Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 803: Sneak into the occupied village

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At first, Zhang Yang did not pay much attention to the movements of Silia. After all, he was followed by dozens of villagers who looked scared and panicked. However, it wasn't until Zhang Yang followed them out of the village and walked for more than a mile along the wilderness to the north, that Wolfe felt a little wrong. After all, it didn't take so long to get something, and his mother Shiriya arrived I haven't seen you back now!

So he hurriedly took his sister to Zhang Yang and begged:

"Wright, my mother hasn't come back after so long, I worry about her accident, so ... Could you please go back and see with me?"

"Yeah Wright, this distance is enough for us to run back and forth, but my mother didn't come back. Please help us to see it!"

Although Wolfe still has Womiga, Zhang Yang does not fully understand, but now he also thinks that Shiriya has gone too long. So, Zhang Yang looked around and made sure that there was no danger around him, and then he signaled to let Wolfe and his siblings wait here, and he went back to see it alone.

At this time, Zhang Yang and Wolfe ’s brothers and sisters heard the surrounding villagers, so after learning that Zhang Yang was going to go back to Seeria, the remaining rabbits, cats, and feathers and orcs immediately used the surrounding environment. , Hiding in the vicinity. A cat villager who looks a little older says this:

"Since you have decided to go back to the village to find someone, then we are here to wait for you. If possible, please help by the way to find the head of our village! It is an old rabbit clan with white hair and beard. Elder, trouble you! "

For the request of this person, Womiga explained Zhang Yang seriously. After all, for them, the grandfather of the village is the most respectable elder in the village, and he is the most experienced in how to build a village. . If there is no village head, they will survive a disaster, but they do not know where to live in the future.

"Well, you guys, be careful."

So after Zhang Yang left this sentence, he returned to the village alone, but when he first returned to the village, he even saw a group of several wolf orc hunters far from house to house. Searching for something. At the same time, the more than 20 villagers of the rabbit and cat clan that were sturdy on the open ground of the village looked like those who had fled westward!

(Sure enough, as I expected, there are a large number of enemies in the west, but I do n’t know the exact number. In this case, is n’t Shiria ’s home on the west side? Will she ... be caught? )

Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Yang suddenly accelerated his pace. Fortunately, fortunately, the color of his clothes at this time was gray, which was very close to the color of the ground, so that he could be used as a camouflage suit. So when he entered the village, whenever the sight of a wolf orc hunter swept in his direction, Zhang Yang would hide in a low-lying place without moving, even if he was seen by the other party, he would think it was Dirt and rocks.

So Zhang Yang miraculously sneaked back into the village without alarming any guardians of the wolf clan orc hunters. But when he looked carefully at the villagers who were caught, Zhang Yang was relieved, and Xilia was not here! She probably hid somewhere in the house, but she couldn't find a chance because the wolf orc hunter was too guarded outside.

At this moment, Zhang Yang thought of the beautiful face of Sheria's tears in the night, and there was a trace of sympathy and pity in her heart. Her crying voice seemed to hover in her ears. The embraced temperature and fragrance seemed not to dissipate. ...

(Be sure to rescue her, even if it ’s just not to make Womiga cry like her ...)

Zhang Yang randomly found himself a reason to take risks, and then acted again, but perhaps because of the relationship between the village buildings and obstacles, Zhang Yang was watching the wolf orc hunter guard while walking during the period, it was more than Only then is it much simpler.

So it only took less than two points to leak, and he came under the mangrove tree outside the door of Hilia's house. However, when he glanced at him from the hidden angle in the direction of the house, Zhang Yang frowned.

It turned out that because of the anxious departure of Hiria, the half-decomposed sand-line lizards were dealt with in a hurry. At this time, the remaining sand-line lizards at the door were suddenly picked up and picked up by five tall wolf orc hunters He came out and was now grilling a fire on the doorstep of Hiriya's house.

Seeing here, Zhang Yang knew about it. It is likely that when Hiriya came back to pick up things and left, these wolf clan orc safari went outside the door, and because the remaining half of the sand lizard meat Relationship, these wolf clan orc hunters are only concerned about the food, and did not carefully check the next room!

This made Hiriya unable to come out by being stuck in the house, although there was no danger before these wolf orc hunters finished eating, but after they ate and wiped, they were afraid Ya's situation is worrying.

(This room is so big, where can she hide? If she didn't guess wrong, otherwise, if she hurriedly took the wolf orc hunters around here, she might not be able to cope with it. After all, the physical condition is much worse than before, even if it is reluctant to fight, it should be okay to deal with more than a dozen wolf clan orc hunters at the same time, if you have more, you will have to pay the price.)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked carefully into the house. Because the outer wall of the house of Shiriya is woven with branches and wattles, Zhang Yang still can see some of the conditions in the house through the narrow gap between the wattles. It's just that because Hiriya had just made a relationship between the compartments, with Zhang Yang's position at this time, he could only see half of the room. As for the half of the inside, he couldn't see clearly at all.

(You have to think of a way ... At least you have to draw the attention of the wolf clan orc hunters first, and then just sneak over. After all, this house is a little too empty, it ’s all because of this clothes. Can't fool it.)

In fact, although the five wolf clan orc hunters were talking and barking loudly around the fire, the ears above them were still turning left and right. Before, Zhang Yang was farther away from them, but now this distance is already the limit. If he moves forward, even if he can deceive each other's eyes, he can't deceive their hound-like ears!

Seeing this, Zhang Yang easily picked up a small stone with long fingers from the ground, and after his capacity eliminated the sound of the shot, he threw it straight to a dilapidated house on the right side.


As the small stone fell to the ground, five wolf clan orc hunters turned their gaze at the same time, except that there was nowhere to be destroyed by the outer wall at this moment, except for a door that was about to fall apart. It will squeak a few times under the blast of hot air, and now there is only one big frame left. There is nothing left at all, and it is really unobstructed.

"Damn it! What happened!"

"Can someone else?

"Come on! Haven't they just watched it in the past? If there is a bad breed, find it out early, and can it stay until now?"

"What was that voice just now?"

"who knows!"

"Should you come and see?"

"Grass! Why don't you go over and watch, but come to instruct Lao Tzu! Besides, you are not a captain, go to yourself! Don't try to deceive me, you secretly eat meat!"

"Humph! Don't pull it down! But it's really a blessing to find the meat of Warcraft here!"

"The ability to catch this sand lizard means that there should be one or two fighters in this village. Did n’t you hear the news from the front? The team that was responsible for the drove was wiped out! If it was done by one person, then the least strength Be above the third-order intermediate level! "

"Huh! What about even a third-tier intermediate? We have no less than three of these strengths in our team, plus our dozens of brothers, can you still be afraid of him?"

"Yes! Hey! Is the meat good? Eat meat! Eat meat!"


And no matter what the five wolf clan orc hunters murmured around the fire, just at the moment when the little stone fell to the ground, when their five heads turned their heads together, Zhang Yang was like a glimpse, blinking in the blink of an eye. After a distance of ten meters, he flew into the house lightly!

After Zhang Yang came directly to the middle, he lowered his voice and called out:

"Silia! Silia! Do you hear?"

Speaking of that, Hilia ’s heart had already begun to be a bit desperate. Just when she returned to the house to retrieve the fire emblem and wanted to turn around and leave, these wolf orc hunters arrived! If she did n’t respond quickly, she would hide in a shallow mezzanine under the inner bed in time, and she would be caught by the first wave of searches.

It is important to know that the wolf orcs have super fertility, and naturally their sexual desire is also extremely strong. But all the disadvantaged ethnic women who fell into their hands were sold as slaves after being raped by turns! Especially beauties like Sheria are inevitable, so Sheria has been holding the knife in her hand. Once discovered, she would rather die than let her become a plaything of the other party!

However, as the sound of the fire barbecue came from outside, Helia lying in the mezzanine that could only accommodate the next person did not dare to move, the fire of hope in his heart was getting weaker and weaker. She now has little hope of whether she can survive.

And she did not regret her act of returning to get the flame emblem, after all, this is an important item left by the family inheritance so far! Sheria still believes that as long as the Fire Emblem remains, the Flame Family will usher in a brilliant day!

It's just that Siriia has some regrets after all, that is, she hasn't been able to pass this coat of arms to her children earlier, and she may never have the chance to see them again.

But at this time, Sicilia clearly heard someone whispering her name in the house! Suddenly, a calm and indifferent face appeared in her mind!

(Is he ?! Wright, did he come back to find me ?!)

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