Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 830: Organs are heavy (5)

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The wheel of destiny never stops. What happens at this moment is likely to determine the direction of the entire world in the future.

However, all these things will show their results after a long time. Now under the psychedelic desert of the orc kingdom of Campas, Zhang Yang and Vomija brothers and sisters are still thinking about how to pass through this organ and the passage of trap Working hard ...


Same as what Zhang Yang said before, when he finally came to the corner of the passage with his brothers and sisters, she was almost dumbfounded!

Right now in front of her, after the corner, she saw the abyss again!

It's just that the situation here is much weirder compared to the previous abyss floating platform!

"Lei, Uncle Wright! Here, how can this pass!"

At this time, without asking Womiga, Zhang Yang was shocked! At the moment in front of him, the surrounding passages suddenly expanded to hundreds of meters wide! The height is almost the same, it looks black, as if there is no margin.

Looking below, Zhang Yang even sporadically distributed a blue pillar of the same size as the previous stone brick in front of Zhang Yang! And under these long and unknown stone pillars, there is a real abyss!

Before this, Zhang Yang remembered that he had tried it, but this blue stone brick would release a whirlwind to blow people back! And he has now stepped on a red stone brick for more than four instants. If he does not choose as soon as possible, I am afraid that Zhang Yang will be unable to bear it! After all, the closest blue stone brick behind him is also more than fifteen meters away from him! Now I want to go back, I'm afraid it's too late!

(Fight! You ca n’t burn to death!)

Thinking of here, Zhang Yang had to cross his heart and jumped over the nearest blue stone pillar in front of him!

It's just that because the next cyan stone column is far away from here, Zhang Yang estimates that it should be more than six meters. Therefore, in order to get closer, Zhang Yang chose the foothold on the first cyan stone brick quite forward. And that's exactly why he saved himself and Womiga brothers and sisters by mistake!

At the moment when Zhang Yang's left foot landed on the front of the cyan stone brick, he was lifted forward by a whirlwind that appeared quickly! This almost completely exceeded Zhang Yang's expectations. After all, when he tried before, he was blown behind him by this whirlwind!

(How can this be ?! Could it be that the direction of the whirlwind is related to his foothold !?)

At this moment, Zhang Yang recalled the position he stepped on when he tried. Because of the cautious relationship, at that time, he only jumped gently to the edge of the blue stone brick, which was then instantly blown back to the starting point.

And this time, Zhang Yang's foothold is at the front! Thinking of this, Zhang Yang can already basically be sure that his guess is correct. The direction of the whirlwind on the stone brick must be related to his own foothold!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang had no time to continue to hesitate. The direction he was just blown off had a cyan stone pillar. Seeing this, Zhang Yang could only believe that he was right.

So, just before the landing, Zhang Yang first aimed at the position of a cyan stone column in front of the right, and then just like a genius, he fell to the right of this cyan stone column!

At this moment, when Zhang Yang felt uneasy, a whirlwind blowing to the front of the right also blew away the worry in Zhang Yang's heart!

Compared with the previous government channels, this place can be easily passed as long as the judgment is accurate and the response is fast enough. It's just that, on the contrary, a little mistake is not allowed here, otherwise it will fall into the bottomless abyss and almost end in death!

Speaking of this passage of more than a thousand meters, although it looks extremely thrilling, it is Zhang Yang's smoothest passage! After all, Zhang Yang is completely confident that he will not make mistakes in terms of his psychological quality and adaptability, and even his physical control!

Therefore, when the three people were blown down by a whirlwind to the entrance of the opposite passageway, Zhang Yang even felt that he was still unsure! It's just that the passage made entirely of gold is so dazzling that the three of them even had a sigh of relief after landing, and they were all shocked by the scene in front of them!

Zhang Yang doesn't know how thick the walls around this golden passage are, but in terms of texture, it is definitely pure gold!

What really surprised him was that, with his eyesight, he couldn't even see the end of the golden passage ahead! After all, Zhang Yang can be sure that at least the straight line is within five miles, and this channel is all Jin Cancan! Not to mention the end, there is no sign of a turning point at all!

The appearance of this channel was such that Wolfe and Vomija were stunned to open their mouths. You know that although in terms of value, this golden channel may not have the original red crystal channel value, but on the one hand, Wolfe has Womiga is not clear about the value of the fire magic crystals. On the other hand, for the people in the Campas Orc Kingdom that uses gold coins as the main currency, so much gold appears together, it is like a dream!

It was just that after passing through the surprise of seeing the golden passageway at first, Zhang Yang's brow furrowed. He didn't believe that the trial would leave one for the three, and he only had to open his mouth to maintain a surprised passage that could be passed safely.

Zhang Yang felt that there must be some unknown dangers. So he no longer tried to explore the end of the channel, but turned his eyes to the four walls of the golden channel in front of him to observe carefully.

And this look Zhang Yang made a new discovery!

On both sides of this golden channel, there are many strange words and exquisite patterns! It's just that because the channel as a whole is composed of gold bricks and the whole is a piece of Huang Chengcheng, these unclear patterns, reliefs, and text seem quite unobtrusive.

Looking along the walls on both sides, Zhang Yang found that these reliefs and patterns seemed to tell a story silently, but with Zhang Yang's not so outstanding artistic vision, the protagonist of these pictures seemed to be a Very short fox orc!

(Is it here depicting the history of the growth of the ancient flame warrior Campas? But why did the latter part disappear? And ah, why is this very insignificant yellow stone brick on the ground in front of it, why is it like the one in the previous passage What about earthy floor tiles that increase gravity ?! Could it be?)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang slowly walked down Womiga and Wolff and walked a few steps carefully. After finding that there was no obvious change, Zhang Yang came to the floor tile and slowly leaned over to check stand up.

"Uncle Wright ~ What did you find out again? It's so beautiful here! Have we passed the dangerous lot?"

Hearing Womiga said, Zhang Yang did not answer the first time, but put his right hand on the stone brick and lightly pressed it, before looking up seriously:

"I also want to tell you that the dangers are all over, but it's a pity, not yet."

"Ah ?! Is there any danger here?"

"It's really dangerous. Have you seen this floor tile? It's almost the same thing as the yellowish stone brick that passed through the colorful passage. But the previous floor tile will also increase the gravity of the stepper, but But it wo n’t be like here, even if the stepper stepped away from him, the gravity effect still exists! "

"Ah ?! How could this happen !!"

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, Womiga suddenly fell into a daze! If it is said that stepping on it will permanently increase the gravity she bears, then if she stepped on a foot, wouldn't she have to live a fat man's life in advance! ?

(No! I do n’t want it!)

Suddenly shook his head into a rattle, as if he could flick the thought just now, Zhang Yang found that the hair on Womiga's tail didn't know why they were scared.

"Are you all right? Womiga?"

"Ah! It's fine! Is there no danger as long as you don't step on it?"

"Indeed, I just tried to hang my hand on it, it will not be affected at all, until I pressed my hand against this stone brick, only one more weight was added."

"Hey ?! Uncle Wright, did you mean that you only increased the weight of one hand after the hand test? Not the weight of the whole body ?!"

"It is true."

"Huh ~! That's fine! As long as you walk carefully, slow down, even if your feet step on, as long as your body doesn't keep up, will it be okay?"

"That's what I said, but I don't know how long this golden channel is. In case of a few tens of miles in total length, when do you go down so slowly? When do you have to go? Do you have anything to eat and drink?"

"Uh ~! This ..."

Zhang Yang asked Womiga and Wolfe before. I was very nervous before and did n’t feel hungry. Now that I ’m a little safer, Woolf and Womiga suddenly feel that their stomachs are beginning to grunt. .

Fortunately, however, there are two palm-sized pieces of dried meat hidden in the small bag that Vomija carries. Although there are not many now, it can barely top a few.

"It's not enough to eat. If there is no water, the problem is more serious. So it seems that the method of walking slowly is not feasible now, or listen to me. Look at your feet carefully. We must pass through here to be serious."

Hearing Zhang Yang say this, Wolfe and Vomija also think this is the case. So the three had to cheer up, pay attention to their feet, and ran forward from slow to fast.

In fact, many yellowish floor tiles are indeed distributed in this golden channel! In the mile and many paths the three walked, Zhang Yang saw at least ten earth-colored floor tiles.

However, under Zhang Yang's reminder, Womiga and Wolfe passed by smoothly and were not affected by it.

However, the distance of this mile is nothing in front of the total length of the channel, and with the gradual increase of the distance, the frequency of the earthy floor tiles is also gradually increasing.

Until about fifteen miles at a stretch, Vomija, who had been dazzled by the golden passage, accidentally stepped on an earthy floor tile beside him because he was exhausted!

Although she was pulled back by Zhang Yang at the moment she exclaimed, but in her own words, the whole person has already gained nearly half of the weight!

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