Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 789: Finding the way home and disguise

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In the psychedelic desert in the night, it is not easy to distinguish the direction. On the one hand, the desert terrain is always changing. On the other hand, the desert is full of crises at night. Sometimes it is difficult to find the direction, but it is likely to have to go around or turn around in order to avoid the Warcraft that suddenly appeared on the road ahead.

This makes the difficult path and adds a lot of variables, so that even for the orc collector who has a good sense of natural orientation in the Kingdom of Campas, it is not easy to walk out of the psychedelic desert safely. .

Wolf is an excellent collector, and it is not too much to say that he is the best collector in the village. This is not to say how many fruits he can collect at a time, but to say that in these two years and three years, Wolf, who frequently goes in and out of the psychedelic desert, can come back every time, which is already a piece Quite difficult.

Therefore, after Zhang Yang dealt with the low-level Warcraft that blocked the road, the speed of Wolff ’s pathfinding was greatly improved. Not only did he quickly find a place that Wolff was familiar with, but the two brothers and sisters reached a few strings of psychedelic fruits, but It made them overjoyed.

However, as the three men kept walking and went straight to the village where Wolfe's brothers and sisters were, Womiga walked and suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong Womiga! Are you sick?"

After hearing the sister's cry behind him, Wolfe turned around for the first time, but his eyes drifted toward Zhang Yang who was walking at the end. But when he saw that Zhang Yang was still at least two meters away from Womiga, he turned his eyes to his sister.

"No brother, I suddenly remembered something!"

"whats the matter?"

"Of course it's about Wright!"

"What's wrong with him? Could he treat you ..."

"What! Not this! Why do you always want to be crooked! I mean, he is a human being! Su Rian, we know he is not a bad person, but the villagers in the village will not think so! If Let ’s just take him back ... think about your performance when you first saw him, brother! "

"Uh ~! Yeah, this is indeed a problem ... Then, in this case, can we not take him back to the village?"

"So what! Do you not see that he has a lot of wounds all over his body? Although he is very powerful, but I abandon the matter of the benefactor, I will not agree!"

(Are you sure you want to take him back to the village? It ’s the orc language you taught him, so you do n’t have to worry about everything your sister pretended to be like this. When you return to the village, you will be exposed to everyone. Are they all taken away? If so, are n’t we criminals in the village? Should I believe him? It ’s ... difficult to choose ...)

Although there are many bad possibilities in mind, Wolfe himself is actually not sure whether that will happen. In contrast, although Womiga is a young adult, she always feels accurate, so ...

"... then what do you do? You can't take it back. You can't do it without it. Do you have any way?"

"This ... what if I hide him? No, no, the village is such a big place. If it is found to be more troublesome, then how can he be less noticeable?"

"Don't look at me, I don't know what to do ~"

"Humph! Brother Fool!"


However, when Womiga and Wolf were distressed by this matter, Zhang Yang, who had been standing silently behind Womiga, silently said, suddenly:

"No, me, let's go."

(Oops! Forget that he can understand many Orc common languages ​​now! Did he hear the conversation with his brother just now? No, no! I already told him to take him back After recuperating in the village, how can you go back and forth now! There must be a way!)

Thinking of what he had said, Womiga suddenly flashed a serious and stubborn face. I saw that she turned around suddenly, holding her slender *** in her hands, her big beautiful eyes glared round, and said to Zhang Yang:

"No! I said I will take you back to the village for healing! And you agreed to it, right! Since the things you say are about to be done, I will definitely find a way to take you back while you are hurting Before, I was not allowed to leave by myself, did you know? "

"... Listen, don't understand, long."

"Uh ... when will you learn Orc Common Language! Trouble!"

If it is a simple sentence, Zhang Yang may be able to understand it. Even if it is a little longer, if the speech rate is slower, he can even guess most of it. However, under the circumstance of anxiety, Womiga's speech was really fast and long. Zhang Yang was a little bit blind, and he could only understand a few words occasionally.

In desperation, Womiga had to speak slowly several times again, which made Zhang Yang basically understand what she was worried about. But this is not difficult for Zhang Yang, it is just that he did not think of this problem before.

(Womiga makes a lot of sense. Nowadays, almost no other orcs in the psychedelic desert feel like it. But when they walk out of the psychedelic desert, once they are seen by those orcs, their human identity will certainly cause uproar It will be extremely difficult to explain clearly at that time. In this case, it is better to pretend to make them think that I am an orc. Is n’t it okay?)

Speaking of camouflage, Zhang Yang is actually not very good, but this is also compared to the previous special forces comrades who are good at camouflage. As far as basic camouflage skills are concerned, Zhang Yang, who used to be a sniper and scout, is also familiar. So if you want to pretend to be an orc ...

(You need to hide your ears, and then make two ears on the top of your head, or is it like ear-like hair? Even a tail is also essential, but it requires some materials. I have known so , Should the hair of the desert terror wolf be used? It ’s just that it ’s too late now, it ’s better to meet Warcraft again ...)

After thinking of the specific method, Zhang Yang indicated that Womiga should not worry, he has a way to solve this problem. This made Wolfe and Womiga a little puzzled, and could only continue to drive the letter in doubt.

Maybe it was Zhang Yang ’s luck that got better after meeting Vomija, or maybe the grey long-tailed mongoose, who was only second-order power, had to find his own death. After being stabbed to death by Zhang Yang with the one-horned desert terror wolf, Zhang Yang began to split the body and pluck the hair. After Wolf and Womiga helped find a kind of insect that could secrete mucus to protect themselves. He quickly disguised himself.

First covered her cheeks and ears with fluff, and then put two clusters of hair like ears on the top of the head according to Wolfe's ears. At this time, Zhang Yangben wanted to cut off the tail of this long-tailed mongoose and hang behind him, but it was indeed stopped by Womiga.

According to her, there are also short-tailed or tailless races among the orcs, and the broken tail will not only rot quickly and stink, but the motionless tail is also quite suspicious. Furthermore, Womiga believes that Zhang Yang has put hair on his face and changed his ear position, and he is already very much like an orc, so there is no need to add a snake.

So, but after a few short leaks, Zhang Yang seems to have changed from a human to a slightly messy orc. His blue-black hair, with the long-tailed mongoose grey long hair, actually looked very harmonious and a little happy. This is what makes Vomija see a faint light, a very interesting look.

"I didn't expect you to have this way! It's really fun!"

Womiga said so. It's just that in Wolf's opinion, it's not a good thing. His sister is always interested in this human being somehow, which makes him always worry about whether his sister will be cheated. The impression of humanity's evil cunningness and **** for money has long penetrated into Wolfe's heart. Although it has changed after seeing Zhang Yang, a trace of caution is indispensable.

So whenever Womiga walked and walked up to Zhang Yang, Wolf would find a reason to pull it away. He was really afraid of losing this sister, and even more afraid of hurting her.

After this, perhaps because of the proximity to the edge of the desert, Zhang Yang and the three did not encounter any other Warcraft. In addition to the variety of bugs that began to increase, the edge of this psychedelic desert turned out to be quite peaceful. . So much so that the footsteps of the fox and orc brothers and sisters who have been eager to return home have obviously become a lot lighter.

At this time, Zhang Yang felt so reluctant in his heart. Although there are also many dangers in this psychedelic desert, it will allow him to see the parents of the previous life and see Shi Xiaowei again, even if all these are illusions, but this is enough to make Zhang Yang grateful.

However, Zhang Yang himself also understood that people cannot always live in the past and memories. Now he has begun a brand-new life, and also found his own fetters in this magical and beautiful Orlando world.

He cannot be so selfish, after all, many people are still worried about him, waiting for him to go back safely. So when some tree shadows could be seen faintly in the darkness ahead, Zhang Yang stopped his progress a little bit, turned his head and took a deep look at this dangerous and magical psychedelic desert before turning. Keeping up with the Fox brothers and sisters in front, continue to walk towards the edge of the desert ...

"Hurry up! Wright! From here to the village where our house is located, there is only about a leaky road left! When you come back to the house after that time, be sure to let you try the muffin scones made by my mother. What! Ah! Thinking of the delicious scones, I ’m hungry! "

Listening to Womiga's happy voice, Zhang Yang just smiled faintly, but this smile looked a little too reluctant.

(Yeah, the mother's cooking is the best, and the home is the warmest ... but ... where is my home?)

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