Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 882: Erythema jackal

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"Boss, boss is not good!"

As the monkey scout approached, he waited hurriedly before the Munch asked. This made Munch unhappy after hearing it. After all, because of the relationship between the same race and the same village, Munch privately did not have this ** younger generation.

But when I looked at the boy who was very smart, why did he seem so panic today? I have spoken to him many times. What did you find to report to yourself quietly, such a screaming, did you not wait for the enemy to approach, but first made the members of the team panic?

When I thought of this, Munch suddenly snorted. Although he didn't want to admit it, the Beth boy did much better than his peers! Although occasionally there are occasions when big questions are made, but overall it is already a bit scolding. Thinking of this, Munch glanced lightly at the nearby side and also looked at the bass in front, before asking:

"What happened, look at your panic, didn't you tell you to calm down when something happens?"

Hearing Munch ’s words, the monkey clan suddenly showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and finally settled down, and then gasped and said:

"Huh ~ Report boss, I found out that a large group of Warcraft is approaching in the direction of where we are! Huh ~"

"Oh? Sure enough, I encountered Warcraft. How about the number? What kind? You tell me more!"

At that moment, the monkey clan scout was still in shock, but he knew that Munch wanted him to have a rest point, so he calmed himself down and wiped the sweat on his face. Then he said:

"It's erythema jackal! A large group of erythema jackals! When I found them, these guys were still wandering in the distance and didn't start to rush over, so I actually looked at the number, about sixty or seventy! "

"What! So much? Why didn't you say it early!"

"Uh, boss, didn't you let me calm down?"

"Fuck! In the face of so many erythema jackals, the ghosts can calm down! This is ... all attention! Ready to fight! Form a defensive formation! You must not let these Warcraft rush into the defensive circle, otherwise we all will die Set! Desperately! "



With Munch yelling, the caravan was dumbfounded. Understand that under normal circumstances, when the caravan encounters Warcraft, it will let the guard soldiers take the initiative to attack, and try to kill the warcraft outside, without giving them the opportunity to approach the caravan.

As for the defensive formation called by Munch today, it has only been practiced on weekdays, and most of the caravan members have never seen the desperate formation used!

Once the caravan joins all Kodo beasts in a circle, they are ready to fight desperately! In that case, unless you win, you really ca n’t even run!

So just after Munch's voice came out, Mila's sharp voice like a scraper suddenly came over.

"What the **** happened? Why did you suddenly form a defensive formation? Munch, don't you kidding me!"

(How can I be kidding about this kind of thing! Brother Mill ...)

Helpless in his heart, he almost wanted to vomit blood. Munch felt that if the scout had just seen the erythema jackal, he ran back to inform everyone to leave as soon as possible, instead of exploring what details he taught, which delayed the best response If time ...

It's a pity that these are useless now. In terms of the height of Munch standing on the back of Kodo at this time, he can already see the shadows of the red spot jackals hundreds of meters away. In fact, just from the gradually rising smoke, Munch knew that these greedy and cruel Warcraft had found the caravan and used it as a prey and attack target!

That's erythema jackal! If the scout's words are true, then six or seventy brutal Warcrafts with average strengths of about one to three ranks together ...

Thinking of the fact that Munch couldn't care about anything else, he replied loudly without looking back:

"Sir Mill, how can I make a joke about this kind of thing! The situation is now really in desperate time, but the erythema jackal rushed in front of you! So don't hold your luck and try your best!"

At the moment of hearing this, all the members of the caravan suddenly became bitter. In fact, erythema jackal is not a very powerful Warcraft, adult individual strength is only about the second order. Although there will be some individual strengths that can grow to the level of Tier 3, in general, a single red spot jackal is not even an opponent of the same level of caravan guards!

But the real fear and despair of this kind of Warcraft is their number! As one of the least picky eaters in social warcraft, once the number of red spot jackals exceeds twenty, then its combat power and destructive power will increase geometrically!

Nowadays, if these sixty or seventy erythema jackals, even if the fourth-order or higher Warcraft encounters them, most of them will turn around and run!

In addition, erythema jackal is not picky eater, whether it is flesh and blood offal or bones, as long as they can bite, all will swallow the stomach! Carrion and even plant fruits and various foods are naturally within the scope of their recipes.

Therefore, it can almost be said that the caravans running merchants in the orc kingdom of Campas would rather face fierce robbers, or higher-order Warcraft of order four or more, and would not be willing to encounter even a small group of red spot jackals!

But this is because this kind of Warcraft is quite vengeful, as long as it is a creature that has attacked them, unless it is torn by them, it will definitely fight with you endlessly! Even, even if some caravans rely on the speed of their mounts to throw away the erythema jackals for a while, but as long as this caravan kills even one erythema jackal, they will follow the smell until they are in the caravan The creatures were killed or destroyed by them.

So, the red spot jackal has another nickname in the Campas Orc Kingdom, that is ‘crazy dog’!

"How could it be the erythema jackal! Is our luck really so bad? Oh my god! This time it's really dead ..."

After learning that the opponent he was about to face was the erythema jackal, Milton became a little bit at a loss, but when he saw his wife Mickey staring at her with horror, the skinny rat orc gritted his teeth. Stand up with his trembling legs!

"No, don't! I don't want to die! We must have a way to defeat it! We will survive!"

(But what if the number of jackal jackals is too large? Although caravan guards are loyal and brave enough, their strength is generally around the second order. In this case, even if they face the same number of jackal jackals, I am afraid Dangerous? And in terms of Munch ’s experience, this step can definitely be thought of, that is to say, the number of erythema jackals is probably beyond the range that the caravan guards can handle?)

Thinking of this, Mill suddenly saw the meal box hanging on the food-loaded Kodo beast, and suddenly he slammed his firewood-like thighs, shouting with his throat:

"Boss! You come to me! Immediately! Immediately! Quickly!"

At this moment, because of the content of Munch's shouting, the entire caravan has been slightly chaotic. Red jackal is a kind of thing, as long as it is a person who runs a business abroad, no one does not know!

Fortunately, Bass itself is a scout, plus he is also a spearman who is good at long-range attacks, so he is not among the people who build the defensive circle. At this time, Mill's scream almost scared him to tremble! To be honest, this is the first time since Bass has joined the caravan.

So, the named bass almost appeared in the blink of an eye next to the Kodo beast that Mir was riding, and at this time don't say the top of the team's Munch, even now Mil and Bass can also be clear I saw the group of erythema jackals rushing towards here not far away!

"Boss, are you afraid? Are you afraid of dying?"

"No, don't be afraid!"


"Uh! It's actually a bit ..."

"So to put it another way, don't you want to die?"

"This is a must!"

"That's good! I will give you a task now. If you do it well, not only will you probably not have to die, all of us may also survive because of you! So you listen to me now! Run right away Behind the team, find the Greek, Greek ... "

"Miss Heath?"

"Yes! It's her! Find her and tell her that we are now attacked by Warcraft and we need help! If she can help, then when I survive, I will definitely reward her! Do you understand?"

"Uh! Oh! Ming, understand!"

"Understood, don't hurry to me! Are you still waiting for the lunch box ?! Give it to me! Those Warcraft will rush over!"

Speaking of where Mil is dancing, it seems that he really wants to kick Bass out, but his hands are short and short, except for spraying Bess's face and spitting stars, the momentum is quite scary.

At this time, I looked back slightly at the bass in front, and I was also scared to death. The dozens of red jackals grinned together and stared at the green eyes. It was really enough to scare ordinary people!

So at this moment, there was no need to urge Mill, and Bass almost slammed her breasts, spreading her big feet, and ran to the vaguely dark shadow hundreds of meters behind the caravan.

(Quick! Hurry up! In terms of Miss Hess ’s strength, we can definitely save our caravan! But those red spot jackals are really so much! It looks like there are no less than hundreds of them. I do this. Would she instead involve Miss Hess? But I ca n’t let her give up helping us and run away on my own. After all, everyone in the caravan is afraid that they will die! No way! With Hess Miss's strength and speed, even if you really can't beat it, should you be able to run away? Then ... hurry up! Hurry up!)

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