Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 741: Endless zombie

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For example, after Sean used his magic sword, the fifth-order magic weapon ‘Sword of Cyclone’ immediately ignited a layer of red flames, and all zombies cut down by him would instantly burn to the wound. Even if it doesn't die for a while, it will soon burn into a piece of coke.

The attacks of Neil Jelena and Millier are extremely simple. Each time the sword is made, it is directed at the neck of the zombie or pierces their spine and joints. Although the method of warfare is not obvious, it falls beside the second daughter. There are also many zombies.

As for the raging wind in Jason's hand, it was almost like a sharp cyclone after being waved. Any zombies crossed by the light blue arc of arrogance would be directly divided into two. And this huge two-handed epee waved in his hands, actually had a relaxed and elegant feeling, and the killing speed was really eye-catching.

Speaking of which, Ryan and Differ are shield soldiers, but their destructive power is no worse than Jason! They are also Tier 4 silver-level professionals. The two of them rely on the protection of their bodies and the protection of the heavy armor and the protection of the heavy armor. It is really unscrupulous to attack. Even if the minions of the zombies touched them, they were helpless.

On the contrary, Ryan and Differ almost gave up using the sword in their hands, but waved the giant shield! It's good this time, the two rushed left and right without saying a word, and after a slam, they were so mixed that none of the zombies around them could stand firm! And once those zombies fall down, sometimes they do n’t even need Ryan and Defer to make up their swords, and they will soon be trampled into mud by similar big feet around them!

This is out of the mind of the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion, who always have the impression that the shield soldiers are good at defense but not good at attacking. It's funny to say, although Lengster is not strong, but at the moment it is like a fish! After releasing his metal puppet, he hid directly behind the iron pimple and splashed holy water!

Previously, because the healing power of holy water was not worse than that of secondary treatment potions, Charlotte was used to storing more. In addition, Garfield once told her that the release of the relationship zero order magic [purification] is definitely beneficial to it, so Charlotte makes the holy water even harder.

So much that besides carrying a lot of himself, even all the friends around the group have some holy water made by Charlotte. Now that Lest has spilled it out, the effect is surprisingly good! All the zombies splashed by this holy water, all smoke and pain and burned the white flame extremely! Then kneel down to burn a layer of black ash!

The power of this holy water for zombies even exceeded everyone's expectations. It seems that the light magician's restraint of undead creatures is indeed worthy of the name.

Charlotte was originally releasing the "Holy Light Bomb" to attack, although every [Holy Light Bomb] can make a zombie ashes, but after all it is first-order light magic, even if Charlotte has now third-order Black Iron's intermediate strength, but at most it can send out more than 80 rounds of Holy Light.

Calculated in this way, it is better to make the holy water splashing out and hurt even more. So, near the metal puppet of Lanster, there was another little beauty splashing holy water around ...

Speaking of which, Anna and Lily's attack was the most satisfactory, because the zombie's strength was too weak to waste arrows, Lily did not use her beloved short bow, but held a dagger in one hand and held one Arrows played melee. Although Lili's combat level is only average, but after all, it is a third-level black iron senior combatant. With the blessing of the fire department, the power of the short sword is even more powerful than Shaun's magic sword.

And Anna's battle can be regarded as the orthodox mage. At this moment, not only the light of lilac [Magic Shield] flashed outside her, but a pair of bright purple [Mage's Fist] almost became two meteors! All the zombies approaching Anna were directly knocked down by the [Mage's Fist], or smashed their neck or spine.

If there are a large number of zombies coming in at a time, Anna will gently lift her arms above her head, and a ring-shaped shock wave will be emitted from her in a flash, pushing all the zombies around to the wall. At this time, Lily, who cooperated with her, would jump briskly and kill the zombies crowded together ...

Angela has never seen such a horrible scene. In the past, when she lived in the forest, she would not even harm small animals as a druid. Unless it was a very fierce and wildly killed Warcraft, the druid would not Take the initiative to fight against any creature, at least Angela used to be vegetarian most of the time.

Today, Angela looks at the trembling zombies in front of her, filled with fear and sadness. Maybe they were ordinary people the other day? Only for the selfish desires of some people, so many lives must be destroyed. And she? At this time, she really became a black panther, she really didn't know how to start, so she had to hide beside Millai in a black heavy armor, showing two big tearful eyes, and looked around.

Speaking of Millais, at the moment, he really made people in the distance feel a little unclear. He completely hides himself in the heavy armor left by a dark knight, and he shows a pair of eyes, standing there without a word, no zombies will be close to him within two meters!

If this were not the case, I was afraid Angela would not be able to hide beside him.

Fortunately, not many people were familiar with undead magic. In addition to Zhang Yang and Millai, perhaps only Anna and Sean can understand the mystery!

In simple terms, as a low-level undead, zombies are not even called undead! The reason is very simple, they do not have the slightest sense of consciousness and wisdom at all, all actions rely on the command of high-level undead or rely on the instinctive actions of undead creatures.

Among the instincts of undead creatures, not being able to attack the Necromancer is the first mark in the bone. For this reason, in the battle of the undead world, most of the battles between two liches or other undead spirits will choose to single out, and only a few will choose to call their own undead partners.

After all, when killing an opponent, the opponent's soul fire is a very important loot. If it is snatched by the undead, it will likely grow directly into a new enemy! Even if you are a good friend, you need to split up some loot. Therefore, in the world of undead creatures, two zombies may fight for a piece of fresh meat, but they will never actively attack undead and undead mages higher than them.

So in the short period of time after the war, Zhang Yang and others cleared large vacant areas in the three channels on the left. As for some zombies on the ground who are still dead and still turbulent, no one has bothered.

Compared with the fighting effect of more than a dozen of them, although Ophelia and others who defended in situ were also worry-free, they were extremely saddened by the zombies who were rushing forward. In order to keep the front line unbroken, the soldiers of the Pegasus Legion had to specifically send a dozen shield soldiers to step forward to withstand the pace of zombies.

Until then, the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion would stab the sabre in their hands and gradually kill the zombies on the defense line. Only in this way, with the gradual increase of zombie corpses, the front line of Ophelia had to move back. At this time, the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion, including Ophelia, realized that their experience in dealing with zombies was not far behind Zhang Yang and others.

Fortunately, Ophelia and the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion were not stupid. After discovering that something was impossible, they quickly changed their strategy, but this time Zhang Yang, who had emptied a zombie within a few tens of meters in front of the passage When he came to Ophelia, he asked:

"Ophelia, what is your goal now? Could it be that you want to clear the zombies in this mine first? Judging by the results of my rush to kill a circle, there are indeed too many zombies. It ’s a little difficult to kill all of them in this narrow mine tunnel. "

Ophelia knows Zhang Yang's strength, not to mention that he has always been one person, one person and two people. Since he said so at the moment, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to complete the task. What's more, from the beginning of the war to the present, only a dozen or so points have been missed, and many soldiers are somewhat tired.

After all, in the face of a large group of enemies in the dark, the unknown fatigue is enough to choke. Coupled with the small and depressed space in this mine, looking at the countless zombies who are squeezed forward with big mouths in front of their eyes, if they can feel better, they will see the undead!

Thinking of here, Ophelia suddenly found that the opposite side of Wright was not contaminated with the blood and body fluids of the zombies. You must know that he rushed and killed dozens of meters in the dense zombie group! And the weapons he used are so heavy, almost all the zombies hit are broken bones, how did he do it?

Of course, this is not the time to think about these irrelevant issues. Compared with Zhang Yang's superb capacity skills, the next step is the top priority.

"My goal? Now it seems to be the murderer who made all this, the **** necromancers!"

"Well, what happens afterwards?"

"After ... then it is to destroy the altar that transforms the undead spirits, after all, such a large-scale zombie swarm, by ordinary methods alone, I am afraid it is difficult to create."

"There should not necessarily be such an altar. Zombies, low-level undead creatures, only need a part of zombies with undead plague to kill ordinary people. So this is not a purpose."

"So ... looking for possible survivors? Should there be individual survivors? After all, there are tens of thousands of people in Kindler! There are a few strong miner leaders among so many people, Is n’t it impossible? "

"If you say this ... understand, are you going to kill the necromancer who is in trouble and looking for survivors? Then choose a passage that leads directly to the bottom of the mine."

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