Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 703: Silver Shield Sandler

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After two consecutive attacks, the people of Ophelia and the patrol finally arrived at the second acropolis, the acropolis **** known as the 'silver shield'.

In fact, in Zhang Yang's view, this magical acropolis is completely a super-large military fortress. Not only is the entire outer wall of the fortress made of solid boulders, but even these boulders are also carved with demon Effective magic spell.

This makes it possible for the outer wall of the fortress to withstand a considerable degree of magical damage even if it is attacked by large magic, so it is impossible to achieve it by magic alone. Only large-scale siege equipment and a large number of human lives can be used to fill it.

However, as long as the commander has a little brain, he will not choose this method, and not to mention how many people want to break this 20-meter-high fortress with a wall thickness of more than five meters. In terms of function and effectiveness, In fact, it is better to send a large army to contain the credibility.

This is the original intention of the construction of Silver Shield City. While defending Moxim, it can disperse the enemy's forces during wartime, so that it can be like a scorpion in the throat.

Of course, you can also choose to consume about ten times the force and massive materials to capture Sandler. But after that? A dilapidated fortress prepared only for defense can neither allow the army to enter the rest and prepare, nor can it be repaired and put back into use in a short time. Who would choose to swallow such a chicken rib?


No matter what Zhang Yang thinks, Sandler's importance remains self-evident. This is also the case. When Ophelia led the Glory Tour team here, a welcome team consisting of ten Silver Pegasus Knights and a thousand Silver Pegasus Legion soldiers was already in **** City Wait long outside.

At first, the ten Silver Pegasus Knights seemed to want to grab a rack, but when Feiyun, the king of Silver Pegasus, appeared, the ten Silver Pegasus Knights standing on the city's head suddenly couldn't control their mount , Fly over and bow your head to salute!

This is good, the patrol team almost omitted the identity confirmation procedure and was directly taken into Sandler. It's just that the space inside the fortified city is really small, even in the name of Ophelia, you can only get a room of about ten square meters.

As for Zhang Yang and others, only a dozen or so people can squeeze in a ten square meter room, which seems to Zhang Yang like a box of canned sardines. Fortunately, the beds here are all three-storey, although the space is small, but it is barely enough for everyone to rest.

The only thing that is not very convenient is that Zhang Yang and other men and women of the Thunderbolt Mercenary Corps can only live together, and it is not convenient to take a rest, so that ...

"Hey! Lanster! Did you guy change the boar ?! How could it be so stinky!"

It's hurrying and fighting, and the fat Lanster is exhausted. After entering the house, he almost immediately seized a bed below. The whole person threw himself up and kicked off his shoes and wanted to sleep. . It's just this move, but let the few girls who have entered the house run away together!

In Lily's eyes, as the shoes on Lanster's feet were kicked off, she seemed to see a pale yellow-green poisonous gas emanating from there! Not to mention everyone's claim that he can't afford his violent odor. This visual effect alone makes everyone's face change and instantly retreats outside!

"Uh? Sanjietou, what are you talking about?"

Lanster, who had almost fallen asleep, was soberly shouted by Lily, suddenly awake. But he knew Lily's power. When he was in Beidou College, he was repaired by Lily and others because of the hobby of the underwear thief. Now as long as a few girls in the regiment get angry, Lanster feels an inexplicable soreness on his face ...

"What are you talking about! Your stinky feet! Now the environment is limited, everyone lives together, and you dare to take off your shoes? Hmm! With your stinky feet, no wonder you can't find a girlfriend! "

"Uh ~!"

Hearing this, Lanster's face collapsed suddenly. Lily almost didn't open the pot, which stabbed Lanster's weakness. I think he usually prides himself on the jade tree ... (囧) Merry and suave (this is really true) but no girl likes him, it really makes this little fat man very calm.

"But ... how can I sleep without taking off my shoes?"

"Why can't you sleep !? Sleeping in shoes without suffocating!"

"But ... very uncomfortable!"

"Yeah! You are comfortable, we are all uncomfortable! Of course, you can sleep with your shoes ..."


"You're the one who got out of the hallway for me! It's a poisonous gas, you don't need to set up a post!"

"Uh ... people are not intentional ..."


In the end, Lanster still slept in the house, except that he had two purple first-order arcane magic [magic shield] on his feet at this time! You must know that in terms of the strength of the second-level bronze intermediate arcanist at Lanster at this time, it is still possible to maintain two first-level magical protection magic for a long time. With this [magic shield] isolation, his smelly feet Finally, the poison gas can no longer be released.

In fact, this method was devised by Charlotte for him, and it was inspired by the third-order light magic of the light sacrifice [Holy Shield]. This not only isolates the smell, but also helps the lazy Lanster to practice magic. It is a double benefit. The only thing is very strange, that is, the original lilac [Magic Shield] seems to be all The yellow-green mist is flooded ...

Of course, just by solving the problem of Lanster's stinky feet, everyone still couldn't get into the room to sleep, at least until the odors that had been leaked were cleaned up, they would definitely not go in.

Fortunately, there is a bright pastor such as Charlotte in Zhang Yang's team. A [purification] that can remove toxins is thrown away, and the air in the house suddenly becomes fresh! This made everyone applaud, but also had to be appalled by the power of Lanster's stinky feet. You must know that [purification] wants to take effect in the air, at least you must have a target. In this way, the smell of Lanster's smelly feet definitely has reached the level of poisonous gas ...


One night without words, when everyone woke up early the next morning, Ophelia had won the support of the Silver Pegasus Knights in the **** Fortress, they not only allocated 500 Silver Pegasus Legion fighters to join Ophelia , Even the Silver Pegasus Knights sent two to accompany them.

You should know that **** ’s Silver Pegasus soldiers are very strong, and most of them are second-level professionals who will use junior grudges. Among them, the first-level captains are almost all second-level bronze seniors. The third-level black iron junior professional is about.

For Ophelia, who is lacking in manpower, it is not bad to send charcoal in the snow. Not only has the number of patrol teams surged to more than 600 people, but even the number of silver Pegasus has reached five! To know that four silver Pegasus knights are equal to eight Tier 4 silver-level professionals, plus Tier 6 flying clouds, this is already a configuration that only an ordinary medium-sized legion can have.

If you count the strength of the members of the Thunder and Lightning Mercenary Corps, including Ophelia, Olesia, and Zhang Yang, did Pompeii's army of the ground dragon attacking Yotan City, I am afraid that there are not so many strong men?

After a simple meal, the glorious patrol team after the expansion will directly bid farewell to **** from the Silver Shield City and set off. At this time, the next stop of the team was the commercial city of Molimche. As a trade route connecting Moxim and the imperial capital Franks, not only was the city wall lower than the general city fortress, but even the guards of the cities followed it. As Dovia did, he used mercenary and merchant guards to manage the city.

Therefore, in Molimche, the atmosphere of commercial freedom is very strong. On the contrary, if Ophelia wants to get the assistance of the soldiers of the Pegasus Legion, it is simply impossible. However, contrary to Ophelia's view, Zhang Yang and Sean are very optimistic about the potential of Molimche.

After all, people who have personally been to the country of mercenaries, Ladovia, have a deeper impression and understanding of it than Ophelia, who hears the word. If Molimche really mimicked the city established by the mercenary country Ladovia, then the mercenaries in that city are all potential resources.

"But Wright, can I trust the mercenaries here? After all, you also know that there is a high reward on the Black Street."

For Yang Feili's doubts, Zhang Yang just smiled. Sometimes guts and achievements are directly proportional, how can there be no risk if you want to win? As long as it is properly controlled, the risk is minimized.

"Mercenaries do need to beware, but mercenaries generally abide by the contract. They believe in this. Compared to the dangers that may exist, this is a great battle. If you can recruit hundreds of mercenaries, the team Once the number of people reaches more than 1,000, we can also use many tactics when facing the attackers. "

Hearing Zhang Yang saying this, Ophelia hesitated or nodded. In fact, it has been more than half a day since **** came out. At this time, it is less than a third of the distance from Molimche. This is second, the point is that there was no attack on the way, which seems a bit abnormal.

"Don't these people see that the parade team has grown a lot, so are they afraid to start? This is not their usual style ..."

As for Olesia, everyone really doesn't know if they should make trouble. Since the battle in the tavern ended that day, Olesia has remained with Ophelia. In fact, everyone does not know whether she is an enemy or a friend, because she will not shoot the attacker every time, of course, the premise is not to actively attack her.

In addition, her eyes always drifted to Wright in the crowd intentionally or unintentionally, so in the hearts of several women in the team, she had been determined that she was staying at Wright.

"Maybe, they want us to relax our guard?"

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