Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 716: Set off again

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When Ophelia and Zhang Yang left the city of Molimche with 200 non-poisoned people to continue the glory tour, Zhang Yang even remembered that the president of the largest weapon firm in the city saw Ophelia The look of time. Maybe only in that way can we interpret what it means to love and hate?

I don't know what benefit Ophelia promised him. As long as Zhang Yang fancy the weapon, the man packed it without hesitation! It ’s just that it ’s a bit weird that the faint pain that came out of the middle of the face.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang ’s weapons are not too high-level, almost all of them are relatively strong and heavy weapons of the second- and third-order types. The only thing that can be regarded as valuable is that it is half as tall as one side. Huge silver tower shield! This is a defensive equipment that can resist the magic and grudge attacks.

Together with the two white-steel one-handed swords, a white-steel warhammer, an all-steel long-handled axe, and ten white-steel flying knives, together with this polished silver tower shield, Zhang Yang ’s weapon reserve in the ring of space Finally, there are more. As the saying goes, ‘There ’s food at home and do n’t panic,’ Zhang Yang actually felt a little bit like this.

It's just that Ophelia seemed to be very stern about his choice.

"Wright, are you saving me money? Why not just pick up a few Tier 4 or so magic weapons but choose only these Tier 3 weapons? Do n’t look at that Chamber of Commerce boss now looks very poor, wait When his shop opens in Moxim in the future, these losses can be easily recovered. "

Zhang Yang had to explain what Ophelia had misunderstood herself.

"It's not for you to save money, but you are about to take over the big Silver Pegasus Legion. The little money for these weapons is naturally not a problem. The reason why I did not choose those fourth-order magic weapons is actually because of strength issues. "


"Yeah, the fourth-order magic weapon is expensive, but it is because of the conductivity of grudge. You also know that I cannot use grudge, so this function is just a decoration for me. And with my power In general, the strength of the weapon is the most important. As for the weight, it is generally better to choose a heavier one. "


At first Ophelia thought of this possibility, but she didn't sigh and shook her head until Zhang Yang said it herself. In fact, Ophelia admires Zhang Yang very much. You must know that a Tier 4 magic weapon requires a minimum of more than 10,000 gold coins, which is enough to buy a dozen Tier 3 weapons.

However, Zhang Yang was able to remain unmoved and only choose what he needed. This concentration is really difficult for ordinary people to reach.

(Yeah, if not, he was just afraid of being in the garden this morning ...)

Figured out these Ophelia will not say much about this, but she is more curious about Neil Jelena and Anna. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, because of the shared vision of Feiyun, Ophelia was almost more real than he saw with his own eyes.

(Although the two of them chased Wright into the chamber of commerce before and after, but from the air, in the end, only Neil Jelina stayed by the pool! Even more amazing is that Anna did not feel sad I left, I did n’t know where she was waiting all night, but in the morning, she walked out with Neil Jelina, talking and laughing! Until now, you ca n’t see any jealousy!

What happened between them? Can they really get along peacefully while falling in love with the same person?

Ofelia ’s situation is unknown to others, but as far as she is concerned, she will never share her husband with others! Even if many countries on the mainland don't care much about this, neither Ophelia's heart or her pride can accept this, even if the object is Wright, who holds a considerable position in her heart ... …

Of course, it is still too early to say anything, after all, everyone has not reached the point of talking about marriage. As for who is good now, Ophelia does not care. She only values ​​the final choice. As for the process ... Although she will also want a perfect love, she also understands that there is nothing in the world. perfect……

In fact, Zhang Yang was similar to what Ophelia thought at the moment, and he never thought that Anna and Neil Jielinna could live in harmony after that happened. It ’s just that for Anna, Zhang Yang does n’t have any other ideas. Although she is really beautiful, Zhang Yang does n’t see a dude who loves one!

The most difficult thing to do is to bear the grace of the beauty, Zhang Yang is really thinking about it now.

(Grandma! It ’s hard for others to find a wife, but they are bothered by too many beauties who are posted on it. They are really blessed in blessings! But feelings are not games, nor are they lovers, so ... true Somewhat difficult.)


In fact, in addition to Zhang Yang and Ophelia, whether it is Charlotte, Differ, Millier and other friends, they are silently guessing what is going on with Neil Jielina and Anna. However, the two girls even rode to the back of the line, plus the voice of the two of them was very quiet, and the others couldn't help listening.

In this case, the team started quickly, because the members of the patrol team were reduced by three-quarters, and Ophelia got it in a chamber of specialty mounts in the city of Molimse. With a group of wildebeests, the team that originally had only a few mounts suddenly became a mount by hand.

It is not that infantry can become cavalry by riding on a wildebeest. To know that becoming a cavalry requires not only special training skills, but also very high requirements for mounts. Now the wildebeests that everyone rides can only be regarded as tools for rushing, which is far from the level of war horses.

But no matter what, the movement speed of the tour team led by Ophelia has been significantly improved. Originally it took about three days to walk, but after riding the horse, it took less than a day to finish. So around ten o'clock in the evening after nightfall, the crowd arrived at the planned fourth stop-the water city of Louis.

Perhaps it is because the actions of Zhang Yang and others exceeded the expectations of the Presbyterian Church. Apart from some thieves and scouts that flickered on the road, they did not encounter any attackers! For Ophelia and others, not only is there less fighting, but the real point is that the enemy ’s plan has been disrupted by Zhang Yang, and the attackers who were originally arranged in the small city of Camiche are only afraid of waiting for a fight. Too.

Louis said that the floating city is actually a bit exaggerated, because it is just a city built on the intersection of the river and the Hubo. Its land is basically a huge rock like a hill. It has only been built here in the past three hundred years.

Due to the size of the foundation, the area of ​​Louis is only one-third of the city of Molimche, but this city is only less than five meters wide except for the pier built in the lake. However, there are more than two hundred meters of stone bridges connected to the land, which makes the ordinary army almost unable to break it frontally, and if you want to send ships from the waterway, you have to pass the naval force first.

Speaking of the water city of Louis, the scenery is really magnificent, especially at this night, the lights of the city shine on the surrounding quiet water, making it almost impossible to tell which side is the ground and which side is the sky. .

Walking on the only long bridge here, Sean and others holding torches couldn't help but wonder. Anyway, they have also been to three of the four human kingdoms on the Orlando continent, and their knowledge is definitely not bad.

However, they were just rushing to the road at first, instead of traveling around and taking risks in detail. Therefore, the magnificent scenery in many kingdoms is not seen. At least the vast area within the largest French empire in the human kingdom, few people can go around.

"Wow! The scenery here is really beautiful! If you can, I really want to live here!"

At this time, Charlotte's pure big eyes reflected the beauty of the water city of Louis. When he turned to a hill and saw Louis City from afar, Charlotte's expression was so excited.

"I admit that it is beautiful, but there are actually many such cities in the Elven Continent. Not only that, in the middle of the Elven Continent, the legendary" Sky City Quel'Dani "is said to be a city built on a giant tree! I have n’t been there in person, but I have heard the description there from my teacher many times. So, if you have a chance, would you like to go to the Elven Continent with me? "

At this time, Jason's face looked paler than usual, and it seemed that the effect of the "forbidden fruit" medicine on him was quite serious. If it weren't for Zhang Yang who insisted on taking them along the way, I was afraid that the fragile Jason, Sean, Lanster and others could only stay at rest in Molimche.

In fact, floating cities like Louise are indeed more common on the elven continent. It's just that the city bases of the elves are not rocks, but some kind of magical plants. However, in any case, Louis City has a sense of "home" in Jason's eyes, and Charlotte's performance makes him unconsciously say the above words.

"Really ?! Is there really a heavenly city sitting on a giant tree ?! Great! I always thought it was just a legend! I really want to see it with my own eyes!"

"Wait a little while, and wait for my strength to be stronger, let's go to my home elf continent together! I believe it will not disappoint everyone!"

Speaking of all the hopeful eyes in the eyes of everyone here, the distant elven continent, there has been no human past for hundreds of years, right? If you can take a look, is it worth your life?

The speaking team has arrived in front of the door of Louis City, and at this moment, four silver Pegasus flying straight from the tallest tower in Louis City, Xu Yu has already fallen in front of everyone!

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