Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 777: Psychedelic Desert (2)

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Speaking of the weird thorns that make Zhang Yang Shu shook his head helplessly, it is also very common in the psychedelic desert. Its scientific name, Ironwood, is not much known today, but if it mentions its fruit, the psychedelic fruit, it is almost unknown to everyone!

In general, the part of the iron wood thorn that is exposed to the ground is only about one meter, and the root system of this thing is really deep into the desert twenty meters deep! In fact, the iron wood thorn is more tenacious than the mangrove's vitality. Even if there is no trace of water nearby, the iron wood thorn can survive tenaciously.

Someone once described the iron thorn: a plant with extremely strong vitality, exposing the roots outside the yellow sand, but the branches are desperately growing downward.

In fact, the psychedelic fruit produced on the iron thorn is not like other plants, tied to the ground branches. Whenever the iron thorn has absorbed enough nutrients, it will bear fruit where the thorns and sand contact. It's just that no one knows exactly what nutrients iron thorns need in order to bear fruit.

Even the most experienced orc only knows that each clump of iron wood thorns can only produce up to nine psychedelic fruits. On the same iron thorn, it takes at least six days to bear fruit again.

It's a pity that Zhang Yang's bad luck is only in the small bush where he is, it seems that there are at least a dozen clumps of iron wood thorns, and if you look down one by one, how can you find a few psychedelic fruits ...

Walking on the endless sand dunes, Zhang Yang felt that he was losing this water every moment. Although he can try his best to control himself to reduce unnecessary consumption, but he had drunk a pot of water in the cave before, but now he has gone about two leaks, and he begins to feel thirsty again.

Although extremely unhappy, Zhang Yang did not rule out the possibility of catching some fruity bugs like worms when he was extremely hungry. However, after walking for so long, apart from occasionally seeing a yellow-brown grass clump that was blown by the wind, Zhang Yang was totally unable to get anything.

(As far as my body is concerned, I should not starve to death in a short period of time. It ’s just that I ca n’t feel hungry. If I can use the space ring, just remember that there are more than ten kinds of grilled meat. Right?)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly found a large plate of roasted meat on the sand dunes not far ahead! The golden-roasted meat block, set against the green vegetables and fruits, is really attractive! It's just that even if Zhang Yang is now hungry and is about to put his chest on his back, at least the judgment is still there.

(In this vast desert, why is there a large plate of grilled meat suddenly? And it still appeared suddenly when I suddenly thought of the grilled meat. Is it because of hallucinations?)

Shaking his still sore head fiercely, when Zhang Yang looked up again, he suddenly discovered that the large plate of roasted meat was just now. Now he is being carried forward by a somewhat familiar figure! Look carefully through the transfigured air, it is no one else, the formal look of Neil Jelina!

(How is it possible! How could she appear in this place! Could you have inadvertently been poisoned?)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang decided not to say anything and wanted to see what the phantom was about to do. But at this time, Niel Jielina's figure was like a real person, with Zhang Yang's familiar expression on her face, carrying the large plate of roasted meat, and walking to a place less than 30 meters away from Zhang Yang.

However, at this moment, Zhang Yang found that in the sand behind Niel Jielin in front, the yellow sand suddenly began to flow, but in just a few breathing times, a large bag had bulged in that position, as if it was a huge Something is about to burst out!

At the same time, Nier Jielina, who was getting closer and closer, even directly spoke to Zhang Yang and said:

"Adult, you are hungry. I prepared a barbecue for you. I remember you said it tasted good a while ago. I will have a chance to eat it again later. I will deliver it to you immediately."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang frowned suddenly. This is definitely Neil Jelena ’s voice, and even the barbecue is really relevant. It's just that Zhang Yang won't believe it anyway. In this desert where he doesn't know the location, he will meet Neil Jielina!

And if this is really a phantom, then it is too real ...

Thinking of this, a huge and familiar death scorpion rushed out of the sandbag bulging behind Niel Jielin in front! Whether it is the black oily carapace, or the pair of huge front claws, or the horrible tail hook that can't swing above the body, it is almost the same as the dead scorpion that once appeared in the death desert in Zhang Yang's memory. two!

As soon as the scorpion of death appeared, he went straight to the Nier Jielina in front of him, but at this time, Niel Jielina was still unconscious, holding a large plate of barbecue in his hand and smiling. Come to Zhang Yang!

(... Damn! What the **** is going on!)

Although Zhang Yang knew in his heart that all this was just a phantom, but if he was allowed to watch Neil Jielina killed by the dead scorpion, Zhang Yang could not pass his own level!

To be honest, Zhang Yang ’s mind today does not say that coldness is as hard as steel, but if the person who appears at the front of his face at this time is not Neil Jielina, then Zhang Yang may be completely unimpressed, even watching. The person won't blink in the blink of an eye when he is killed by a dead scorpion!

But ... Neil Jie Lina is not someone else, she can be said that Zhang Yang is the most valued person among the few people who care about this world! The poor girl who has been chasing Zhang Yang's footsteps all the time, willing to hide in his light and watching him silently, the one who can even give up his hatred for him!

Therefore, Zhang Yangmeng gritted his teeth and squeezed his feet under his feet. While using all his strength to rush towards Neil Jielina, he had to bring other sharp thorns. Scorpion eyes!

However, when the two bones twirled into the eyes of the death scorpion in the air, Zhang Yang found that the bones disappeared when they touched the death scorpion! At this time, Zhang Yang himself was more than ten meters away from the position of Niel Jielin in front. After all, after injury and weakening and losing strength, Zhang Yang's explosive power and speed were much worse than before.

But at this time, the death scorpion was unrelenting in action, and under the combined use of hexapods, it immediately fell behind Neil Jielina!

"Do not!!"

At this moment, under the watchful eye of Zhang Yang, Niel Jielina, who was walking towards him with a barbecue smiling, was picked up by the death scorpion in front of him and then fell to the ground! At this time, Zhang Yang almost raised his bone stick and rushed towards the death scorpion. However, when he was about five meters away from Neil Jielina, he was about to jump to attack the death scorpion. The huge black scorpion didn't even look at Zhang Yang at all, but just swayed his body and pinched Neil Jielina into the loose sand below immediately!

"Damn! Damn! Damn !!!"

At this moment, Zhang Yang fell to the place where Neil Jelina and Death Scorpion disappeared, but now there is no trace of it except that it seems to sink a little. No matter how he beats and punches here with the bone stick in his hand, the sand is the sand, tinkering for a while, except for digging a shallow pit, he has nothing!

(Obviously it ’s just a phantom ... but why ca n’t I bear it ...)

At this time, Zhang Yang discovered that there was no trace of blood on the sand beside him. Not only that, even the large plate of roast meat just held by Neil Jielina is now completely gone. All of this shows that it is just a phantom. but……

(But ... even if it is a phantom, why does your heart hurt so much when you see the smile and reluctance in the eyes of Neil Jelina? Obviously, because of the overload, I am already in great pain. , But ... but compared with the heartache of Fang Cai, the physical pain is really nothing ...)

At this moment, Zhang Yang kneeling in the sandpit, his hands deeply inserted into the yellow sand in front of him, the whole person trembling slightly! He really didn't want to try to feel this kind of heartache. Since the last time I saw Shi Xiaowei dying in front of him, Zhang Yang's heart seemed to be broken ...

(What is it! Why do you have this illusion! Is there a problem with the water you drank before? Should n’t it! If it ’s a problem with water, I drank that water last night and had an attack. , It should have happened as early as last night. Then ... I did n’t eat anything at all, how could I have hallucinations!)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang lowered his head in distress. Although Wei An had a bruised body, it now looks so bleak and fragile.

(It turns out that the depth of my heart is so fragile. I said before that I do n’t want to accept new feelings. I was just afraid of losing it again. Has my heart not been able to withstand another blow? The powerful shell was originally just to cover up my fears ... afraid to lose, so I did n’t dare to put too much affection, I was afraid to be sad, so I did n’t dare to accept others ’thoughts ...)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang's head was buried lower suddenly. He thought he was born again in the Orlando continent, regained a chance to live, everything can start again.

However, now the reality of Chi Yi Guo Yi Guo has broken his original beautiful fantasy!

Because of the memory of the past, Zhang Yang does not need to learn anything, and the combat strength is also extremely powerful. And his previous experience also allowed him to make mistakes that young people would make in his strategy and handling.

I thought that the retention of this memory was a gift from heaven. But Zhang Yang has forgotten that everything is one and two sides. Fate opened a window for him and closed a door for him!

This memory is power and shackles! If this can't completely break this point, even if he is strong, he will miss the Holy Order in this life!


"Yang, what are you doing here on your knees? Is your body uncomfortable?"

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