Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 700: Battle and wisdom

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Regarding the news of the enemy ahead, Ophelia quickly notified the entire team through the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion. In fact, compared with Ophelia's calmness at this time, Sean is a little nervous.

You know that this is the first time he has commanded a battle of hundreds of people. If it is smashed, it will not only kill many innocent soldiers, but also live up to the expectations of ‘Boss Wright’! Today, Sean is no longer the hairy kid that Zhang Yang met when he knew nothing.

After more than a year of experience, he not only improved his strength, but even matured his thoughts. Sean is eager for success and eager to prove himself, but at the same time, he pays more attention to his sincere feelings with these friends around him!

(It must be successful! Is n’t it just a small ambush? The highest strength is only the fourth-order silver level? Even if there is no brigade, only let us do it ourselves, we should be able to eat it. Not to mention that the three horses can serve as The silver pegasus used by the magician! It must be successful!)

After secretly encouraging himself, Sean ordered all the members to guard themselves secretly. Although it did n’t seem to find anything on the surface, everyone was still walking in a queue, but if they looked closer, the attackers would find that the soldiers in the patrol team had already The shield and the like carried on his body were taken off, and he was always guarding against the cold arrows that the attackers might have.

The combat in the wild is actually very different from the offensive and defensive between cities. One of the most important points is the distance between the two parties. In the current situation, if there is no preparation in advance, then the other party will suddenly shoot a large number of arrows during the attack, and the superior number of arrows will almost certainly threaten the fighters below the fourth level.

However, after preparing, the situation was suddenly different. As Ophelia ’s patrol team walked to the corner of a road beside a forest, suddenly stood up dozens of bodies from the forest a few tens of meters away. Guys wearing all kinds of armor! I saw that each of them almost held a longbow or crossbow in their hands, but in just a moment, about a hundred arrows of various colors poured directly towards the patrol team!

It was just that in the still concentrated arrow rain, Zhang Yang only saw less than ten arrows with grudge light, that is to say, among these attackers, there should not be many professional shooters, more only ordinary soldiers The kind of powerful arrows shot by virtue of strength.

"Enemies !!"


As the captain of the Silver Pegasus Corps shouted the word of enemy attack, the soldiers on the move immediately raised their shields sideways to make a defensive posture. All of a sudden the sound of ding jingles couldn't be heard. After this wave of arrows, except for the two soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion who were shot by Liuya in the thigh, the others were completely unharmed.

Because the main targets of the attackers were concentrated on the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion next to Ophelia, so that the arrows directed at Zhang Yang and others were very rare, and suddenly after the shots of Anna and Jason and others. They were all shot down and blocked.


According to Sean ’s previously arranged tactics, under the leadership of the two Tier 4 Silver Pegasus Knights, about half of the stronger Silver Pegasus Legionnaires, as well as several Lightning Mercenary Corps such as Jason and Ryan The fourth-order fighters rushed directly to the other side.

As for the remaining ordinary fighters, although their strength is relatively weak, but Ophelia and Feiyun are among them, their combat power is not only worse than those responsible for the attack, but also much higher. In addition, Zhang Yang has not moved by Anna and Neil Jielina, so the safety of the team does not need to worry at all.

As Jason and others rushed to the wood where the ambush was, the second wave of Arrow Rain seemed a little hesitant, not only divided into two parts when attacking, so that whether it was shot at Ophelia's team The arrows, or the arrows shot at Jason and others, appeared somewhat sparse and powerless, and the result was that even minor injuries did not appear.

In fact, these attackers were originally members of the bandits around Moratis City. Compared with the tasks in the mercenary union, the news of the Black Street is the channel they really use. In terms of their strength, it is really difficult to assassinate Ophelia, and it can even be said that there is no hope.

However, if the goal is set on ordinary soldiers around Ophelia, then in terms of their strength, there is still a chance.

It's a pity that when they were discovered in advance, they were doomed to fail. Under the fourth-order counter-attacks led by Jason, the robbers were holding scimitars in the time when they had no contact with the leak in the woods. Twenty members of the big axe were killed by Jason and others.

Not only that, when the two robber leaders with the strength of Tier 4 silver arrived, the counterattacks were only Jason and others who were also Tier 4 power. They suddenly rushed up and scolded.

"Damn pigs! Dare to kill Lao Tzu's brother, do you know who we are?"

(It's just a bunch of gangsters who have problems with their brains. I don't know what life and death are. It's really a pity to die.)

Seeing Jason and others go about it without knowing it, the two robber leaders suddenly yelled and tried to resist. However, they really whispered the strength of Jason, Ryan and others. Although they were temporarily unable to compete with the fifth-level gold-level strongmen, they faced opponents who were also fourth-level silver-level opponents, but after fighting a dozen times. The heads of the two robbers were cut under the sword by Jason and Millier respectively!

At this time, the robbers had been broken up and divided into several parts by the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion. Now that the leader is easily beheaded by the enemy, the remaining robbers suddenly lost the courage to fight again, and left almost half of their companions. After the body, he turned his head and fled towards the woods behind.

However, at this time, several sharp wind blades were shot from above the woods! Immediately after cutting off the heads of four or five robbers running in front, two silver Pegasus knights flying in the sky appeared in the air behind them!

"Everyone rushes! They have only two people! If they are caught up behind by those people, they will be dead! Chong! Chong! Chong!"

"Yes! Everyone rushed over!"


However, these robbers really underestimated the two Silver Pegasus Knights. You have to know that they are not just two people. When facing the Silver Pegasus Knights, it is almost equal to facing a tier 4 silver warrior and A fourth-order silver-level magician who communicates with his heart!

Therefore, just as the robbers swarmed away, the two silver Pegasus knights had pulled out their waist swords and jumped out of midair. They stopped on the only way that most robbers had to escape. At the same time, the silver Pegasus flying on the treetops has been constantly naming scattered robbers with single wind magic such as wind blades or air bombs.

At this moment the fighting power of the Silver Pegasus Knight was immediately revealed. It was only two people plus the fighting power of the two Silver Pegasus that even dozens of robbers could not even escape!

But until Jason and others of the latter team followed up and surrounded the remaining dozen robbers, they finally completely lost the courage to fight and directly dropped their weapons and surrendered ...

This battle actually came and went quickly, but with a dozen or so missed kung fu, a group of more than 100 gangsters was completely wiped out. Although the low-level soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion had some minor injuries during the battle, they were quickly restored to their original combat strength under Charlotte's treatment.

In fact, this anti-ambush battle can only be regarded as an episode for Zhang Yang, Ophelia and others, even if they want to threaten them. However, Ophelia did not know that their coping methods and battle scenes had been seen in the eyes of several stalkers hidden in the treetops.

It is conceivable that when they encounter the attack again, they may be specially arranged for their formation.

"About 60% of the target team ’s information has been collected. Although these are also worth some money, in the eyes of those big customers, it is still not enough. It seems that we have to find some people to try the water, but with the goal of In terms of strength, if one or two bandits are going to die, then if three or four bandits are adding some mercenaries? Hey ~ a little bit interesting ... "

Seeing that the tour team led by Ophelia had disappeared into the wood at the end of the line of sight, this stalker who liked to talk to himself when no one was finally cleared his mind, and then after looking around, Sliding skillfully along the 20-meter-high tree trunk to the ground, it disappeared between the mottled tree shadows ...


After the first battle, Sean finally put his heart in his stomach. After statistics, everyone already knew that there were a total of 110 enemies in this wave. But now there are only 15 remaining captives at the moment, and these fifteen people, in the eyes of the female soldiers who had not played before that team, are almost the same as the gold coins. If Sean had declared in advance, The captured prisoners are not counted as gains. I am afraid they have long been the souls of unjust death.

However, how to deal with the prisoners is really a problem. During the admission training, the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion were asked not to kill the captives who surrendered the abandoned weapons, and Jason and others were not the people who valued the money. But the mercenaries who joined later didn't think so! This one is all gold coins! Was there such a good thing before? !

"Boss, how do we dispose of these captives? It is not a matter of being held like this. If you are like what you said, there will be more and more battles in the future. How can we have so much energy to look after the captives, but we just cut it like this , The soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion are not allowed, can you ask Lord Ophelia ’s opinion? "

Zhang Yang also considered the question asked by Sean, and now these people are not killing or not killing, but can we say that? That's even more impossible! Just when Zhang Yang and Sean had no good way to think about it, Lanster came together with a frivolous expression.

"Hey ~ Actually, I have a good way!"

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