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As the king of the Warcraft Silver Pegasus with wind magic as the main attack, Feiyun's magical strength is really amazing.

At this moment in the famous "Brave" tavern in Moratis, Feiyun played such a beautiful and terrifying group attack magic [Wind Blade Flurry].

However, under normal circumstances, "Wind Blade Flurry" is just a fourth-order wind group attacking magic. Its lethality is really not enough for all the fourth-order silver-level combatants in the "Brave" tavern here. Look. However, as the king of Silver Pegasus, how could Feiyun come up with this kind of oolong.

Whether the enemy is human or Warcraft, or the orcs in the south, etc., this is also the initial battle after Feiyun and Ophelia signed a guardian contract. If you don't play it more beautifully, how can it be worthy of its name of the sixth-order silver Pegasus King? .

Facts have proved that Feiyun did not live up to Ophelia's trust in it, and it was released in an instant, which is not actually a magic. Instead, he released a sixth-order magic [Storm Heart] before using [Wind Blade Flurry].

[Heart of Storm] As the sixth-order enhanced magic, in fact, like the sixth-order enhanced magic of other departments, it has the power to raise the low-level magic to the sixth-level magic intensity. As a result, Feiyun's release of "Blade Flurry" has already left the scope of intermediate magic and has become a high-level magic that is enough to cause a lethal threat to fourth-level professionals.

In an instant, I saw a huge wind blade with a length of half a person, with a thrilling roar. With Feiyun as the center, the whole tavern was instantly covered by a spiral diffusion method. This magic came too suddenly, so the "lock fog clothes" released by these fourth-tier fighters in the house in a hurry, both in strength and preparation, are somewhat inadequate.

Because of this, the effectiveness of Feiyun's magic has been extraordinary. Although there were only seven professionals who died directly under this enhanced [Blade Flurry], of the remaining dozen people, there were four who suffered serious injuries and lost the power to fight again. Copies.

This is the power of Tier 6 Warcraft. Of course, the closed environment inside the tavern also facilitates the power of this magic, and in terms of Feiyun ’s magical control, controlling dozens of huge wind blades only hurts people and does not damage the tavern building, which is not a big deal. Things.


When Dermouk appeared in the stairs on the first floor wearing heavy armor and a set of blue [tattoo armor], he instantly felt the blood rising up and practiced the water system grievances for decades. The effect of concentrating on his meditation was like a turbulent flood, which was constantly impacting his demeanor.

Looking at the blood splattered in the tavern on the first floor and his unsettled man, Demock slammed his long straight knife in his hand and roared towards the flying cloud in the middle of the tavern with a roar.

"Damn beast. I'm going to kill you ..."

At this time, Demok had no matter what the task of capturing the King of Silver Pegasus. The death and injury of his men made him angry. Anyway, the main goal was to kill Ophelia, killing one is also killing, killing two to make a pair.

But Demok's idea is simple, but it is not so easy to do. The same is the sixth order, Feiyun's sixth-order intermediate strength is higher than Demock. As for Feiyun, who is good at magical attacks, Demok is a weapon master who is good at melee. The difference is also due to the special physique of Feiyun Warcraft, which casts magic very quickly and offsets most of them.

The combination of these points makes Demok not blocked two steps before being blocked by a sudden wind wall. The fifth-order wind magic [wall of air] can create a wall of dense wind elements within the range of sight according to the spellcaster's mental strength.

Unlike the simple defense of the "earth wall" in the third-order earth magic, the "air wall" not only has the ability to defend the road, but also has a weak attack power. Among them, the wind elements that make up the "wall of air" are all gathered together in the form of small wind blades and air masses.

Anything that wants to pass through it, will feel a feeling of entering the blade vortex instantly. If there is not enough sturdiness or defense against elemental energy, then a large living person rushes in, and when it comes out, it will definitely become a blood mist.

However, this fifth-order wind magic [wall of air] in the view of warriors of the level of Demok, can only play a role in slowing down his speed. If you don't have to worry about the consumption of arrogance, he can even rush straight through the armor of arrogance. After all, besides [Armor of Dou Qi], De Mok also has a set of dark blue armor that does not lose to the defensive ability of [Hei Dou].

Just as a qualified mercenary, it is also a knowledge to reasonably arrange the grudge consumption. If the battle is rushed at the beginning of the battle, regardless of consumption, even if the enemy is successfully destroyed, I am afraid that I will lose the power to cope with other unexpected changes afterwards.

Therefore, for the sudden appearance of the wall of air that completely blocked the way, Demock chose to destroy rather than break. I saw that when he swiftly took forward the footsteps, the straight knife full of grudges slashed left and right twice in an instant, and after the sapphire blue grudges were cut, there was still a light blue grudge of 'x' shape in front of him Yu Guang.

In fact, most of the high-level combatants ’attacks are more condensed than the magic, and the weapons used by the high-level combatants are mostly ordinary. Afterwards, the elemental structure of the "wall of air" in front of him was suddenly destroyed, and then instantaneously turned into a chaotic and fine air blade, which disappeared after a little diffusion.

It's a pity that the role of this "wall of air" is not to hurt the enemy, and to block Demock's line, the purpose of Feiyun has been achieved. At this time, the Tier 4 combatants who were present no longer had to hide anymore, and one by one they rushed towards Ophelia.

In fact they are not stupid. Feiyun's strength is too strong, at first glance they are not able to deal with it, it is better to stop Ophelia than to die. At least with the strength of Tier 5 gold intermediate swordsmen, it is impossible to kill people wantonly under the siege of all Tier 4 professionals.

Because it occupied the trail of the back kitchen, when only a dozen of Tier 4 silver-level combatants attacked Ophelia, she was able to rely on weapons and geography, and spent a short time at the cost of a lot of grudge. A drip will not leak.

At this time, the pub owner in the kitchen had shrunk with several waitresses. Although things like fighting between adventurers in the pub were very common, but as now, it is a group killing magic and a grudge. Splashing battles are very different from ordinary fights.

But Xu Shi's pub owner's professional habits have been deeply rooted. When Ophelia tried his best to deal with the enemies outside, the pub owner suddenly whispered, and almost didn't make Ophelia out of control.

"Uh ... it's all like this, I'm afraid that it's not necessary to have that breakfast, oops. But this food is already prepared, isn't it a waste. No, you have to hurry up ... Uh ... …keep it……"

Hearing this, Ophelia refrained from laughing, and after a few swords forced the enemy in front of him for a few steps, he vacated and said sideways:

"Who said I wouldn't eat it ... After I win, if you can't bring the food I ordered, hum ~"

After saying this, Ophelia violently used his fighting skills [Breakdown] and immediately waved the seven swords with a trace of afterimage ...

Not to mention whether the tavern owner should be horrified or rejoiced. At this moment, Demok had broken three "air walls" in a row and rushed into Feiyun ten meters away. Under this distance, the threat of the warlord to the magician has reached a certain threshold at the level of the sixth order or higher on both sides.

If De Mok is allowed to continue to approach, he only needs to display a kind of grudge like [Stab], and he can instantly rush to Feiyun.

But at this time, Feiyun used the time that the three previous "walls of air" had won, and finally completed the long-awaited magic. I saw it spread its wings in an instant. While the eyes were full of glory, a violent wind suddenly came from The doors and windows of the tavern blew together, and in the blink of an eye, they gathered in front of Feiyun into a small tornado with a wide width and a narrow width, but this tornado is not an attack magic. When it flashes two green eyes above it, and the body When the two arms appeared on the side, Demok suddenly knew that it was in trouble.

As the most difficult high-level summoning magic in the sixth-level magic of each department, once successfully cast, most of them have the ability to nearly affect the balance of victory or defeat.

Take the wind elemental creature summoned by Feiyun at this time, it does not have a weak wind-like magic ability, not even melee is comparable to the silver magic horse specializing in the magic of Warcraft. Although there are still many gaps compared to the pure combatants, but the characteristics of its elemental creatures make this up to the fifth-order advanced guy, can definitely be equated with trouble.

At this time, I saw this wind-like elemental creature like a tiny hurricane that was spinning continuously. At first, I looked around and looked forward to it, and then immediately set the target on Demock. At the same time, from the short and ridiculous transparent hands, one after another continuous release of reinforced wind blades, compressed air bombs.

These attacks are not the magic cast by this wind element. In fact, wind elemental creatures do not need to cast magic most of the time. The elemental energy they throw away is a spell-like attack similar to magic. If even elemental creatures need special attention to cast magic, its power will never be worse than the giant tornado created by the wind elemental lord in the trial sea.

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