Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 662: Zhang Yang's Demon Skill 1

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Franco seemed to have fifteen buckets of water in his heart at this time, up and down.

He did not expect to say so casually that the magician who was originally intended to bluff was actually present! What makes him even more nervous is that this equally mysterious magician has come here without fear!

(Can it be ...)

Franco clearly remembers how powerful the [ice bomb] released from close range when this magician dealt with ogres before! But ... no matter how strong he is, he is only one! Moreover, the magician is not a natural material for melee combat!

Even if his magic can instantly kill a third-order black iron level combatant, but before he can condense his next magic, I am afraid that he has been rushed to the ground by other enemies! You should know that unless you reach level 6 or higher, and have an enhanced magic shield that is enough to compete with [Armor of Dou Qi], the result of the magician getting close to the warlord can only end in hatred!


However, Zhang Yang didn't know at this time that almost everyone on the scene had already put a label on him like "stupid" brain disability, "mentally handicapped" and lack of heart. He thought it very simple, he had to put it anyway. The leader who had just spoken caught! Zhang Yang is quite confident in his method of torture. As long as the other party falls into his hands, Zhang Yang can definitely get the news he wants.

Seeing that the magician didn't answer his question, he came to his side with a sullen head. The corner of the team leader's eyes hidden under the hood suddenly twitched.

(Damn it! He said you are a master of magic, are you a master of magic ?! Why do n’t I believe that a really powerful magician will use this garbage staff! According to the report, this group of miscellaneous fish was out of town Twenty people, but now there are only 17 left, so to speak ... Could this person be temporarily disguised by them ?!)

Thinking of this, the mysterious leader suddenly stopped talking nonsense, but waved his hands fiercely. In the blink of an eye, Francon's twelve captured first-level senior and second-level junior men were suddenly wiped out by the collective! At this time, all the members of the third-order 'Black Flower' who killed the captives and rushed to Zhang Yang!

"No ~ !!"

Seeing the twelve bloods spouting out of the necks of his men, Franco wailed with great pain! Although the contact time is relatively short, it is after all the companion who has eaten and lived together and has tied his destiny together! Now these twelve young lives have been implicated and died because of his personal grievances, anger and self-blame suddenly filled Franco's heart!

Unfortunately, this has already happened. Compared with mourning the dead, how to lead the remaining four men to survive is the question that Franco as the leader should think about!

However, when the twelve "Black Flower" members carried the **** sword and rushed to the magician twenty meters away, the next scene suddenly let Franco realize the thrill of revenge!

Faced with more than a dozen third-tier combatants who rushed towards him in a fan shape, Zhang Yang also began to become serious! In fact, if Zhang Yang uses [Thunderbolt Enhancement] to let go of the attack, then these guys who rushed up can only be the dead chapter full chapter Baidu (read! (Zero)! Zero)

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