Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 77: Encounter Sickle Claw

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"Something! Sneaky! Come out to the uncle!"

When he heard this weird laugh, Joey immediately turned around to take out his double hammer and scolded! The monster that dares to appear in front of them is at least the level of the previous **** dog, maybe higher? Although Joey shouted loudly in his mouth, his heart was completely bottomless.

Wright regretted that he shouldn't be here for so long. Otherwise, you will not encounter such a powerful monster. Thinking that here Wright stepped forward with his two-handed sword and stood side by side with Joey. The monster walking slowly in the bush of thorns in front of him brought unprecedented pressure to the two!

"Gqua! Really curious, how did a dark knight and gray dwarf come together to quack?"

"This, this is the sickle claw!"

Joey's voice began to tremble. Sickle Claw! This is a famous hunter in the devil world! Is it pity that Joey will die early in his adult life? But having said that, having been able to drink wine from Orlando, is it worth it even if it is dead?

Wright didn't know what Joey was thinking about. He was observing the sickle claw at the moment.

The Scythe Devil is a very famous hunter in the devil world. In Orlando and the surrounding multiple planes, the Scythe Devil has always acted as an excellent summoner with its brutal cunning and powerful combat power.

In Wright's eyes, the opposite sickle devil is more than three meters high, and its shape is like a giant bellyless mantis. The bluish-black shell gleamed with metallic light. The triangle-shaped head had three pairs of compound eyes and a pair of pliers. The upper body was sturdy and strong, the shoulders were extremely wide and the waist was slender, and the layers were tightly connected. The carapace is like a protective armor. The legs are slightly shorter according to the proportion of the whole body. In Wright's view, these are not important, the most powerful part of the sickle devil is its arms!

Starting from the widest shoulder of the body, a pair of forearms that are almost the same thickness as the waist of the sickle claws hang down to the ground! The forearm is flat as a whole, and from the forearm, a pair of blue sickle grows! The giant sickle is about one meter seven and eight meters long and half a foot wide. It gradually thickens upward from the edge. This pair of giant sickles is the sign of the sickle claws from all walks of life!

Wright did not know the fierce name of this sickle devil, he just knew how sharp the pair of giant sickles looked fierce! Wright saw with his own eyes that the sharp thorns that he had to chop two or three times before he could cut off, under the giant scythes, like ordinary grass blades, cut off with the weak force brought by the sickle claw's inadvertent movement! It should be said that it was cut off! How sharp is this giant sickle? Wright doesn't want to try it for himself!

"Gaga, do you hurry up to resist? It's not fun to fight without it. Gaga. Struggle to survive! Gaga!"

The Scythe Demon stopped at a distance of about seven or eight meters from the two, and the huge double sickles gently swayed beside him. At this time, it is totally a cat and mouse mentality!

Seeing this situation, the two men's hearts were even colder, and Wright suddenly had an idea. Immediately, he blinked at Joey and said:

"Beard! It's my pleasure to meet you. Today we will fight with this guy!"

Joey looked at Wright's eyes for a moment, although he didn't know what it meant, but he was nervous in the dark. But he replied loudly:

"Rotten iron nuggets! It's my pleasure to meet you. Good! I will teach you the power of this sickle devil with you today!"

Seeing Joey do this, Wright nodded secretly in his heart and praised the dwarf as really smart. Then shouted:

"We fight with you!"

Sick Claw Demon was delighted to hear the conversation between the two, should this hunt be fun? Looking at the weak prey and struggling desperately and then watching the helpless death quack with friends? ! Ah quack! I'm excited when I think about it!

In the next moment, Sickle Claw was ready to meet the dying counterattack of the prey. It was stunned to find that after the two prey on the other side yelled, the U-turn began to run wildly! In a blink of an eye, I ran out dozens of meters! The Scythe Devil was messy in an instant ... What about the desperation? Say yes, go together? Liar!

The six compound eyes of Sickleclaw sent out a strong red awn! Two little mice dare to tease me! I must catch you and shred them one by one! You only die if you die alive!

Seeing that the prey was about to run away, the furiously falconed Devil Claw took on the talented grudge and started to chase wildly! Although his legs are short, this sickle claw demon is a strong fifth-level gold junior strongman! Even in the Devil Realm, a place with weak meat and strong food, it is relatively powerful!

chug! chug!

A pair of huge sickle claws lifted up lightly and intersected on the chest. The short but powerful hind limbs slammed with force. Every time it settles, a fist-sized hole will be stepped out of the hard Demon Land and burst out! chug! the sound of. In front of the Scythe Devil, everything that hinders it on the chase will be chopped by a pair of giant sickles in front of the chest. In this way, the Scythe Claw even chased up with great momentum!

Wright and Joey, who are rushing for the road, are really running hard at this time. That is a rush! The escape route of the duo chose the rugged and thorny place to run. In the impression of the duo, the body shape of the sickle claw is much higher than that of the duo. At least will it be hindered for a while? But who knows that when Joey took the time to look back, the sickle claw demon had already chased less than 20 meters away from the two!

"The ale on the uncle's beard! That sickle claw is catching up!"

Joey's beard running at this time fluttered up, and one by one looked quite funny.

"What? Impossible! So many bushes ..."

Wright really didn't want to believe it, but when he looked back, he didn't say anything about turning around and running faster ...

"You bastard! Wait for me!"

In the desperate pursuit, Wright and Joey were stunned to find a way, and the terrain unconsciously became higher and higher. In a blink of an eye, the two ran to a cliff!

"Stop stop stop stop !!! Stop now!"

Wright, who was running ahead, shouted suddenly after turning around a bush of thorns.

"Stop the fart! The devil claw demon looks to catch up! Run!"

Joey had run into a daze, and a big beard was blown into a cent by the wind brought by the run!

"Run a fart! There is no way ahead!"

"Ah? Why? Huh ~ There will be no way? Huh ~ No, let's jump ~!"

Joey put his hands on his knees and said breathlessly.

"Jump your sister! Look at the following!"

Wright roared after hearing this!

I saw countless tall thorns growing densely under the cliff about 10 meters high! The thorny thorns of the thick arms above the straight thrust into the sky!

"Gquack! Stinky mouse quack! Obediently die!"

Sickle Claw finally caught up! !

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