Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 765: Expose the conspiracy

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In fact, Oris is not very qualified either as patriarch or father. A patriarch who cannot fully control the family is just a bright puppet. As a father, Oris ca n’t give Ophelia much help. Even when Ophelia lost his mother ’s most helpless, he just immersed himself in grief, waiting for some day after a day. The miracle happened.

This class is ten years away ...

To this day, when Oris is ready for everything, standing at the door of the Silver Pegasus Corps headquarters and waiting for Ophelia ’s return, Orris feels that his wife, the one who makes him dream People seem to have returned with their daughters!

That kind of excitement has made Oris, who has almost become a backwater in my heart, feel like he is alive again!

(Obviously it is impossible, but ... But if Yara is still alive, how good it should be! We can watch our daughter grow up now, and have completed the ancient silver Pegasus trial. Yara, do you know? Ollara ...)

It's a pity that Ollis's hope couldn't be realized in the end, but just when he was fascinated, there was already unending cheers on the streets in the distance! Through the whirling tree shadows around the road, Oris Camodel finally saw the shadow of the parade team, and saw the dazzling female general at the front of the team as if it were the sun!

(This is my daughter ... unconsciously has become a bit dazzling like her mother ...)

Just as Oris was looking at the front with a trace of inexplicable emotion, Ophelia and the parade team were gradually approaching. At this time, although Ophelia saw the existence of Oris from afar, even if the heart was excited, in the eyes of outsiders, the head of the Silver Pegasus Legion could not first salute the head of the Camod family.

And as Ophelia's eyes swept behind Oris, the presence of members of the Presbyterian Church in the Camoad family also puzzled her.

(These old guys would kindly welcome me? Impossible? They did n’t have to show up, but now they are here, is there any conspiracy?)

Thinking of this, Ophelia subconsciously wanted to ask Wright's opinion sideways, but when she turned her head, she realized that it was her uncle Castro, not that, who was with her at the moment. People who are always calm but inexplicable.

(Hey ... yeah, although there is a Silver Pegasus Knight protected by his side, but he has no place, is this the price to pay for achieving his dream? Or, this is his choice? But ... but I do n’t know when I started. I ’m used to the feeling of being around him, Wright ...)

At this time, the patrol team and the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Regiment who had been guarded all came to the front of the legion. As the musicians and soldiers brought behind Oris began to play exciting music, in order to return to the magical Olympics. A member of the Camod family headed by Leith, immediately approached Ophelia to salute:

"Congratulations on the successful return of the leader of the legion through the trial! May the glory of Silver Pegasus always care for you!"

"Master Patriarch, don't need to pay much attention. Ophelia is back today, and I really want to thank you elders!"

No one thought that the first sentence of Ophelia's return was so sharp. Looking at it like this, would she want to tear her face here? ! Therefore, although the elder Cameron who heard this was frightened in his heart, he put on his face an expression of surprise and grievance, and said slightly panic:

"Master Legion really laughed. We, as members of the Camord Family Presbyterian Church, support our own Legion Chief. It's really a matter of division. How dare you thank you!"

What is shameless? Cameron at this moment this is the shamelessness of Chi Yi Guo Yi Guo! Not to mention that the outside world has always been rumored that there is a discord between Ophelia ’s father and daughter and the Presbyterian Church, so even those people around you can understand when Ophelia just said that, Ophelia is absolutely There is something in the story, but the elder Cameron even said it with his face shy, and it made people marvel at the thickness of his face!

However, Cameron's performance seemed to be within Ophelia's expectations. After listening, she just sneered, and then directly threw a bombshell-like news.

"Elder Cameron is really good for the city, but your support is really special. I will not mention a certain high price reward. You only hire the ice blue mercenary group to assassinate me. I will now I want to hear your explanation! "

At this time, Ophelia was already intolerable to the people of the Presbyterian Church. It seemed that she was ready to make trouble directly. Therefore, in front of these tens of thousands of people, she actually fought to strengthen her voice, so that it was just that remark In the ears of everyone present!

"What !? The people of the Presbyterian Church of the Camoad family actually wanted to kill the head of the Ophelia Legion !?"

"How is it possible! Not a family?"

"Damn! These **** old things, dare to hire a killer to assassinate the head of the Ophelia Legion! What a **** it!"

"Is this really fake ?!"

"Admiral Ophelia is not just back, which one is going to act?"

"This group of members of the Camord Presbyterian Church is in trouble!"

"Admiral Ophelia! We support you!"


Ophelia's remarks caused a thousand waves, just after she spoke, there were countless buzzing discussions around her. However, perhaps Cameron and other members of the Presbyterian Church are usually used to doing things. Because of the poor reviews of civilian strokes, there are hardly any people in the voice of the scene who are fighting for them.

This scene suddenly left Olis directly in place, but compared with him, the party Cameron was very calm.

"Admiral Ophelia, you must have made a mistake. Our members of the Presbyterian Church stayed in the Moxim City station all year round. They almost never went out. How could it be possible to assassinate you."

Although the elder Cameron said so, the second elder Hull, the third elder Herman, the fourth elder Hillary and the remaining elders, but not everyone has Cameron's concentration. At this moment, not only did many people show nervousness, but even their bodies began to retreat unconsciously.

"Can't you be instructed to hire a killer while staying in Moxim City? It really surprised me. The biggest patron behind the small and famous ice blue mercenary group on the mainland is you! And you old guys use it The money and wealth of the Camod family hired outsiders to assassinate me, the commander of the Silver Pegasus Legion, which is really shameless! "

Seeing Ophelia staring at him like a frost, and the elder Cameron inevitably jumped his eyelids. After all, it was something he did, and he had a ghost in his heart. Now he just continued to say:

"I know you don't like the old guys like us, but we control you also for Silver Pegasus ..."

"Bullshit! I am the commander of the Silver Pegasus Legion. Where can you, the elders of the Camoad family, be able to manage ?! Strong words! Now you do n’t want to confuse and listen to the past! Now if you are clever, you can just stop, otherwise Let these of you cruel guys be buried with innocent civilians! "

When Ophelia talked about it, her surroundings were already silent. People all saw that she was moving this time. Now it is time to see how far things will go in the end.

"Ophelia, you are the slander of Chiyi Guoyi Guo! We have a killer to kill you, but there is evidence ?! I want to falsely accuse us for no reason, and we old guys will not suffer!"

While hearing Ophelia's anger, he admired Wright's foresight. If there is no such evidence, it is not so easy to get rid of the elders in one go!

"Don't you mean that none of you elders left Moxim? Then I want to ask now, why don't you see Elder Offen? Answer me!"

"Uh ... Elder Offen often went to the Forest of Warcraft to study Warcraft, which is no longer normal at this time."

"Really? The offense that led the Ice Blue Mercenary Corps to kill me and the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion in Moratis a few days ago, could it be another person ?!"

"This ... you talk ..."

"Want to quibble? That Offen has been killed by me, and now the body has come back, do you want to test it first?"


"What's wrong with me? Could it be something that hurts you? Offen's death makes you scared and sad? Huh! When I was sent to assassinate me, why did you think you would die?"

"If you kill Elder Offen, let's blame our Presbyterian Church! We must not let you, such a sinister and vicious woman, continue to lead the Silver Pegasus!"

The third elder Herman had not been as calm as Cameron and his elder brother. In addition, Offen had a very good relationship with him on weekdays. At this moment, he did not wait for Cameron to speak. He roared first. It's just that Herman said something wrong in his anxiety. Now that Ophelia has passed the ancient silver Pegasus trial, is it possible that he can get rid of it?

"Hum! Is Wolf's ambition showing? Is this your purpose?"

"The third elder Mo is about to get caught in this woman's crimes. She just wants to use the death of Elder Offen to anger us, so that she can get rid of dissidents! Don't be fooled!"

Cameron, the elder, was really clever, and at this time he could bite Ophelia. However, with the slight wave of Ophelia, several men in shackles came out from behind the soldiers of the Silver Pegasus Legion. Upon closer inspection, it was actually the remaining members of the Ice Blue Mercenary Corps, Baggins and others!

"These are the remaining members of the Ice Blue Mercenary Corps. They have confessed all your actions. What else do you have to say !?"

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