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(I depend! I'm afraid I really want to explain it here!)

Not only did Sean and Lance think so, but the rest of them all had similar ideas! Seeing that the four bone puppets on the opposite side were rushing closer and closer, Charlotte wanted to release the [Bound of Light] again, and she was helpless.

At this critical juncture, the airflow at the three meters in front of Sean and others suddenly experienced some violent disorder inexplicably! But in an instant, these small airflows gathered rapidly under the wind element, and actually formed a pale cyan nearly transparent air barrier! The four-headed bone puppets didn't even see it, and they rushed directly to this side!

In fact, because the distance between Sean and others and the corpse witch Kojade is only more than thirty meters, and this distance is really only three or three moments for these four bone puppets! From their charge to Charlotte's release of magical interception, to the failure of the "Light's Binding" and the appearance of this air wall, there were only four or five moments in total.

At this moment, it is difficult for ordinary people to respond, not to mention the bone puppets who are strong but have no brains at all.

So, under the intense and surprised gaze of Sean and others, these four bone puppets plunged into the air barrier! It's just that the power of this air barrier is quite amazing compared to the unremarkable appearance before!

I saw that at the moment these four bone puppets rushed in, the air barrier fluctuated violently! It's just that this kind of fluctuation is not what it was like when the shore was broken, but it was a powerful tremor! So that the four bone puppets who rushed over with a thunderous rumbling sound were trapped in this air barrier at the same time! In Sean's view, this situation is clearly ...

"Hey ?! Is this a fifth-order wind magic [air wall]? But not right! [Air wall] is just a fifth-order magic. It is impossible to block four bones with the same fifth-order strength at the same time. Puppet! Unless it is the fifth-order magic enhanced by [Storm Heart] ... Is it Feiyun who came in to rescue everyone? You see ... eh !? "

Sean was still analysing the battle in front of him, but just as he was going to look back at the way, a huge winged white tiger suddenly jumped into front of Sean!

(This, this is, what is Warcraft! What a powerful feeling ...)

At the moment, when Sean was almost shocked to drop his chin, the four white bone puppets finally broke through the barrier of the air barrier, but at this time, they were no longer the grim horror look before, not only the sharp bone spurs outside the body are all root Broken, even the bones that were originally strong and sturdy, with a light gray breath, are now cut by the numerous wind blades in the [air wall], and almost all the bone rods are thin for several times!

Later this time, the huge white tiger jumped in front of Sean, and saw that he suddenly raised a right paw and swept across the air, and the huge blue-green claw-shaped light was fleeting! This is great. The four bone puppets who rushed straight forward just as if the butter met the red knife were directly cut into pieces by the claws!

It wasn't until then that Charlotte's surprise cry came through.

"Wow! It's Garfield! Almost forgot Lord Garfield! Haha! This is great. Lord Legendary Decathlon Garfield is here, and it's easy to put the ugly named Ke Shide on the opposite side. The ghost witch is broken into small cakes! "

"What !? Charlotte, you mean ... This majestic powerful winged white tiger, that lazy and fat white cat Garfield became ?! Deceptive ..."

Sean could hardly believe that the fat white cat in memory remembered eating or sleeping in Medici's arms almost all day long! If it is said that it is the change of ‘Hungry Devil’, Sean must believe, but this huge winged white tiger ...

(Wait! What did Charlotte call it just now? Winged white tiger ?! Is it true that the body of this guy is really, really, really the legendary wind-based Supreme Warcraft Decepticons !?)

While Sean was still alone and cluttered stupidly there, he had begun to use his claws to release the huge white-winged white-winged tiger to the opposite corpse witch Kodak. En smile! !

Okay, do n’t ask me how this huge winged white tiger used a tiger face to squeeze out the expression of ‘laughs’, at least at this time it really laughed while speaking in Garfield ’s voice!

"Is it scaring meow? Meow hahaha ~! You used to be behind the black master meow, today I saw the true appearance of the main body of the master, look back and you dare not disrespect the master ~!"

After hearing this familiar voice, Sean suddenly felt awake, and if Charlotte said it made him a little unbelievable, then the familiar tone and voice definitely belonged to the fat white cat Garfield. Can't be wrong!

"It's really you, Garfield! I always think you're nothing special other than being sloppy and chubby, and I don't know if you were really bragging before!"

"Meow a mic! Just say Sean, you guys are okay, you are always a black master, you still quibble meow! What is 'treacherous and slick and fat and fat round'? Meow ?! Besides, do n’t you think that my lord is so cute !? "


"Don't sell Meng maliciously, okay !? Obviously it has changed back to such a huge body, but it still speaks in the same kind of dumb voice before. Does it make people feel very cold and know? Could you be deliberately funny ?!"

Chatting is too much when fighting at the moment, and this guy Garfield even has a leisurely mood to sell, it is really thrilling. But from another perspective, at least from this point, it can indeed be seen that Garfield's strength is much stronger than that of the corpse witch Ke Jiade opposite.

In fact, just after Garfield appeared, the corpse witch Ke Jiade suddenly became very nervous. Not only did he take out a fist-sized gray-green crystal and fell to the ground, he himself, he also put himself all available in an instant Protective undead magic.

Similar to the crystal used by Alazon just now, the crystal that was broken by the corpse witch Kodak was also stored by a seventh-order undead lich up to a sixth-order undead magic. Therefore, after a burst of gray and black smoke passed, the corpse witch Ke Jiade actually had two more three meters tall, holding a huge shield with a bone epee, and his whole body was wrapped in a set of white bone armor, riding a huge Death Knight of Death Horse!

To know that the death knight is the high-end power in the undead spirit, just pull out a death knight, and the strength is not lower than the fifth order! The two death knights summoned by the seventh-order undead lich, and the powerful killing machine sealed in the crystal, and their strength, are actually sixth-order purple gold primary!

And this is why Garfield still plays the game of the magical bombardment with the corpse witch Kodak and does not directly rush past melee. It's just that Garfield knew it, but he was embarrassed to say it! After all, it has repeatedly emphasized that it is a seventh-order legendary level of Warcraft. Normally, it is not difficult to destroy the corpse witch Kodak and the two death knights.

Because of the old injuries, Garfield can only exert 70% of the fighting power at its heyday, and the reason why it can now return to its true state is because it temporarily unlocked Zhang Yang to add it. The relationship of the seal, but among those present, I am afraid that no one but Medici will know about it.

(It ’s so **** meow! Why does it feel like it can only last a few times every time you unblock the seal ?! Is there any flaw in the [seal technique] released by the Wright guy? At this point, at most, you can be in a hurry. , It ’s not enough to make a big noise or do anything else!)

Fortunately, Charlotte didn't know what Garfield was thinking, otherwise she would ask ‘Master Garfield, what do you want to do with something else? It ’s easy to get to the bottom of things. And now ...

"Master Garfield, why don't you just rush over and kill them! What if they are afraid you will run away from the portal over there?"

In addition to the extremely good nature of Charlotte and the potential for gossip that has gradually emerged, is another major feature of innocence and straightforwardness? Because of this, her words were heard in Garfield, but it had to be explained.

"Know what is the most annoying trick of the Necromancer? Of course it is [Body Explosion] Meow! If the Lord rushed over to meow, the two death knights with a sixth-order strength killed, but failed to kill the corpse witch If you say meow, the "body explosion" magic released on the basis of the sixth-order strength corpse twice in a row, even if you are an adult meow, you can't afford to die! "

"Ah ?! It's so dangerous! Then, Master Garfield, don't you die in the past."

"Meow me! What does it mean to die in the past and feed me?"

"Uh ~! Look! The Alathon guy ran away!"

If you ask the conspirator what the most annoying situation is, more than 90% of the answers are probably "variable". Because of the existence of unknown variables, the original perfect plan is likely to fail, and this point, today's Alazon is well understood.

(Damn! Together for so long, I did n’t even notice that the fat cat who ate after sleeping was actually a legendary World of Warcraft! It was ... too failed! No! Although Ke Jiade ’s strength also reached six Tier Zijin Intermediate, with the protection of the two same Tier 6 Zijin level death knights, is strong enough to compete with the other party, but why do you always feel very uneasy in your heart?)

Thinking of this, Alazon choked back the long sword in his hand, shouted at the corpse witch Ke Jiade, "Master and hold on, I will ask my father to come and help you", but he did not wait for the other party to answer. He rushed to the portal of the bone-boned sacrifice and opened the ring without hesitation, rushing in!

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