Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 690: Destruction and killing

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Regarding the question that Ocilia suddenly asked, Zhang Yang did not expect that his relationship with Ophelia has indeed exceeded the scope of ordinary friends. But from the perspective of love, it has not reached that level. At least Zhang Yang and Ophelia have never taken the initiative to mention this matter.

Now I didn't expect that Ocilia would be asked at this time, so Zhang Yang didn't really know how to answer. After this situation was seen by Osilia, she even showed an incredible look, and then leaned forward to put her exquisite face to Zhang Yang sitting opposite, looked at him with a monster look and asked:

"You're ... what's wrong,"

Zhang Yang was even less likely to answer the strange question that Ocilia had suddenly asked, but he looked at Ocilia's speechless eyes, which already explained the problem.

"Okay, even if you have no problems with your body, but you have a problem with your brain, not to mention that her cousin is a temperamental beauty. If she can successfully return to Moxim, she will have the unimaginable Rights and wealth. Is n’t that what you are after, ”

I have to admit that at the moment, Osilia, who has a curious look, is not low in charm, but just looking at this childlike face not far away in front of her, Zhang Yang's expression has completely returned to calm.

"Not everyone cares about rights and wealth, at least in my opinion, these things are not attractive."

"But even so, are you not interested in beautiful women,"

"Appreciation does not necessarily have to be possessed, not to mention that the future is uncertain, saying that these have no meaning."

"Oh ... so, you still like Ophelia's cousin,"

"I didn't say that."

"But this means ..."

Osilia was talking about this, a voice came suddenly from behind her.

"Ocelia, what are you talking about."

"Ah. Cousin."

At this time, Zhang Yang can see that Ophelia's face is a little bit redder than usual. This is a very nervous and excited performance for a fifth-level gold intermediate combatant.

Ophelia had not thought that one day he would raise this question face-to-face with Wright, but she was not ready at all, not to mention that the words had not come out of the man ’s mouth, which made her a little bit ashamed. .

"You said that he gets along well, it doesn't matter if he talks to the next day,"

"Okay, but why do you have to mention me."

"Because it's really curious. If it's not someone you like, why would you help you get to this point?"


Suddenly, Zhang Yang couldn't see whether this Osilia was really stupid or naive, or he was deliberately pretending to be cute, but now he has no time to pay attention to this point. In the night outside the window, the group has gathered for a long time. The members of the 'Three Swords League' have started to rush over like this.

"Get ready to fight, Ophelia, the second wave of attacks has already begun."


In fact, when the soldiers of the Pegasus Legion on the first floor of Fang Cai expressed their voices in unison, the attackers outside the door had already begun to act. Compared with the previous attackers composed of scattered mercenaries and adventurers, this black man who rushed up was obviously more disciplined and stronger.

Therefore, when a large group of nearly 100 people rushed together, Zhang Yang, who was in the window on the third floor, had launched an attack on the ground in order to reduce their impact on the first floor.

However, just as Zhang Yanggang shot three feather arrows, from the darkness below and far away, suddenly appeared five or six arrows with all kinds of grudge. At this time, their goals are extremely consistent, which is to suppress Zhang Yang alone, so as to cover the attacker brigade on the ground. Of course, if you can directly shoot the shooter guarding the third floor, it is naturally better.

In fact, most of these arrows with grudges are only issued by Tier 3 archers, but among them, there is a Tier 4 silver archer mixed in it, intending to take advantage of them.

It's a pity that this has no effect on the perceptive Zhang Yang. Facing these arrows with different colors of arrogance, he just flashed away from the position of this window and turned to another window next to it. Instead, he still raised his bow and shot arrows at the attackers below ...


Because of the previous scattered mercenaries exploring the way, after the second batch of attackers rushed outside the gate of the tavern, they did not intend to enter at all. Instead, they took out some potions containing green liquid and threw them directly at the tavern. Exterior wall.

In fact, these bright green potions are a kind of alchemical products with extremely corrosiveness: acid bottles. Its role is generally used to break through a variety of solid fortifications, such as metal doors or the outer wall of the compound chamber.

Because of the high production cost, the price of each acid bottle is between 15 and 50 gold coins, and it is a waste of suspicion to use it on the outer wall of the oak cup tavern. At least for ordinary mercenaries or ordinary combat, throwing more than twenty acid bottles at once like this is like throwing money ...

However, this is the case in the world. In many cases, as long as you are willing to spend money, you will receive good results.

As the acid bottles smashed on the outer wall of the tavern covered with blood tribulus, a burst of sour smoke suddenly dispersed. The blood tribulus that has troubled the attackers for a long time, after facing this strong acid enough to dissolve gold and iron, can only quickly turn into black charcoal and die in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, as the acid gradually diffused deeper on the wall outside the tavern, dozens of large holes were corroded in an instant in the outer wall of the Oak Cup tavern. That makes the whole building look shaky.

This is good, so the opponent does not follow the rules, so that Assam's hard trap has become a decoration. Through these holes that still can't survive corrosion, both the defenders of the Silver Pegasus Legion and the attackers outside the tavern can directly see each other's figure. At this moment, as long as the acid effect in the acid bottle disappears, the battle will start directly.

"Mother's. Playing chess, but the opponent just lifts the table directly, you guys who hide their heads and tails are really nothing."

Since contact wars are inevitable, Assam can only prepare first. At this moment, he had assigned the surrounding soldiers to the edge of the poisonous green holes, and he himself, not only had to defend the three large holes at the main entrance, but also had to take care of the defenders of the Silver Pegasus Legion in the play.

Unfortunately, the dark magic that Assam is good at is not affordable to ordinary people, even the lowest-level second-order dark magic [Shadow Shield], if it is worn on the defenders of the surrounding Silver Pegasus Legion for a long time, no need to attack others He, he himself had to be injured ...

In addition to being extremely corrosive, the substance in the acid bottle has a duration of only a minute or so, not to mention that after corroding many blood tribulus and large walls, those acids have been diluted There was a lot of it, so when these acids lost most of their effectiveness, the attacker outside the door rushed to the first floor of the tavern.

All of a sudden, the glorious light almost illuminated the front yard of the entire tavern, whether it was a defender belonging to the Silver Pegasus Legion, or an attacker whose body was mostly covered in a black cloak, all collided together.

At a glance, most of the combatants appearing on the battlefield at this time are the second-level bronze level and the third-level black iron level. Sometimes a fourth-level silver level attacker appears, and they are all captain-level characters. In just a few tens of seconds, a gap can be opened in any place where the defender of the Silver Pegasus Legion is located.

And at this time, Assam's magic attack will kill or damage it as soon as possible. If a large group of enemies rush in, it is really difficult to think about defense.

Originally, both Zhang Yang and Assam felt that in the battle in the city, the other party could not use super destructive magic. Once the fire head and explosion appeared, the perpetrator would instantly become the whole city or even the whole flange. The public enemy will not only be wanted by all parties, but also beware of the siege and attacks from the Imperial City Guards.

Unless the war begins, all parties fighting in the city will try their best to pay attention to the size of the shot, taking the principle of not destroying the city as a rule, so Zhang Yang and Assam are so close that they have forgotten the acid bottle ...

As the fighting time prolonged, among the guardians of the Silver Pegasus Legion, which were equally uneven in strength, casualties finally appeared. Under the impact of two Tier 4 silver-level weapon masters wearing [Lock Mist Clothing], the left-most defense line of the tavern was finally torn apart.

But when the soldier of the Silver Pegasus Legion was cut into four pieces, the group of about 150 people rushed in from outside the Oak Cup Tavern.

The strength of these people is obviously much higher than the previous batch. Not only the strength of the attackers of the core warfare is at the level of the third-order black iron level, but even the remaining soldiers can mostly throw their grudges into their hands. Although most of them are only a thin layer, it is also a sign of second-order bronze professionals.

This is great, there was a huge gap between the two sides, and now the geographical position is lost, and the situation of Assam and the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion suddenly becomes precarious.

If there are more ordinary soldiers, whether it is Assam or Feiyun, the king of Pegasus who has slowly returned to join the defensive circle, he can use a large-scale high-level combat magic to pour the piece, but this time the attacker's strength It's really strong. Not only has he been fighting against the Pegasus Legionnaires, even the stronger Feiyun and Assam have been entangled by two suddenly appearing high-ranking thieves.

For a time the situation became extremely critical.

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