people in a fraction of the time. As for why? You know, the low-level demon is also a strong hand equivalent to the Orlando World Black Iron Senior Professional. As for the middle-level devil, the lowest is the silver first-level! There are individual powerful existences and even silver high-level powerhouses! If we are really exhausted, dead and wounded, if we call out such an ancestor, then we might as well wipe our necks!

The place where the mercenary soldiers and the demon battled was 20-30 meters away from the altar in the center of the cave. It was a matter of three or five instants for the crowd to rush to the nearest dark mage, but the crowd reacted and tried When raising the weapon and preparing to rush over. The mysterious man who has been hiding in the samurai of the city's main guard suddenly shot! That target turned out to be the mercenary fighters closest to him!

"The Burning Hand!"

Just listening to the mysterious man shouting, then a large dark red Mars appeared in the place where his right hand waved! I saw that Mars covered almost 180 degrees in front of him, covering an area of ​​nearly twenty square meters! This sudden attack was too sudden. The mercenaries around him had not been guarded against him before. Such a burning hand actually ignited 17 or 8 mercenaries! The unremarkable dark red Mars turned out to be flammable, and a fire broke out in the seventeen or eight people in a flash! Heartbreaking screams accompanied by desperate screams and burnt smell of roasted meat filled that big space!

"Hahahaha! All die! The ants!"

After the mysterious man shot, he didn't stop. After a laugh, he began to concentrate on preparing for magic!

At this time, three slap-length steel needles swish! Whoosh! Whoosh! Flew over and went straight to the mage's head and face. But just one meter away from the mage was blocked by the soldiers of the main palace! Immediately afterwards, the warriors of these six main city palaces took a blank expression and took a semicircular block in front of the mage! The large shield they raised at the same time blocked the bow and flying knife in time.


"Scum! Damn you!"

"We're fooled!"

"Quickly kill them! The altar starts to shine!"

This change made the hopeless survival of the already weak mercenary team even smaller. At this time, everyone really began to despair!

"Long range, hit the ritual! Melee, hit the mage! Quick!"

Just when the remaining sixty people felt desperate, a calm and clear command sound came into everyone's ears!

After hearing Zhang Yang's cry, Nier Jielin instantly shot without hesitation at the altar on the edge of the altar and held two bows. Svina also flew towards the altar after she was shocked. Knife. Although the remaining mercenaries responded a little slower, they still rushed forward with their bows and arrows.

Those who fight for survival are the most brave and desperate.

The more afraid of death, the sooner he will die. As an ordinary person, Munch can serve as a centurion of the French army without the gift of grudge. His bravery and wisdom were once appreciated by the frontier deputy, but he only left the army after losing power in the subsequent internal exclusion. Munch knows that this desperately capable person who can soberly command the battle is much stronger than himself. Now the situation is solitary, it is necessary to unite and dedicate his life to forgetting death in order to work out a way of life, so the six or seven led by Munch At this time, a close friend closely followed Zhang Yang, and rushed to the soldiers of the city's main palace in three or two steps. Without a word, he slashed the sword with his face covered.

Zhang Yang is now killing his heart. He also hates the person who stabbed under the trap. Therefore, when rushing to the defense line of the city's main palace soldiers, Zhang Yang picked up a one-handed axe diagonally inserted into the ground with his left hand, and with the long sword in his right hand, he threw it into the front with a thunder. shield!

Woo ~ It's pop! The wooden shield of Mongolian iron skin was smashed by Zhang Yang! Then, just before the warrior holding the shield hadn't fully reacted, Zhang Yang leaned forward and thrust into the left hand tomahawk to cut off the leg of the enemy on his left side! When the warrior whose shield was shattered had just recovered his balance and wanted to attack Zhang Yang, the long sword in Zhang Yang's right hand pierced his left armpit like a long eye, and pierced into his mouth! In this flash of electric flint, Zhang Yang actually killed the two! Zhang Yang's intrusion suddenly opened the line of defense, and the mercenary soldiers that followed immediately broke through the shield formed by the soldiers of the city's main palace. This is really too fast, Zhang Yang can now see his shock from the sudden shock of the mysterious mage who is not far away!

Although Zhang Yang didn't have any grudge to strengthen his weapon at this time, he was anyway a professional who had achieved his first grudge and reached the bronze rank. The effectiveness of deep water fighting strength to strengthen the body and his crazy self-masochistic exercise have already achieved initial results. At this time, the strength of Zhang Yang's nearly eighteen-year-old body broke out no worse than ordinary bronze senior soldiers! Moreover, the heavy armor "Dashan" used for training has already been replaced, and Zhang Yang, who is in the light iron leather armor, now exudes danger and killing all over him! At this time, he was completely confident to fight with the black iron level soldiers. Where are the few soldiers who can't resist in front of them?

Seeing the mercenaries on the opposite side suddenly broke the line of defense in front of him, the mysterious mage had to give up the fire wall magic that had been prepared for a small and a half, and saw that he raised his left hand and shouted in the direction of Zhang Yang:


As the mysterious mage's death word shouted, a ruby ​​ring in his left hand suddenly flashed red! At the same time that the ruby ​​inlaid on the ring exploded, an arrow composed of dark red flames shot at Zhang Yangbiao!


At this point, Zhang Yang was too close to the mage, and the rocket came too suddenly. Zhang Yang only felt that a heat wave had come, and it was too late to escape completely. Fortunately, Zhang Yang bowed his head and rushed to the left. But when Zhang Yang fell to the ground, he was surprised, and the expected burning and pain did not come. It turned out that when Monarch saw Zhang Yang in distress, he pushed the body of a soldier who had just been killed. The body of the unlucky child hindered the advancement of the fire arrow. After puncturing a body, Zhang Yang escaped. .

Too late to thank, the mysterious mage is going to release the "burning hand" again! If he succeeds, Zhang Yang and others in front of him will die more than half! At this critical moment, Zhang Yang no longer retains the moment when his thoughts move. The amount of free lightning power lurking in the soul is used repeatedly, and Zhang Yang's movements are almost twice as fast! ! This is the strongest trick that the bronze bronze Zhang Zhang can use at this time!

Zhang Yang is more than two meters away from the mysterious mage, and the speed of rushing past is not enough, so Zhang Yang throws his hand and throws a battle axe! At a distance of more than two meters, no matter how vigorous a Yang's strength is, there will be no slight deviation, but Zhang Yang, used to strengthen lightning, has suddenly increased to six times the level of ordinary people! Coupled with the ten-jin battle axe, this full-strength force is hundreds of pounds! I am afraid that at this time, a humanoid pimple will be smashed!

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