Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 857: Original sin of war

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"It's not our human cruelty, but war is such a cruel thing."

After Zhang Yang finished this sentence, the young cat cat was rare and did not refute. In his heart, he also agreed with Zhang Yang. Seeing this, Zhang Yang just continued:

"However, there is victory. There are victories and defeats, especially in the war between humans and orcs. When the orcs win a local war, they will also rush into the French Empire like the human slaves. And if It ’s okay with the Legion of God of War, they just kill any humans they see, and take away everything they can take away. But if unfortunately it is the turn of the “Raging Legion” to enter the human kingdom, you know it will happen What? "

Listening to Zhang Yang talking about it and throwing the question to himself, the Meng young people seemed to think of something, but they didn't want to believe it, but they didn't look at Zhang Yang's eyes in silence. But at this time, Zhang Yang had continued to speak without waiting for him.

"Every time the" Furious Legion "in the Campas Orc Kingdom enters the Fran, it is almost a catastrophe for the south of the Fran Kingdom! Do you think that after being captured by the human slave arrester, the end is already very miserable? No! Compared to what the "Rage Legion" did, being a slave is already good! After all, after being a slave, you can still live. If you meet a good master, you might still be able to live well. The Legion's discovery do you know what will happen? Humans will become food! "


"Maybe you do n’t believe it, or you do n’t want to believe it. But that ’s the fact, the violent legion will turn all the creatures it encounters into its own food, or make it into a reserve food. Whether it ’s cattle or sheep domesticated by humans, or Humanity itself! Whether it is an adult or a child ... It is said that women ’s ending is especially miserable ... "

(Really? Is everything that this human being said is true? Did the violent legion really do these things? Could it be that he was lying to me? Right! This guy himself has never been to the **** front! He said Should n’t be true!)

Even if the cat cat youth kept telling himself that Zhang Yang was lying to him, it was because of the keen feeling of the Meng clan that he knew in his heart that the face in front of him was calm, but he could not hide a little in the calm. Sad human, what he said should be ... all true!

By this time, Zhang Yang's voice had been heard again.

"Then, compared to what the human slave arresters do to you, they are bad people, but in the eyes of most human beings, what they do is not only what they should be, it is worthy of boasting! Just as humans think of the 'Rage Legion' In the eyes of humans, the Legion of Legacy can even stand shoulder to shoulder with demons! But in the eyes of your orcs? They are your guardians! So ... "

"So ... Wright, what do you want to say?"

At this moment, after chatting with the cat youth for so long, many orc people have unconsciously gathered around, not only that, except Wolf, who is still resting, and Womiga, who is still sleeping In addition, Siriia did not know when to have come to the crowd.

"In fact, what I want to say is very simple, that is, whether it is an orc or a human, there are good and bad people among them. Not only that, because of the existence of war, when humans and orcs look at each other, It ’s hard not to be affected by hatred, etc ... Unfortunately, I ’m powerless to change all this, but I can say frankly that I ’m not an enemy of an orc, nor a traitor like humans. I ’m just me, one wants Those who travel all over Orlando and want to live freely. "

Inexplicably, after listening to Zhang Yang's words, the orcs around them went silent.

They have always lived in their past hatred, pain and even fear. Until they heard Zhang Yang's words just now, they suddenly understood that there are robbers and wild walkers among the orcs. . In fact, humans are just like them. Although their physical characteristics are somewhat different, their hearts are the same ...

All faults are due to the war.


Why do you know that war is the original sin, but you must let the **** battle continue! ?

Are the orcs and human executives and rulers idiots? Do they not understand this truth? !

Do not! !

Because of the competition for living space; because of the competition for resources; even because of the competition for mainland hegemony! As long as these exist, war is difficult to avoid.

After all, the natural conditions and various resources of the human kingdom are much better than those of the orc kingdom. Even if it is only for the purpose of sufficient food and food, the orcs can fight against humans with their own heads!

If not, what about it? Without killing a large number of orcs, there will be even more food shortages in the Kingdom of Campas! If you do not continue this **** battle that lasts for hundreds of thousands of years, the power of the nobles within the orc kingdom is likely to threaten the rule of the royal family!

This point is also of great significance to the stability of the French Empire and even to the stability and balance among human nations!

After all, people need a common enemy! An enemy needs to be united to resist, so as to maintain internal stability! This is the root of Zhang Yang's helplessness that he didn't continue.

He is just a person, his power is too small, he can not change all this, can not solve all this, can not save all this, at least for the moment it looks like this.

"Wright ... I believe in you! I believe what you say is true! I believe that there will be good people among human beings, and I believe that there are definitely a part of human beings who are not malicious to our orcs!"

Sheria almost spoke these words in tears at this time. She always thought that this Wright was very strong and an activist. But she didn't find out until today that this Wright either didn't speak. Once she started talking, she seemed to be the most intelligent person with a convincing power!

And with the series of beliefs of Siriia, the surroundings were originally hostile and alert, and even faintly watched Zhang Yang's orc, and now the expression on his face gradually softened. Although it is not as friendly as Sheria, it can be regarded as a huge change compared with before Zhang Yang said this!

After all, even the face of the young cat family who led Zhang Yang showed a slightly enlightened look.

"Did you come here to talk about this? Are you not an orc enemy? Are there any good people among humans?"

Regarding the question asked by the cat youth at the moment, Zhang Yang shook his head and answered with a smile:

"No, these words just want to say to you."

"Tell me?"

"Yeah, that's what I said to you, you see, we can actually have a good time talking."

"Uh? Uh! Huh!"

"As for the purpose of my coming here ..."

Listening to Zhang Yang's talk here, dozens of orcs around him suddenly raised their ears and listened with concentration. The pile of furry ears looks upright, it is really cute and funny.

"The reason I came here was to say goodbye to the Silia family. After all, they are now safe, and I can't stay here. After all, I want to be a man who travels across Orlando! In the distant French Empire, there are people I care about waiting for me to return ... "

"Wright ... are you ... really going?"

I don't know why. At the moment when Wright in front of him said what he was going to leave, Shiriya felt as if she was about to lose something. Not only that, but the tears in her eyes couldn't stop flowing.

(He ... Wright ... is this mysterious guy really leaving? The magical encounter, his scars all over, his strength and confidence, his smile and tenderness ... all this will be lost ?)

Thinking of the fact that Hilia was speechless here, but at this time Zhang Yang was the first to tell Hilia:

"Now that I have seen you, then say goodbye here. I am very happy to know your family. Thank you for your care of me these days, and thank you for teaching me the Orc common language. I have been very good these days. Happy. Uh, although you do n’t dare to compliment. Then take care! I hope you will not forget me when I come to Sunset Canyon again! "

Hearing this, the cat youth who led the way suddenly shouted at Zhang Yang:

"But! But you haven't said goodbye to Lord Wolf, the successor of the God of War, and Lord Vomija! If you just left ..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang smiled slightly. I saw him take a deep look at the crying pear and rain of Helia, and then said to the cat youth:

"It's okay, they won't complain about me, because ... we are already friends!"

(Friend ...?)

(Is it just a friend?)

"Then I will ..."

"and many more!"

At this moment, when Zhang Yang was about to turn around and leave, Hilia was holding the broken black leather armor on his body, wiped a tear from his face, and bit his lip and said:

"You can't leave like this!"

"what happened?"

"Don't you forget that your disguise has all fallen off? Now you look completely human! Although we all know that you are a good person, a human being who has no prejudice and no hatred against our orcs. But! When When you walk in the Kingdom of Campas? When you meet other orcs? Do you still have to gain their trust a little bit? Know that some races of orcs are notoriously stubborn and stinky Temper! If you meet them, I ’m afraid I ca n’t explain them at all, I can only fight or run away? ”

"Uh ... this ..."

"Have you not thought about this? Of course, you might not be afraid of this kind of thing at all? But as you said, it is of course the best to be not misunderstood, so ..."

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