Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 872: Caravan life

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The sweat on Beth's forehead was down instantly!

Not to mention anything else, just look at the other person's understatement, even his hands are still in a wide cloak, he knows that the man in black is definitely stronger than the captain of the Munch Guard!

It ’s important to know that Captain Munk used to practice with new players after joining the team. Whether it ’s understanding each other ’s strengths or the idea of ​​hitting a newcomer, in general, although Munch can easily He defeated Bailey, but he was using his own weapons, and although the battle was also very short, it was absolutely impossible to defeat the enemy!

At this moment, I couldn't afford to look down again, and Baili stunned Baili directly. Where did Bess dare to delay? He ran directly to Baili and pressed his cousin's neck artery, and then turned his eyelids again. , This is a relief.

At this time, when he looked at the mysterious man in black again, where did he dare to guess the appearance of the other person in his heart, and directly put Munch to his food and drinking water and respectfully put it aside, and then waited The other party said directly:

"Please forgive my cousin for his offense! He is such a straightforward character. In fact, our outdoor captain said that the caravan really has no extra escort. After all, adding a **** requires not only an extra amount of money and Food expenses, but also to arrange for their mounts and sleeping luggage? "

Speaking of which, as if worrying about the other party's unhappiness, Bass struggled to squeeze a smile on his face, and then continued with a smile:

"However, I personally think that this, if you just get lost and need a guide to take you to the nearest village or city, then walk along with our caravan, then there is no problem at all! The speed is not fast, you can follow our caravan with your strength! There is no need to join the caravan as a guard! "

Speaking of which, I have to say that Beth's mind is much more than Bailey's. It is clearly what the captain of the guard, Munch, told him, but when he turned his head, he suddenly became Beth himself!

But Bass is not malicious, he just wants to have a good relationship with this beautiful woman, it's that simple!

It's just that Bass doesn't know why he feels that the man in black opposite will be a beauty, and he doesn't even think about why now.

"Well ... it's a way. But I just follow your caravan, will it bother you?"

"Ah! How could this happen! There is no name written on the road in the Kingdom of Campas, even if it is the territory of the nobility, it is not said that no one will leave! So, you just leave yours, it is absolutely okay ! "

Listening to Beth saying this, Zhang Yang felt that what he said made sense for a moment. Since he can follow the caravan and go to the city, why bother to get in and add trouble? After all, these orcs walking outside are no less than those of Hiriya and their cute people. They are all buried and eliminated, and they still have a strong smell of sweat!

If this were not the case, Zhang Yang would not just stretch his foot to kick Bailey, he actually did not want his fist to get the greasy and sour smell of the other party!

"So let's do this first, thank you for bringing me these foods and drinking water."

"A trifle! A trifle! Then we will go back first!"

Speaking of which, Beth carefully looked at the mysterious man in black not far in front of him. Although the other party wore a hood on his head and was covered by a mask and scarf, it was only the clear and bright black Eyes, as if to attract all his mind!

More importantly, Bass has now confirmed that the other party really did n’t continue to embarrass his cousin Bailey. This was so that he could finally let go of his heart, almost fled and picked up Bailey, who was still in a coma, and ran in the direction of the caravan ...

"What? Are you sure that the other party just kicked Bailey out and knocked out?"

As Beth returned to the caravan with the unconscious Bailey, Munch was shocked and angry when he saw the cousins! He asked Beth to send some food and water to others, but Bailey was not assured to follow!

This is good, this stupid idiot is a little troublesome after all! Fortunately, the other party did not care too much about this matter, and in a sense, Bailey still made a little contribution. After all, he tested out part of the strength of the other party?

A guy who can kick a second-level bronze advanced shield warrior on one foot, no matter whether there is blood energy in the opponent's body, or even regardless of the identity of the opponent, you need to pay attention!

And when Beth said that the mysterious man in black agreed with him and would move forward with everyone behind the caravan, Mill smiled with a sigh of relief, then squeezed his lip. Moustache, climbed onto the Kodo beast and rested.

"But did she really follow her behind our caravan? Lord Mir?"

Hearing Munch ’s question, Mill glanced at him and hummed before answering:

"Otherwise? Are you still planning to invite this mysterious woman into our caravan? If you can't get rid of it, then let her go ~ When it's time to camp every day, just give her a meal?"

"Uh ... incompetence ..."

"Haha my guard captain! The strong are gone! Besides, she didn't hinder or even hurt us, why do you blame yourself! Anla! Get your mood up and ready to go!"

However, no matter whether it is Mill or Munch, let alone the sweaty bass, no one has found that at the moment behind the Kodo that Mir is riding, the Kodo that looks obviously bigger than the one. On the top, a bull-clan orc man **** with muscles and a huge long-handled axe beside him, at this moment, after hearing the conversation between Mill and Munch, he looked at Bailey, who was still in a coma. In a flash of light, inadvertently, his eyes turned to the man in black who was more than a hundred meters away ...

In fact, although the caravan where Mir is located is not small, but unless it is to catch up with a festival or the like, the food eaten on weekdays is really quite ordinary.

I do n’t know what kind of rough-faced pancakes, only one picture, the size of a face of ordinary people! When you look at it from the side, there is only one finger thick. If you put it in your hand, you have to weigh it. Generally, people who have bad mouths may not be able to pull off a piece if they bite for a long time. If it is left for a long time, it will have to be banged on the ground!

And Zhang Yang looked left and right in his hand, and felt that this thing was more like a stone or a hidden weapon than a big cake! Not to mention eating, just look at Zhang Yang and feel full. Unless Yang is very hungry or has a big pot to cook some soup to eat, Zhang Yang will definitely not move this thing.

(This thing is done a little bigger and dried to use it as a shield! I really do n’t know how they eat it ... are they going to choke me?)

In fact, Zhang Yang is bored to complain, but in fact he knows that in the Campas Orc Kingdom, ordinary orcs eat most of this hard pie.

You know that the poor orcs really love this pie! If you do it well, you can store it for a long time without losing its quality. The heavy weight will make you feel full! This alone is much more affordable than the delicious but fluffy bread in the human world, which I hope can be several times smaller.

As for drinking water, Zhang Yang looked at the water bag sewed by the animal skin in his hand. Speaking of this thing, it is definitely a bit old. The left and right fills are patches. Not to mention, the shiny appearance makes this animal skin water bag look more like a piece of dried meat! As for the mouth of the bag stuffed with wooden plugs, it was discoloured with white hair.

(This is also drunk ... Although I do n’t have any cleanliness, but this thing ... how does it look so noisy?)

In fact, Zhang Yang also feels that the quality of life of ordinary people in the orc kingdom of Campas is better than that of people in the human kingdom. The gap is really not small!

As for the orcs that Zhang Yang has contacted, let alone the quality of life of ordinary civilians compared to the nobles or big merchants in the human kingdom, it is generally much higher than them!

And maybe this is where Zhang Yang feels a little uncomfortable, right?

There was a silent sigh in my heart. Zhang Yang didn't know what his sigh was for. Maybe it was for the hardship of the orcs, maybe it was just for failing to eat a good meal.

In short, as the Mir caravan moved back, Zhang Yang also silently walked, following the deep footprints left by the Kodo beast, hanging far from the caravan hundreds of meters away, just so casually followed Forward.

Until this way, after walking more than ten miles, when the sun has begun to gradually set, the Mill Caravan has found a stone pile that can be sheltered from the wind. After the guards in the caravan temporarily unloaded the heavy goods and **** the Kodo beasts for feeding, they set up a camp tent to create a campfire and boil water to cook.

Speaking of these, the orc caravans that are walking around in the vast Campas orc kingdom almost only eat the richest meal every night.

In addition to the sturdy pancakes that are necessary for travel, burn a pot of hot water, and then put some dried vegetables, some dried meat and other seasonings in the team, this is what the caravan members look forward to the most It's dinner. If you are in a good mood to catch up with the caravan owner, you may occasionally add something else to eat.

Maybe it ’s a bit of dried fruit or a little wine, but because these are the relationship between goods and goods, the amount issued is so small that the caravan members want to let go and eat and drink, only to wait for them to reach some large village cities , Just fine.

However, at this moment, when Mill watched his wife prepare a pot of meat and vegetable soup, and was about to prepare it to make a pie to eat, Munch suddenly ran over and pulled the caravan leader Mill. He hurriedly said:

"No! The Besac guy is gone!"

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