Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 889: Recover damages

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Most humans do not understand why the orc warriors in the rumors are so crazy to fight, even if they are seriously injured and dying, they will continue to wave their weapons in desperation.

If humans can understand the history of the Orcs and their current status, they might understand that the Orcs are not the beasts that only know about killing and destruction. They are like Orlando in the Orlando world. Wise creatures.

It ’s just like the orc proverb says:

We have suffered all kinds of injuries, so we learned to be strong; we have lost too much, so we cherish everything we have.

Similarly, the orc warriors on the **** battlefield are somewhat different from the orc warriors in the orc kingdom of Campas. Although the orcs have **** factors in their blood, they are different from the orcs who are desperately trying to survive on the front line of the blood war.

The orc warriors in the Kingdom of Campas faced the human slavery team, and even some of them broke through the front line of the **** battle and rushed into the human legion in the orc kingdom. A growing village, protect your home!

Therefore, even if the last drop of blood in his body is drained, these orc warriors will choose to fight in the end ...


In fact, because of the existence of this group of more than seventy erythema jackals, the Mill Caravan should be safe in a short time after they have been wiped out.

Because within such a large group of erythema jackal's range of activities, in addition to the individual powerful warcraft that may exist and even this group of erythema jackals can not be paid, the rest of the world of warcraft will almost become a gourmet on their recipes. So now the Mill Caravan should be safe as long as it is not bad luck.

Therefore, after the cremation ceremony was held for the caravan guards who died, most members, including Besac, Bass, and even the caravan hostess Mitch, and Miss Mirenda, wiped their faces. After tears, he took a knife and began to decompose the body of the surrounding red jackal.

Speaking of this, the catastrophe brought by the red spot jackal, yes, this is a catastrophe for Mill Caravan. In this catastrophe, the Kodo beast that formed the caravan's defense circle was almost miraculously injured, but because the goods were too late to unload, some of the food pockets tied to the Kodo beast were torn a lot .

In addition, a small part of the caravan ’s cargo was also broken, plus the loss of the caravan ’s guards. If you do n’t want to get back from the bodies of these erythema jackals, then Mill Caravan can really lose money. Too.

It's just that although the red-spotted jackal is fierce and terrible, it's really difficult to get much benefit from them.

On the one hand, the order of erythema jackals is generally low. In terms of their average strength of only second-order intermediate, the chance of producing magic nuclei in the brain is really less than half, only about one-third. Calculated in this way, it is quite good to be able to dig out 20 magic nuclei among the more than 70 erythema jackals.

In terms of the price of the magic core in the orc kingdom of Campas, a standard size second-order magic core can only be sold for about 15 gold coins, which is comparable to the average price of 20 gold coins in the human country. It's a quarter lower!

And because the size of the magic core produced in the brain of each erythema is almost barely able to reach the standard size, and some are even more careful, so if you count it, if you are lucky, the Mil Caravan can only be in the magic core this time. Get more than two hundred gold coins.

And besides the magic core, there is not much valuable in this red spot jackal! Although their teeth are sharp, they also have some fire element attributes, but because of the relationship between grades, they can only be collected as the lowest-level magic materials. Therefore, apart from the individual complete and beautiful canine teeth, the rest are not very valuable.

But in the spirit of mosquito legs and meat, almost all the erythema jackal teeth were pulled out. In Zhang Yang's view, there may be a feeling of revenge and anger.

In addition, the erythema jackal's fur is not very valuable, because for some reason, the fur of other Warcraft after peeling off the tanning, can retain the original luster, and even have a good defense. However, as long as the fur of the red spot jackal is peeled off, it will become dull or even start to lose hair, so the value has not been high.

As for the meat of erythema jackal, there will also be an inexplicable smell, although it is not poisonous, but for other Warcraft, as long as it is not hungry, it will not eat the meat of erythema jackal.

This makes even though there are so many corpses of erythema here, but there are not many valuable things that can actually be collected, but in general, the Mill Caravan currently has too few staff, and it really takes a while to get busy.

Taking this opportunity, the caravan owner Mill and the guard captain Munch finally took the time to come to Zhang Yang in front of them, and it seemed like they wanted to thank them.

But at this time, they suddenly discovered that the mysterious man in black was looking at a **** one-handed axe under his feet. At the same time, an inexplicable sadness enveloped her, so that Mil and Munch who came to her for a time did not know how to speak.

However, this unspeakable silence only lasted for a little while. When the two of Munch and Mill thought that the other would not speak, Zhang Yang was quiet, as if to ask Munch and Mill again, as if to speak to himself. Generally speaking:

"If I remember this axe correctly, it should be Bess's cousin Bailey? So whoever comes, he should have been killed."

"Uh, this ..."

Hearing this, Mil ’s thin face was convulsed again. Although he had run a merchant until now, the number of replacement guards in his caravan had already exceeded 200, and more than half of them were almost All died in various battles.

Speaking of it, because he paid ten gold coins at one time and hired guard soldiers for five years, in fact, even if they died, Mil did not have to feel guilty. But in fact, the caravan where Mill is located, almost every time they pass by the village of the deceased guards, will leave some money and food for their families. the reason.

But because of this, the guards of the Mill Caravan will really work hard for Mill and for this caravan! This was a kind of luck, but also a burden, so after a moment of stun, Mill dropped the question to Munch aside.

"I can't recognize their weapons, maybe Munch can recognize them?"

"Yes, this is indeed the weapon used by Bailey before, and it was confirmed when the corpse was counted. Bailey ... it was indeed a glorious battle ..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yang suddenly sighed. In fact, without Munch, Zhang Yang already knew the result. Today, the remaining caravan members can be seen at a glance in terms of Zhang Yang's eyesight.

In fact, Zhang Yang really wanted to ask Munch and Mill in front of him, do you regret it? If I had agreed to my request to join the caravan for the time being, maybe today's things might not end like this? At least not so many people will be killed or injured.

However, thinking of the caravan's current mood, Zhang Yang did not speak out. It was only after Munch answered that he nodded slightly and stopped talking.

"Then we actually want to thank you for your help, if not ... can I call you Miss Heath?"


The first half of Mill ’s first sentence, Zhang Yang, sounded okay, but the second half of the sentence made him unable to remain silent, Miss Heath? Do they think they are women?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang suddenly raised his head and looked at Mill. At this moment, because of his emotional excitement, he unconsciously released a strong momentum! So terrified that Mill shook his head and immediately changed his mouth:

"Ah! I'm so sorry, Master Hess! I was scared a little bit confused just now, erroneously! Erroneously! Ha ... hahaha ..."

Zhang Yang's eyes not only changed Mir's voice, but even Munch was so scared that he almost pulled out his weapon! It's just that the mountain-like pressure is coming and going quickly. As Zhang Yang looks away from Mill, everything just now seems to have never happened!

(It ’s so strong! It ’s worthy of being able to use a knife to kill the erythema jackal leader, but it seems she wants to hide her identity? Or do n’t want others to know that she is a woman?)

Thinking of this possibility, Munch and Mir couldn't help but looked at each other, because just now Mil felt that he had accidentally said the wrong thing, he used his eyes to signal Munch to speak for him.

"Uh! Actually we just want to thank you, by the way ... by the way ..."

Speaking of which, Munch did not know how to continue to speak. He had been with Mill to discuss the issue of compensation. Now when he finds that his strength seems to be stronger than expected, Munch feels that he has discussed with Mill. Good remuneration seems to be a little bit out of hand!

Seeing that Munch suddenly became vomiting, Zhang Yang glanced at him, and then said:

"Say something straight."

"Uh! Yes, we originally wanted to talk about the issue of compensation by the way, but ... suddenly I felt a little too hasty. If you don't mind, how can you stay in our caravan for a rest? We will make a Kodo beast for you, and wait for us to discuss, then come to you? "

How could Zhang Yang's experience and wisdom not understand what happened to Munch? However, he has nothing to do now. It is okay to stay in this caravan for a few days. After all, he needs this caravan to lead the way, and on the other hand, he does not want Bass to follow his cousin.

After all, if Zhang Yang is in the caravan, even if he encounters the previous situation again, should he be able to cope with it?

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