Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 762: The final journey

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When he was young, Castro Camoud had lived in the French capital of Franks for a period of time. At that time, he was only in his twenties. He was born in a famous family. Franks is also a little famous.

Not only that, because there is a figure of her sister in her heart as a comparison, the noble ladies in the imperial capital, whether they are learned by strength or temperament, can not be compared with it.

It's just that the Imperial City is the Imperial City after all, and even if he didn't find his favorite person, Castro also made several good-looking friends. Among them, a gentle girl named Rowling, almost walked into Castro's life. It's a pity that something that was a sensation at the time took away Rowling's young life ...

Castro still remembers the night when he went out hunting, a group of powerful mysterious black armor warriors not only killed more than ten young men and women, but also almost shattered Castro's young confidence! At that time, he thought that he could reach the fourth-order silver level in his twenties.

But when the black armor fighters attacked, Castro was entangled and suppressed by the two black armor fighters, so he could only watch Rowling be taken away by the other side! The blood dripping from Rowling's face made Castro's heart seem to be clenched ...

Perhaps it was the swordsmanship of the Kamud family that rescued him, or it might be that the black armor fighters didn't need to kill them. Until the end, when Castro thought that he would be killed or taken away like his companions, these black armored soldiers suddenly retreated as they came!

At this time, the twenty or so young men and women who came out to hunt and play together are still alive at the moment. Only Castro and another fighter of the same level as the fourth-level silver ...

This happened because it happened around Franks, the capital of the French Empire. In addition, the victims were the descendants of some nobles, so it was rumored for a while, but in the end, they failed to find any information about those black armor soldiers Trail.

However, this answer couldn't satisfy Castro at all. In the following six months, he did not hesitate to disperse his property, and finally collected some information from the four guilds of the Adventurer's Guild, the Thieves' Guild, the Mercenary Guild and the Mage Guild!

It's just that as this organization called the 'Black Seal Knights' and a group called the 'Shadow Council' gradually appeared in front of Castro, he knew that he couldn't help each other with his own strength and power. , I am afraid that even the Camod family can't compete with it!

And when Castro was still entangled in whether to continue the investigation, the wedding news of sister Oliala forced Castro to temporarily put down the investigation here and returned to Moxim ...

"After so many years, I have been paying attention to the information about this shadowy council, but their whereabouts are too mysterious, and it is very difficult to find their strongholds. Not only that, because of the existence of the Black Seal Knights, if the strength It is even more dangerous to go inadvertently, so this enmity between me and them has never been reported. "

"This kind of thing happened in those days? Isn't that what happened 30 years ago? The Shadow Council and the Black Seal Knights have existed for so many years !?"

Castro had a similarly surprised reaction to Ophelia when she knew the news at that time. Castro had no choice but to grin and continue to say:

"Actually, as far as I know, these guys have been around for hundreds of years. I remember when I first entered the fifth-level gold level, I was confident to go to a shadow council stronghold that I could not easily find, but it was At that time, I actually met a powerful black armor fighter who almost reached the fifth peak of the gold! If I had the help of the silver Pegasus, I could fly away, even if I could not come back that time. "

Speaking of which, Castro suddenly raised his left finger and pointed to the position of his left abdomen, and then he heard him say:

"To this day, I still remember the sword that the black armor warrior suddenly stabbed from the shadow. Although I was lucky, I didn't hurt the internal organs, but the dark grudge on his weapon has tortured me for a whole year! If possible, I must return this sword of hatred to him! "

"Uncle ..."

"Uncle Castro ..."

Hearing this, the faces of the two daughters of Ophelia and Olesia suddenly showed a distressed look. The terrible dark elements are well known. If they are hit by dark magic or hurt by dark grievances, then the implication The corrosiveness and stubbornness of this product can definitely make people feel painful!

This is the first time that Ophelia and Olesia have heard of their uncle Castro, except for the deeds of the time in Franks.

"Relax, it's okay for a long time. But speaking of it, why is this guy in the shadow council always haunting you, Feiya?"

Castro's question really asked Ophelia. In fact, in addition to the title of the commander of the Silver Pegasus Army, she was only a fourth-level silver professional. Although the fourth-order silver level can already be regarded as a strong man, in the eyes of a truly high-level strong man, it is really a bit insignificant.

"I don't know ..."

"Forget it, the truth of these things will slowly surface. Just said so many things about me, it is better to say something about the mysterious strong man, I am curious, who is he? Why should he? Does taking such a big risk help you? "

Suddenly asked by Castro about this, Ophelia was a little crazy for a while.

(Yeah, he did n’t have to do what he is today, but if Wright has a picture, then who gave up and chose Neil Jelena, what is the picture? Really ... people The inexplicable guy ...)

"Actually, Feiya also wanted to know ..."


At night, it slowly passed through a kind of exhaustion and anxiety. Although no attackers have appeared since the arrival of the Silver Pegasus Knights, the people sleeping in the hotel can always feel a faint feeling. The sobbing and stepping sounds from deep underground!

It was indeed a noise made by a large group of zombies transformed by tens of thousands of residents and miners in Kindler City. When thinking about this, almost most people are tired, but it is difficult to sleep ...

Even the long night will pass, and when the dawn of the new day comes soon, there are several teams of different numbers outside the city. When Ophelia and others went to the city to check, it was found that no one else came. It was the Silver Pegasus soldiers who had been injured and recuperated on the way, and a group of captives from them. .

"The people who have come are already here, Ophelia, give orders."

Zhang Yang, who was standing behind Ophelia at this moment, had put on the gray-black adventurer's cloak again. Because he didn't like his own ice-blue hair, Zhang Yang had already put his pocket on the cloak at this time. The cap pulled up, and now only a long stubble chin was exposed.

Perhaps it is because of what Ophelia said last night. From the moment I saw Zhang Yang today, Castro's eyes always fell on Zhang Yang intentionally or unintentionally. It's just that Zhang Yang's face always seems to be refusing to be calm for thousands of miles away. Coupled with Neil Jelena and Anna behind him, Castro has never found a chance to speak.

Castro, not to mention the curiosity in his heart and a little bit of resentment, with Zhang Yang's words falling, has been looking at Ophelia, who is far away under the city, and finally exhaled deeply. At this time, I saw her turned around to look around, and finally stayed on Zhang Yang's body and stared for a few moments, then she couldn't hide her emotions and said excitedly:

"Thank you all along the way, without you, there will be no Ophelia today! Please believe me, I will live up to expectations and protect our homeland for the glory of the Silver Pegasus Legion!"

"For the glory of the Silver Pegasus!"




Looking at the Silver Pegasus soldiers who couldn't stop chanting under the wall, Ophelia had never been so excited! Today, she will take the final step of the glory tour, and at the same time, this is also her first step towards a new destiny!

So, with a certain determination, Ophelia waved out the legendary weapon ‘flying wings’ left by her mother at the waist, staring at the sharp sword edge, Ophelia only felt very proud! Suddenly, she saw a strong cyan light outside her, and then shouted a sword fiercely from top to bottom:

"Target Moxim, let's go !!"


Almost at the same time, when Ophelia led nearly a thousand men on the last journey of the Glory Tour. On the plains belonging to the Kamud family in Moxim City, a group of elderly people in Chinese clothes standing on the castle's high platform spoke positively to a young nobleman opposite.

Generally speaking, a powerful noble will always have a mount that matches his identity. Even if the noble probably never rides on it to fight, he still needs to spend huge amounts of gold coins to support it, but this trend is still in Popular among the nobles of the French Empire.

As the third prince, Aden could definitely be regarded as a noble among the nobles, and the elder Cameron and others were still a little shocked to see this extremely powerful eagle standing beside him now!

In fact, many Warcraft can fly, but few can be used as rideable Warcraft. And this snow feather falcon is not a general Warcraft, their length is more than three meters, their wingspan is enough to reach five meters away! And this is nothing, after all, for Warcraft, strength is the most important!

Since Xueyu Falcon learned to fly shortly after birth, it has the ability of more than second-order strength. The adult Xueyu Falcon can easily reach the fifth-level gold or even the sixth-level gold! Although there are almost no legendary individuals in the snow feather falcon population, its identity as a feng shui dual-line Warcraft is enough to exert a fighting power beyond ordinary people's imagination!

And the snow feather falcon beside the third prince Aden, the strength has definitely reached the fifth level of gold senior!

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