Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 846: Fire King larvae

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Elemental creatures are very different from ordinary humans or Warcraft in terms of the composition of life, but in essence, they are just a special kind of creature.

Therefore, for the group of elemental creatures, there will be differences between individuals. It is as if there is a huge gap between low-level Warcraft and high-level Warcraft.

Individual high-level elemental creatures, even those that have not grown up but are in their infancy, will be much stronger than low-level elemental creatures of the same level. This is also true in many Warcraft, even humans or orcs, because of different talents, and show different levels of strength and potential.

The King of Fire is this advanced fire elemental creature.

Uh, even if it's just a king of fire in its infancy ...

"King of flames? What is that? Could it be the king of fire elemental creatures? Is this a little prince or something?"

Zhang Yang could only shake his head and smile bitterly at the performance of the little fox who was obviously over excited. However, this evoked the curiosity of Womiga, so he gathered questions in the past.

"How is it possible that what kind of prince ... Hahaha! Uh ... But for the fire elemental creatures, this fire king can indeed be regarded as a fire elemental creature with the potential to become a king. Although it is true The fire element kings are all identified by their strength, and as long as they have enough luck, in theory, any fire elemental creature has the strongest possibility, but ... "

"But what?"

"However, among elemental creatures, it can be said that it is very simple to grow to the fifth or even sixth order. After all, in the fire elemental world, even if it is not the place where the elements gather, the concentration of the fire element is also higher than on the Orlando mainland The vast majority of places are plentiful. Although this environment is single, it is not easy for the fire elemental creatures to develop self-consciousness, but it is enough to let them cultivate and improve. However, you must know that, Vomija, level 6 advances to level 7 Legend is a very sad hurdle! Most of the creatures in the world are stuck before this barrier, and they will not be able to enter until death! "


"That's an improvement in the level of life. Once spent, it is almost the beginning of surpassing the mortals! How can such a thing be easily achieved, even if some biological power or combat power has reached the legendary level, but If the essence is not enough, in the end, it is impossible to escape the fate of demise! "

"But Lord Fox, I heard that elemental creatures are not old?"

"How could it not be old ... Although like elves like humans, orcs, and even long-lived elves, the life span of elemental creatures over thousands of years, or even thousands of years, is long enough, but after all, the initial strength is low. After a long period of time without self-consciousness, the inner core of elemental organisms will gradually lose vitality with the passage of time. At that time, it was the stage of elemental organisms aging. "

Speaking of which, a little sorrow suddenly appeared in the look of the little fox, but this emotion lasted only for a moment, and then he continued to explain to Womiga.

"Unless you have advanced to the 7th-order legend or above, elemental creatures cannot survive more than 5,000 years. As for those who want to survive more than 10,000 years, you must at least advance to the next level to reach the 8th-level epic strength. . "

"Awesome! The history of the Orlando continent is not as long as 10,000 years ?! Live to 10,000 years old ~ It's amazing! Uh! Speaking of fox, aren't you already lived to 10,000 pairs ?! Awesome! Then, will you with the strength of the Holy Order not die? "

"Why ... may not die ... The Holy Order can only live another five thousand years. If it is to achieve the immortality in life, maybe it has to be promoted to the level of the ancient god, is it possible? However, even if it is as strong as the ancient **** ... it will be killed ... "

"Uh ... Lord Fox ..."

When the little fox said this, both Womiga and Zhang Yang could feel a sorrow emanating from the little fox's heart. Should it really really miss Campas, the flame warrior? The strong Fox family who opened its self-consciousness ...

Sighing lightly, Zhang Yang thought it was better to break this sad atmosphere, so he said:

"Little fox, does it really matter if you chat like this? Is it really okay to leave the little fat man aside and chat like this?"

"Uh? Uh!"

After being mentioned by Zhang Yang, Womiga remembered that there was a long-tailed ball-like fire elemental creature waiting on the flame altar. However, at this time, the little fox was really distracted by Zhang Yang, instead of thinking about his own sad things, but tidied up and continued to explain to Womiga, looking like that, he was still in no hurry.

"It doesn't matter. Although it is only in its infancy, it can feel the situation at the moment because of its powerful talent, even if it has not formed an independent self-awareness. Because of this, with me and Vomija present, it has understood This may be of great benefit to it, so you can see how good it is ~ "

"Is that true ?! Lord Fox! It feels so smart!"

"Not smart, but instinctively know how to do it. It's cumbersome to explain, I'm afraid you don't understand it, so ... let's just make a long story short, some talented fire elemental creatures are just like this The King of Flames. Even in their infancy, they are much more powerful than fire elemental creatures of the same level, and even after gaining self-awareness at the fourth level, they can compete with ordinary fifth-order fire elemental creatures with their strength. Now! "

"Wow! So great!"

"This is actually not the most important thing. In fact, the reason why the King of Fire will get this title, and is called the natural King of Fire, is because when they reach the peak of the sixth level of strength, they will have other fire elements than the same level. Creatures are more likely to advance to the 7th-level legendary level! Not only that, even the next 8th-level epic level is much easier to advance than other fire elemental creatures! "

Speaking of which, even Womiga can hear the sour taste in the little fox's words, even if it has become a holy fire elemental creature ...

"It turns out so! No wonder even His Highness wanted to summon it as a contract partner! I was really lucky! Thank you, Lord Fox!"

"Contract partner? Sure enough ... Understood. Although this king of flames is still in its infancy, it currently seems to have at most second to third order strength, but do you see the pale yellow flame on it? This is actually one of the qualities of the King of Fire, Golden Flame. It is a kind of flame that will be produced under its special environment. "

"Gold ... Yan? But this color ..."

"Well, yes, because it is still in its infancy. Only when it grows to the fifth level, the flame outside will completely turn into golden yellow. At that time, it will truly reflect the power of this flame, However, before this, you'd better not reveal its existence in front of other orcs, even your brother can't say that you have encountered a problem with the seal of your elemental creature, and you can only wait until your mental strength has reached the fifth level. Only to summon it. "

"I know……"

After a few moments of silence, Womiga agreed to the little fox's proposal. Now that everything is in order, Womiga thinks it is natural to impose a seal, and then sign a contract or something. But listening to the meaning of the little fox does not seem to be so troublesome.

"This flaming king's larvae are currently only a little more powerful than second-order strength. In terms of your mental strength, which is much higher than Wolfe, it can barely bear the load. This is much better than the method of sealing. Although it seems that after the seal, the strength of elemental creatures is forced to be reduced to the first order, and the consumption is also reduced a lot, but there are advantages and disadvantages. While the consumption is reduced, your own mental growth rate will also be reduced a lot! So, just sign a contract with it, at most ... "

It used to be the first half of the little fox's speech, and Womega was still worried that his brother's future would grow slowly, but when he heard the little fox's half-talk, Woomijia stood upright with his ears above his head, and his eyes widened , Staring closely at the little fox and waiting for it to finish talking.

"Uh ... it's actually not a big deal aftermath ..."

"Aftermath, sequelae ?!"

"In fact, it's just because mental energy has always been at the limit of consumption, so you usually feel quite tired, which means to be sleepy all day long."

"Ah ?! Isn't that right !?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yang knew that the little fox was actually good for Womiga, so he said for the second time:

"It doesn't matter, this situation will only last for a while. As your mental strength improves, the sequelae will gradually alleviate, and eventually it will disappear completely. It will not be a foodie as you imagined. Some have become a lazy cat ... "

"Uncle Wright is too much! Where are other foodies and lazy cats! They are clearly fox beautiful girls ..."

"Hee hee ha ha ~! That's right! Ha ha ha ..."

Hearing Womiga's bottomless rebuttal, the little fox burst out laughing. Until it laughed, it said something to the larvae of the flame king who had been quietly 'standing' on the altar of flames, and then led the leader Womiga to sign a soul contract with the larvae of the flame king.

In fact, Womiga feels that he feels much more tired than the little fox's mouth at this moment! If the summoning space has not yet been opened, she already feels dizzy and her eyelids are heavy, and she looks like she is going to sleep.

And when she was encouraged by Uncle Wright and Lord Fox, barely driving the remaining spiritual power ...

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