Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 825: Out of nowhere

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As Zhang Yang couldn't keep going, he even heard a subtle sobbing sound coming from the front! At the same time, the more he ran forward, the clearer the crying Yang Zhang heard!

Not only that, when Zhang Yang came to a completely enclosed stone wall, he could even hear Wolfe whispering to comfort his sister!

It's just that after Zhang Yang looked around, he couldn't see any place around which he could pass! At this time and here, it looks as if it was originally a dead end! Except for the row of triangular, serrated holes close to the ground, there is no other way!

Seeing this, Zhang Yang already had a quiver in his heart, and he thought of the worst possibility, that was originally supposed to be a passage, and then I did not know why it touched the organ, so that the top fell like this. Thick wall like dragon stone!

Judging by Zhang Yang reaching out to touch the stone wall in front of him, the sturdiness of this thing is no less than pig iron! And its thickness is at least more than two meters! It is completely impossible for Zhang Yang to dig it out if something like this blocks the road.

But now that the matter is over, Zhang Yang can only be thankful that the lucky fox brothers and sisters were not crushed to death by this broken dragon stone for the first time. As for the question of how to rescue later ... I still have to ask if the two of them are injured. .

"Wolf! Womiga! Can you hear me? Answer me!"

Because there was almost no sound in Zhang Yang's walkway before, the brothers and sisters Wolf and Womijia inside did not know his arrival. Therefore, when Zhang Yang's voice reached the other side of Shimen, Womiga and Wolf even couldn't believe their ears!

"Woo ... brother, I heard it ~~ oooo ~ I heard Wright's voice just now ~ but how could he come ... oooooo ..."

Womiga remembered Wright at the moment, and somehow it was even more sad to cry. It was only after she finished crying that she heard her brother Wolff stunned.

"No, won't it be true? Did I hear it together too? But just now ... I also seem to hear Wright's voice ?!"


At the moment, the two of them had heard all of Zhang Yang's ears while sticking his ears to the stone wall and listening carefully. But because of this, he had a feeling of crying and laughing! Obviously it was his voice, and that had nothing to do with the half-copper!

"Hey! Cheer up! I'm Wright! You have no auditory hallucinations! It's me who came to you!"

"Ah !? Wright! Wright! Are you really here ?! This is terrible! I think my mother! Woooo ~!"

"We're inside! Wright! It's okay now, but help us find a way! The ceiling above you doesn't know why it is slowly descending! I'm afraid that if you don't use it, it will leak. ! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yang suddenly became anxious. Unexpectedly, the institutions here are linked one by one. Look at this look. Unless you have the strength above the legendary level, you will be trapped by this super-heavy organization. The end is almost a dead word!

But Zhang Yang speculates that since this channel is prepared for some kind of trial, then it should never be a deadly jedi! Somewhere inside, there must be something that can stop the institution here!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly lay on the ground, shouting at the hole below the stone wall:

"Wolf, don't worry! Look carefully if there are any switches, grooves or the like, what did you touch to make this stone wall fall ?!"

This time because Zhang Yang was yelling into the gap, his voice finally passed in clearly. At this time, Wolff, who heard what Zhang Yang said, suddenly remembered what happened before!

In fact, since he and his sister Vomija were forced to enter the cave, Wolf became aware of an inexplicable depression and fear in his heart. However, when he saw the panic in the eyes of his sister Womiga, Wolfe could only fight the spirit, barely suppress the negative emotions in his heart, and dragged his sister to move on.

From the fear when I first walked on the spiral staircase, I finally got down to the bottom and saw the shock of the red crystal channel. If it were n’t for Wolff ’s mother ’s words, a thing that paid a penny and was given for nothing was probably a beautiful trap.

Because of this, Wolfe did not let her take any gems and crystals, no matter how her sister begged.

After all, Wolf understands that there may be other unknown dangers waiting for the two in the future. If you take things here in doubt, it affects your mentality and flexibility. It is true that you will lose your life here when the time comes. Lost.

However, later on, after he and his sister Vomija made almost the same discovery as Zhang Yang, they were almost scared and almost out of wit! So that from the place where Zhang Yang picked up Womiga's headband, Wolff started to pull his sister Womiga crazy! It's just that as the two gradually deepened, the surrounding scenery became more and more apparent. This even started from the second half, and Womiga's tears never stopped!

Now think about it, until the two of them ran into this passage, they gasped and found out that there was a dead end right in front of this passage! It's just that the groove in the center of the front wall, which is not the size of a fist, makes the little siblings of the Fox family puzzled and can't help but touch it.

This is the next time, but it touched the organ in the passage, not only caused the broken dragon stone in the rear to fall down to block the road, and the place where the two were in was completely dark. Only the jagged holes at the bottom could shoot a little light. .

Thinking of this, Wolf immediately understood the meaning of Wright, that is to say, the reason why these institutions will be activated, it should be that he touched the dent!

But later, Wolfe didn't touch it again, but after that time, the ceiling above him began to descend slowly, and pressed towards them both.

Now that the canopy, which was nearly five meters high, has fallen to the position of more than three meters, this makes Wolfe not dare to touch it again.

"At the beginning Wright, although there was such a pit, but after I touched it the first two times, I was in danger. Now I am just afraid ..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang hurriedly took the flame-shaped coat of arms from his arms, shouted, and stuffed past the gap under the stone wall! Then quickly said:

"Wolf, try if this fire emblem has any effect! You can rest assured that Sheria is waiting for you at the entrance of the sunset canyon!"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Wolfe quickly climbed under the stone wall, but because it was too dark, and he was too nervous, Wolfe accidentally threw Zhang Yang down the wind by accident. The coat of arms touched back!

This is good, the coat of arms is now falling in the middle of the lower part of the stone wall. It really is not going to touch the sky! This is to make Wolf reach for his hand, but his arm is not long enough! So that the anxious straight scratch wall can't be taken out!

"Wright! Wright! Help me! I accidentally touched the thing you threw back! I can't reach it!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yang felt like he had a black line, and said that the more anxious and the more chaotic, this was really encountered by him! It's just that time is tight now, and it's not a good time to vomit. Finding a way to check out the flame emblem or push it over is the real thing!

Looking around next to him, Zhang Yang suddenly felt that the straight knife behind him should be almost usable! So he pulled the knife out of the sheath instantly, shouted and picked it up, and squeezed into the gap below the stone wall against the ground!

Ding ~! Slap!

As the jaw of Zhang Yang's hand hit the stone wall here, after the sound of a crisp metal impact, the blade finally reached the flame coat of arms that fell in the middle of the stone wall. With the force from Zhang Yang's hand, the gap again popped out Wolfe, who was anxiously waiting over there, grabbed it in his hand.

(Huh ?! Is n’t that the flame coat of arms at home? Could this thing be the key to saving lives ?! But it seems that the size of the coat of arms is really quite close to the groove on the wall! )

Thinking of this, Wolf in the dark suddenly climbed up, and he couldn't care about anything else. He fell directly to the center of the innermost wall and touched the family crest in his hand.

With a soft click, Wolf in the dark and Womiga suddenly lifted his heart to his throat! Judging from previous experience, if this time fails, it is likely that the ceiling that is slowly descending above the head will be directly pressed down! By then, the two of them will definitely be crushed into meat puree in an instant!

Fortunately, Zhang Yang was right, and Wolf was also right!

As the flame coat of arms was exactly embedded in the groove on the wall, the passage suddenly shuddered slightly! Not only did the falling canopy overhead quickly return to the top, but even the broken dragon stone that initially trapped the two began to rise slowly.

Not only does it quickly reveal a height that can be passed by one person, but even the bright red light outside shines in instantly. This made Wolfe and Womiga realize the joy of a desperate life, so that when Zhang Yang's figure appeared in front of the eyes of the two, Womiga was crawling and tears. Zi ran to Zhang Yang's arms and wept.

"Wright ... Wright ... Woo ..."

"Okay, do n’t be afraid. It ’s over, you have to be strong. Do n’t you want to change the fate of the weak orc race? If this is really a trial field left by the ancient flame **** of war, then it is very likely that your wish can be realized here. Now! "

"But ... woo ... the red crystals before ..."

"That should be part of the trial, although it seems quite cruel, but the greedy people naturally have no chance to come to the end. You have passed the previous test now, then next, I believe you will continue to walk through the rest Part, after all, the two of you are descendants of the ancient flame warlord Kampas! "

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