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According to what trajectory was the contract formed? What kind of method does the curse have on the target?

Even if he does not have the talent to use magic, Zhang Yang can understand the principles of its formation and existence for most of the magic in the Orlando world. Only the contract and curse Zhang Yang has not yet been able to see their essence ...

Maybe it was because of having suffered the curse of aging. Zhang Yang has actually found some clues about the curse.

In fact, from the "Aging Curse" released by the half-lich, Lansang, Zhang Yang has got the recognition that the curse is probably a skill that exists because of mental power. But in terms of Zhang Yang's current knowledge, there are still many problems that cannot be understood.

Even in the memory of the half-lich Lanthan, he only knew how to practice and use cursed magic.

The spiritual power or further soul power is constructed as a magic framework like ordinary magic, and then filled with spiritual power and magic power. Until this step, Zhang Yang understands how to do it. But after this, I do n’t know what unknown power was affected. This cursed magic structure that was originally filled with mental power and magic power was completely integrated into something else!

Under the influence of this unknown, the curse can be formed. When the caster releases the power of this curse of unknown energy onto the target, the curse will begin to work.

What's even more amazing is that because of the influence of the Curse of Aging, Zhang Yang had specifically inquired about curses. In that, Zhang Yang learned that curse is not a 100% successful magic!

Even during the release of many curses, even the speed can reach the level of imminence, but there are still many changes in its probability of success.

There are many things that will affect the success rate of the curse. According to the magic book called "The Curse", there are actually many kinds. For example, there are treasures that can resist the curse on the target; the target itself is too high, or the mental strength is very large; even the environment, the state of the curse releaser, etc., are also the keys to the success rate of the curse.

But relatively speaking, because most of the combatants are not longer than mental exercises, although they have the protection of [Lock Mist Clothing] or even [Armor of Dou Qi], that is only effective for plastic magic, for cursed magic , But not much protection.

Therefore, unless it is a legendary combatant, that is, a strong person who has the power of the soul, he can more obviously increase his resistance to curses.

However, the situation of the caster is slightly different from that of the warlord, although most magic shields are as grievous as the bodyguards outside the warlord, and cannot prevent the curse from attacking. However, the stronger mental power of the caster can indeed slightly weaken the effect of the curse.

And when the caster advances to the legendary level, they are completely on the same level as the warlords, so that the curse that can take effect on the legendary strong with the power of the soul, most of them are of the same level. Released by the author!

As for why the half-lich Lansang could easily use the [Aging Curse] to attack Zhang Yang successfully, a large part of the reason was that Lansang was already at the top of the half-lich! That is, most of the feet have reached the level of legendary level! Because of that, Zhang Yang experienced an old age life in advance ...

Perhaps the reason why the cursed magic has a very high hit rate, but the success rate is quite low. There are other reasons, such as ...

The unknown energy, which is the fusion of spiritual power and magic power under the magic framework, is temporarily called the power of curse. It is likely that the power of this curse itself is quite unstable!

Compared with the situation where other plastic magics will collapse after being issued due to unstable structure or even environmental consumption, I am afraid that the cursing power is always in a state of instability where it is formed, and it will even disintegrate at any time!

And this is probably the reason why many powerful curses in the legend require an equally powerful carrier to release success?

Therefore, Zhang Yang has been able to conclude that this dragon tooth pendant in his hand seems to have a primitive wild beauty at its moment, and its essence is such a thing that can bear a strong curse!

(Can a curse that works for me? If you consider that I have the power of my soul, then Great Shaman Bellis should not have this ability, so what she said should be true, this thing is a guardian. The cursed item made by the strong is right!)

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang rubbed the dragon tooth carefully in his hand again.

(Very smooth and tender feeling, I didn't feel any obvious maliciousness, but I think this thing is very important? Because I haven't broken the contract, so the curse is still lurking, hasn't it broke out? ?)

If Zhang Yang has understood the principle of the release of the curse, but does not yet know that the power of the curse forms a secret. So for the magic contract, Zhang Yang is completely incomprehensible!

Is there really a **** of contract in the world, or a **** of justice?

You must know that according to Zhang Yang, the strongest on the mainland of Orlando is only those ancient gods! The ancient gods are not true gods! They are just a group of creatures that have reached a certain limit, that's all!

However, it is precisely because of this that Zhang Yang wondered, why did the contract take effect? Is there really something that is almost impossible to create in the world of Orlando?


When Zhang Yang came back, he found that he didn't know when he had left the tall altar where Big Shaman Burris was, but at the moment it was led by a young cat cat, and was walking along a narrow path. Walk towards an independent stone house.

"Uh ... where am I going to go?"

Hearing Zhang Yang talking, the cat male leading the way seemed to be taken aback by him. The whole person jumped forward without saying a word. Zhang Yang then found that his tail seemed to be shaved too!

(It ’s just a question, is it so scary?)

"Human! I, I am not afraid of you!"

"... Do you think I will bite you or what?"

"Don't bite my tail! Um! I mean why do you bite my tail !?"


(Talent! Is it some kind of victimized delusion? Or has this young cat family ever been hurt by humans?)

Looking at the young cat family holding his tail in his arms, a loyal and unyielding cat, um, maybe just a teenager. After all, the age of the Meng tribe is actually quite difficult to judge. Who makes them almost so small and cute?


"Forget it, don't tease you, I just want to ask where are you going now?"

"Really? Just ask this? But you clearly said you were going to say goodbye to Lord Wolf, Lord Vomija, and Lord Siriya!"

(Is this the case? Was it just too fascinating when I was thinking about the curse? So much so that I left the altar by myself? Is n’t that what I usually do, is it because of the dragon tooth? Has it affected?)

Thinking of Zhang Yang's subconsciously touching the dragon tooth pendant hanging in his chest leather armor, he didn't even know when he hung this thing!

(A bit ... evil door!)

Zhang Yang, who has the power of the soul, has unconsciously made some inexplicable things, which is really shocking!

Of course, as the Big Shaman Bellis said before, this dragon tooth pendant is a contract and a curse, and before the curse is inspired, it will bring good luck to the wearer!

In fact, Zhang Yang had secretly thought about it, and when he had something to do with it, he went to say goodbye to Shirya Wolf and others. In connection with the madness at this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly suspected that when he was unconsciously distracted by thinking problems before him, Zhang Yang actually made the right choice subconsciously according to instinct!

(It seems that you have to be more careful in the future, even if this thing can bring me good luck, but if you ca n’t control it, it may be a mess! But now it ’s useless to think too much. In specific cases, you have to wait until you smoke. It ’s time to experiment.)

"Maybe I have a problem with my memory. I have no impression on how to leave the central altar before. But thank you for helping me lead the way. For the remaining steps, I just walked over. . "

Zhang Yang said this very sincerely at the moment, even the tone is no longer the usual bland feeling. In fact, in the Temple of War, after hearing the little fox say about the history of the Meng clan. Although there are many specific events and processes, Zhang Yang does not know what it is.

However, looking at the survival status of the Meng tribe in the Campas Orc Kingdom at this moment, compared with the glorious period, it is really necessary to let Zhang Yang feel sighed, and even brought him some sympathy from these hearts to these Meng tribes.

The nobles of the old orcs are now known as the "weak race"! What's more, in today's Campas Orc Kingdom, even the original history has been tampered with! So that nowadays, if they have not met the little fox now, I am afraid that most of the Meng tribe do not know the glory they once had. !

Zhang Yang remembered that there was a saying that was right: forgetting history means losing the future!

Although it is not that the Meng tribe wants to forget their history, it is because of the lions and tigers. Those orcs and nobles today, those who clamor for being the main battle race, use the blood of countless Meng tribes, will be the most The real history is touched!

This is the true sorrow of a race!

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