Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 893: Wine Red Caddy

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Although Zhang Yang has grown from a kid who has just walked out of the mountain village in just a few years, he has grown to the point where he can face even a strong seventh-level legend, and he will not be able to stare at his eyes, and he can only kill him. Not to mention all these people, Zhang Yang himself, it feels like a dream.

However, even though Zhang Yang ’s experience and experience have exceeded the imagination of ordinary people, many of the things he has seen in the past few years are not dared to be imagined by ordinary people, but for the vast Orlando world, it is actually only a small amount of money. .

Therefore, Zhang Yang didn't know anything about the special magic core. Therefore, even if he personally peeled and cramped the erythema jackals killed by him, and then put the third-order erythema jackals into his pocket, he still did not know the true value of this thing.

And even if Zhang Yang knows that this third-order erythema jackal is expensive, he can sell thousands of gold coins if he is lucky, but in terms of his character, he may still give it to the Mill Caravan.

Yes, Mill Caravan, not Mill alone.

In fact, since Zhang Yang came to the Kampas Orc Kingdom inexplicably, he has been touched more than once by the tragic life of these ordinary orcs.

However, just two days ago, when the surviving members of the Mill Caravan held a cremation ceremony for their teammates who died in battle, the low but powerful song touched Zhang Yang's heart.

If the gold coins obtained by selling this third-order erythema jackal core can make the family of those heroic fighters who died in battle bravely live a little better, then Zhang Yang really doesn't care.

But it's just over a thousand gold coins. If it wasn't for Zhang Yang's soul power that he could still use only a trace, and it wasn't enough to open the space ring, he simply left the gold ring in the space ring, twice as much.

And if it really counts, it is only those huge gems that the little fox Caleb gave him before leaving the Temple of War. If Zhang Yang got it to the auction house for sale, the price of each one would definitely not be less than a few. Ten thousand gold coins!

It's a pity that Mill hasn't done so well.

As the leader of the caravan and a businessman who has been in the camp of the orcs of Campas for more than ten years, how could Mill not know the value represented by the third-order erythema jackal?

However, after he got this third-order erythema jackal magic core, he said nothing, and when calculating the reward for Zhang Yang at a discount, he actually calculated this magic core at the price of the ordinary magic core!

Counting from the inside and out, Mill actually directly hacked Zhang Yang's at least six or seven hundred gold coins! In this regard, even Munch is completely unaware. Although he has been running business with Mill for many years, Munch has always been only responsible for guarding this piece of work. As for the transaction, Mill is solely responsible.

Therefore, in the current Mir caravan, except for Mir, the only person who knows the value of this third-order erythema jackal is only Mickey, who knows the market as well as the mouse clan, but, Mickey is not only a woman, but also Mir's wife ...


As a kind of liquor that can only be produced in a small amount in the orc kingdom of Campas, Red Gatti costs 50 silver coins per bottle in various cities.

But even so, the Red Gatti is still in short supply. It is even said that in the city of Ares, the king city of the Orc Kingdom of Campas, every bottle of Red Gatti can be sold for one gold coin!

In fact, the reason why the production of Red Gatti is always very low is not because the lack of enough food in the Orc Kingdom to make wine. In terms of the high price of red coffee, if it can be manufactured in large quantities, it will definitely make people rich overnight.

Therefore, tracing back to the source, it is the raw material problem that really restricts the production of red coffee.

As a kind of fruit wine with a high degree, in addition to the need for grain fermentation, the raw material of red katy also needs one of the most important seasoning materials, that is, the fruit produced by the red tree-red fruit!

Because the time for mangroves to bloom and fruit has never been fixed, and the mangroves rarely gather and grow together, this makes it difficult to collect enough red wine for winemaking. In addition, the place where the mangrove grows is either the desert or the Gobi, but in the north of the orc kingdom of Campas, the shadow of the mangrove is completely invisible!

So, the red katty in the whole orc kingdom of Campas was collected by the traveling merchants in the orc kingdom little by little from each village, and then bottled and brought to various cities for sale.

The price of the red gluttons purchased by the merchants from the villagers is converted to less than one tenth of the selling price, which is only three to five silver coins a bottle!

Of course, running a business in the vast Campas orc kingdom is really dangerous. Coupled with the long distance, the price of these fifty silver coins is actually not too expensive. After all, this red coffee is originally prepared for nobles. Luxury.

Relatively speaking, ordinary orcs prefer crude spirits made from pure grain. After all, a bottle of crude spirits of the same size only needs dozens of copper coins and at most one silver coin ...

Zhang Yang has been lying on the back of the Kodo monster for almost two days. As the Kodo monster sways to the left and right regularly, Zhang Yang feels that if he is not in a hurry, he will get such a tall and strong Kodo monster It seems to be very good when you are a mount.

In addition, just two days ago Zhang Yang threw Bess a gold coin for him to buy wine. I did n’t know whether it was Beth ’s request or Mill ’s idea. Anyway, when Bess came back with two bottles of wine, Zhang Yang actually This is the first time I have eaten the Red Caddy!

Speaking of red gluttons as a rare high-grade liquor, every time the Mill Caravan travels to and from the merchants, they are the objects of key acquisitions. Although it is entirely luck to receive a few bottles at a time, it is undeniable that red wine like this is really delicious.

Maybe it is because of the relationship between red fruits. Red Katie tastes like fruit wine more than spirits. Not only is it sweet with the acidity of fruits and the strong aroma of spirits, it will make people feel after drinking it. To a warm heat from the inside out.

Zhang Yang likes the taste of red coffee. Although the price is a bit more expensive, compared to the bitter and spicy crude spirits, the red coffee is completely worth the price of its forty silver coins.

Yes, a bottle of forty silver coins. Originally Bess felt that Mil should not sell so expensive, after all, the benefactor of the entire caravan came. However, Mill's words made Bass speechless.

"We are businessmen. It's already taken care of to give her a 20% discount. Of course, if Master Hess doesn't have to pay for it myself, I'd be happy to give her a few bottles of red coffee. After all, the transaction is a transaction, this is for The principle of the merchant. "

These words were sounding magnificent, but Mill had forgotten that he secretly hacked the third-order erythema jackal core, and had already destroyed the merchant's principles ...

For two days in a row, Zhang Yang will hand Bess a gold coin when Bess delivers food, and asks him to buy two bottles of red curty and some dried meat. Whenever Zhang Yangjing sat on the Kodo beast, looked at the distance in the distance, and took off his scarf to drink in silence, everyone in the caravan, men and women, would secretly watch the figure that seemed to drink alone against the moon.

Although I have heard Beth describe the beauty of this mysterious black man in the past, but on the one hand, Beth's language expression is limited. Tossing and turning is just a few words of praise. Where can it be compared with the shock of seeing it!

The bright and bright silver moon in the clear night sky seems to be inlaid with silver borders on her silhouette, and the dull moon beside it is accompanied by the stars in the sky, as if to set off her mystery and beauty, and embellish this night together. A dream like a dream.

Reflecting the light of the campfire in the center of the camp, her lower half of the face seemed to be coated with a layer of red glow, and the crystal and round lips, as if moistened by fine wine, seemed to be made of precious stones.

Although only half of the face under the nose was exposed, both Munch and Mill had to admit that these alone have surpassed their cognition of beauty!

Everything she reveals is so perfect, even if you just look at it, you will never forget it for life ...

Until this time, Munch and other talents understood why Beth, the kid, had always rushed to deliver the meal box for the man since a glimpse that day. If I had known that she was a beauty of this degree, I was afraid that even the best-willed Munch in the caravan would involuntarily want to get closer to that place.

"Beth boy, to be honest, are you fascinated by that one?"

At this moment, almost everyone in the Mill Caravan was sitting around the fire, although it seemed a little crowded, but after experiencing the pain of losing their companions, this crowding was more reassuring.

Simple to rough, but full of hot food, can best drive away a day of fatigue. And the time from dinner to break before the break is a rare leisure time for caravan members to gather together and boast.

Unlike the past, talking about the situation of his country village, in recent days, the caravan members have had two new pastimes. One is to watch her secretly every night while drinking, even if you can only see a little blurry, but regardless of the men and women in the caravan, they will watch the beautiful scenery silently until the **** The scarf covers everything up again ...

As for the second kind of pastime, it is to make fun of Bass and make jokes that are painless and itchy. And at this time, the original clever cow clan orc guy always met with red ears and tried hard to explain.

It's just that I don't know if Bass's mouth became stupid or something else. In the end, he explained that the more laughter people have, the better Bass is now.

No matter how many people joke with him, even the caravan's eldest girl Mirenda deliberately posted to tease him, Bess firmly refused to speak, just sitting there with red face rolled his eyes.

So now after hearing Mill's deliberate laugh, Beth still pretends not to hear it, but while rolling his eyes, he will always sneak a glance at the figure in black on the Kodo beast not far away.

But at this moment, Beth was suddenly stunned. Fortunately, Miss Hess was sitting there whole time. Why didn't she disappear in a blink of an eye?

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