Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 827: Organs are heavy (2)

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At this time, Zhang Yang not only carried Wolf and Womiga brothers and sisters through the kilometer-long trap channel, but he also led the fox clan siblings across a strange abyss all over the floating platform.

Now the three of them finally stood on the other end of the floating platform. At this time, Vomiga looked back at the Misu floating platform that was floating strangely above the abyss, and could hardly believe that he could really pass smoothly!

If these floating platforms are just fixed there, the brothers and sisters might be cruel and jumped over.

In fact, the reason why these floating platforms are called floating platforms instead of platforms by three people is precisely because they are floating in the void, and once they are forced, some will fall, and some will pan and shake! This made Wolf and Womiga look dumbfounded.

If it weren't for Zhang Yang who carried on a continuous jump in one pass, he stepped directly on a floating platform from the beginning and quickly rushed over, I am afraid that Womiga would have fallen because of his legs.

Even if it had already passed the area where the abyss floating platform was located, Vomija still felt soft and short of breath, and the legs standing on the ground couldn't move, and had to hug Wright's arm beside him, saying Don't dare to let go of anything.

In contrast, Wolf, who is an older brother, is still slightly better than his sister. At this moment he was able to stand on his own, but the whole person wished that the farther away from the abyss, the better. If it weren't for the colorful passage in front of it to look equally weird, Wolf would not stay in this place anymore.

"Huh ~! Can it really be passed by the strength of ordinary people ?! No wonder no one has been able to achieve the inheritance of the Fire God of War for so long, this trial is really too abnormal!"

For Wolfe ’s words, Zhang Yang disagreed. From the beginning to the present, whether it is a spiral staircase or a red crystal channel, even the channels that are covered by the organ and the abyss of the floating platform just tried. The trainer's mind, reaction and determination!

Not to mention, as far as Zhang Yang himself is concerned, if you do n’t need to take the Wolff brothers and sisters to pass, even if you were just born again, you should be able to go to the present.

And this colorful passage in front of us is actually built with stone bricks of six colors including yellow, blue, red, green and black and white! This made Zhang Yang feel at first glance that it must come from the corresponding magic element!

The ground element represented by yellow; the water element represented by blue; the fire element represented by red; the wind element represented by green; and the white light elements and black dark elements that are less present but larger than the general floor tiles!

What worries Zhang Yang most is that these bricks are intricately interlaced, but the bricks of the same color are always not far away! Does this mean that if you want to pass here, you need to step on the same color stone bricks? If not, what should I do?

"Wright, where should I go?"

"Yeah Uncle Wright ~ It's colorful here. Although it's beautiful, it feels very dangerous. How should we go?"

(Uh ... why is there an uncle title? But speaking of it, it is really clueless ...)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang first 'teared off' Vomija from himself, and then gave it to Wolf on the side to support it, but he took out a few gold coins again and threw it out like a trap for the institution.

However, this time, when those few gold coins jumped and landed on various stone bricks, the changes in Zhang Yang's expectations did not appear. This was when Zhang Yang was disappointed and had to think of other ways to try.

"You guys are waiting here. I'll go up and try it first. Of course, it's very likely to be dangerous here, so try to get closer to the edge of the aisle. Do you understand?"

"Huh ~! You have to be careful! You can't ..."

Womiga couldn't say anything after that. The three of them had already come here and couldn't turn back. So she had to silently pray for Wright in her heart, hoping he wouldn't have an accident.

(If you can pass the test alive this time, you must repay Wright ’s graciousness in the future! As long as you can do what you can, but with the trust, you must go all out! You must be safe! Wright!)

Although Womiga thought so, some things could not be transferred by human will. I saw that when Zhang Yang stepped on a blue floor tile, a bright blue light was suddenly released from that floor tile!

At the same time, Zhang Yang felt that with the blue light under his feet, the concentration of the surrounding water elements rose rapidly! But in just two or three breaths, the floor tiles began to exude cold air, and in a blink of an eye, Zhang Yang's pants were frozen and hardened!

At this time Zhang Yang's brows were already frowning. He didn't understand why this floor tile would release water and then transform it into frozen air, but now the frozen air was getting stronger and stronger, so that after Zhang Yang resisted for five instants I already felt my legs started to numb, and eventually I had to retract my legs and exit the area of ​​the floor tiles in front.

"Wright! Your legs!"

"A layer of ice has formed so quickly! What is this thing ?! So powerful !?"

Seeing Wright's legs all covered with thin ice, Womiga and Wolf immediately shouted nervously. Before, they were afraid to disturb Wright, so they insisted on not opening, and even Womiga was afraid that she couldn't control herself, and even covered her small mouth with her hands.

Now that Wright had returned, they were relieved and then asked anxiously.

"Relax, it's just that the trousers are frozen hard, and the body is not in the way. But this channel is so weird, the gold coins fall on it, but it's okay to step on it, but it will release the water element and dissipate into cold air! In terms of my physical fitness , Standing on it can only safely stick to it for about eleven moments at a time. If you do n’t leave, you will definitely get frostbite. "

"Ah? Something you can't stand, what can we do?"

"If it's you, it only takes three to five moments, and you will be frostbitten your skin. If it exceeds ten moments, you're just afraid of losing your legs!"


After listening to Zhang Yang say this, Wolfe didn't know what to say.

(If it is a warrior who has inspired blood energy, will it be able to resist the frozen water of the water system? In that way ... Is the remnant left by this God of War completely prepared for the fox tribe with blood energy? !)

Thinking of Wolfe's mood here suddenly fell, he really wanted to gain strength, so inexplicably, Wolfe's heart actually gave birth to a trace of hatred!

He hates his powerlessness and his destiny! Even the flame **** Kampas, who is worshipped by all orcs, and the ancient **** who may be his ancestor, hated it together!

So, Wolf, who secretly gritted his teeth, didn't notice that his sister Womiga looked at him with a worried look, nor did he notice Zhang Yang smashing the thin ice on his pants, turning his eyes to the front. Going through that channel.

"Uncle Wright, do you still want to try it ?!"

"Well, I only stepped on the blue floor tiles before, but I have n’t tried it yet. I might step on the blue floor tiles quickly and pass, so I wo n’t be frozen. Maybe I do n’t have to worry about me. I will return. "


"I have to find a way to go, isn't it? I think that since this channel exists, there should be a way to pass it, but I haven't found it yet. Well, you are still waiting for me here, I will try again."

Listening to Zhang Yang already mentioned this, Womiga nodded with a worried look. At this time, although Zhang Yang also saw the difference between Wolfe's looks, he felt that Wolfe was probably scared to do so, and did not think too much.

So, when Zhang Yang gathered his mind and stood at the entrance of the passage again, he had turned his attention to the next challenge! Yes! This is a challenge for Zhang Yang! Whether it is the trial of the ancient guardians who previously required strong power to pass, or the trial of the God of War that requires more wisdom and courage today, Zhang Yang can find a joy to challenge himself!

Traveling across this Orlando continent is not just a simple tour. See all kinds of things, meet all kinds of people, and even experience all kinds of battles and challenges! This may be the life that Zhang Yang dreamed of, right?

After exhaling deeply, Zhang Yang no longer hesitated this time, but quickly stepped forward on the blue floor tiles! However, after four or five steps, he found that the frozen water from the floor tiles at his feet was more and more!

From the time of the third step, although Zhang Yang has only passed since the beginning of the moment, the amount of frozen gas in the water system has already caught up with the level released in the previous ten instants!

And when Zhang Yang's right foot fell on the fifth blue floor tile, the frozen water of the water instantly formed a thick thick ice outside his pants! Look at it like this, if it wasn't for Zhang Yang who was frightened and spared no effort to make a backflip and jump back to the starting point, I was afraid that the frozen air would continue to spread upward!

(Hoo ~! It ’s so dangerous this time! If it happens later, I ’m afraid that my lower body will be frozen on the floor tiles. At that time, in terms of my current strength, I ’m afraid it ’s hard to break free. There is an ice sculpture in the remains of God of War ~)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang could not help but burst out a cold sweat. It was okay for him to wave his hand at Womiga, and then kick it in place, smashing the ice layer formed outside his pants, and moving his slightly numb legs by the way.

However, Zhang Yang's mind was not idle at this time. Through the two attempts just now, he had gained a lot of useful information. If you want to go through this channel, don't think about rushing, and it seems that it is not reliable to only walk one color in checkers. In today's situation, Zhang Yang has to try other colors of floor tiles. After all, if it is as he thought it is ... the correct way to pass is probably ...

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