Tales of the Calamitous Lighting

Chapter 895: Battle Wolves

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The size of the Mill Caravan is definitely not small for this blaster wolf.

After all, even with the exception of Zhang Yang, whether it's Munch or Besac, its strength can pose a threat to this blast demon wolf.

If combined with the assistance of other caravan guards and the defense circle built with Kodo beasts, even if this blaster wolf has more than four levels of strength, it will cost a lot to attack the caravan. , And whether it will succeed in the end is also two.

However, when Zhang Yang discovered that the blast magic wolf's wisdom was extraordinary, he didn't think so.

A strong attack is certainly impossible, so what about sneak attacks? At the speed of this blast demon wolf, absolutely no one in the caravan can match it! Moreover, the caravan also needs to hurry and need to rest and camp, it is impossible to always put up a defensive circle to stay in one place.

Therefore, if the blast monster wolf has been trailing behind the caravan, every night when the caravan camp rests, it will sneak in and attack, and then quickly evacuate before the caravan guards react, then only need to come down a few times, I'm afraid that caravan members will be killed halfway by it!

After all, the guard fighters in the Mill Caravan are generally less than third-order in their second-tier positions, which is really too bad compared to the blaster wolf that only has fourth-order strength.

In this way, if Zhang Yang hadn't discovered this blaster wolf prying from a distance, I was afraid that after only one night today, the remaining survivors of the Mill Caravan would have to be few more!

But since Zhang Yang has discovered it and has also started, it is almost impossible for this blast magic wolf to attack the caravan again. Although Zhang Yang had just missed the sword, but the power of the sword made the blasted wolf awe-inspiring!

It is because it is smart enough to feel the terrible power of Zhang Yang's knife! If it was not that Zhang Yang underestimated it, so it was more casual when the knife was made, otherwise this blast demon wolf will not be killed by Zhang Yang's blow, but at least it will be hit hard!

You must know that if you use this technique well, you can exert your strength and speed several times! Although it takes time to accumulate momentum and strength every time a knife is drawn, and when the enemy is ready, the hit rate will often drop a lot.

But only this technique can make up for Zhang Yang's shortcomings in strength and speed. Although every time you use a knife to cut, only the moment of the knife can exert the strongest power, but with Zhang Yang's physical condition now In terms of strength, being able to do this step is already the limit.

After the landing, the blast magic wolf did not leave Zhang Yang much time to think. It just hesitated a little and launched an attack on Zhang Yang again. It's just that compared with the one that just obviously tempted more than a practical bite, this time the Devil Wolf is really moving.

In Zhang Yang's eyes, the blast wind wolf's eyes opposite it once again gleamed with a faint green light. At the same time, with the wolf's mouth unable to open and close, the fist-sized light green wind element circle was unable to hold. Zhang Yang flew over here! Not only that, the wind elementary group, which was only the size of a fist, left the blast wind wolf's mouth at first, and even after a few meters, it began to expand!

By the time Zhang Yang was close to ten meters away, he had already swelled to almost half a meter in diameter! And this thing Zhang Yang naturally recognizes, is it not the seemingly inconspicuous third-order magic of the wind system, but the amazing air bomb!

In fact, it is similar to the wind magic [wind blade]. This speed is extremely fast, and at the same time is different from the sharpness and cutting power of magic, the power of the "air bomb" is more reflected in its impact on the target. On the power of shock!

Taking the "air bomb" released by the fourth-order blast magic wolf as an example, the "air bomb" just launched at the beginning is only the size of the fist, and as the distance increases, the size and power will also change with it!

Generally speaking, after the air bomb is launched, it will be fully released after flying for more than ten meters. At this time, the size of the air bomb will be almost stable at about half a meter in diameter, and the shape looks like a bluish cyan. The transparent water polo of the line is general.

Don't underestimate this third-order magic. Unless you have dual attributes of feng shui and master the magic of the electric system, this [air bomb] is the magic with the strongest armor breaking ability before the sixth order of the wind system. After all, after this [air bomb] hits the target, it does not produce cutting and explosion-like damage, but shock!

However, for the target hit by [Air Bomb], there is almost no change in appearance, but this does not mean that it is safe and sound. On the contrary, with the release of the power of [Air Bomb], the powerful force of shock will penetrate Come in and directly destroy the internal structure of the target! For example, the blood vessels and internal organs in the body!

Therefore, if you cut open the target killed by the "air bomb", then people will find that the appearance of the corpse has not changed, and the internal organs of the body have almost been reduced to pieces! This power is enough to be eye-catching, so unless there is high-level magic armor or magic equipment protection, otherwise the more you face the heavy armor warrior, the more powerful the "air bomb" can be exerted.

The only problem is that the effective range of the air bomb is so painful, almost half the power of the first ten meters. Not to mention, in terms of the strength of this blast monster wolf, the limit range of the "air bomb" is only forty. If the air bomb exceeds this distance, it will dissipate on its own, and there is no more power.

Therefore, the distance of halving the power of the first ten meters is not counted. The real killing range of [Air Bomb] is only 30 meters! Coupled with the fact that it is nearly twice as slow as the wind blade, and the mana cost is almost half higher than that of the same level of magic, it is really hard to say whether this magic is strong or weak.

And now, this blast demon wolf looked at the opportunity and even spit out three [air bombs] at Zhang Yang!

Watching the three [air bombs] flying in a zigzag shape at almost the same speed, Zhang Yang fled and hid. However, at the beginning, Zhang Yang was still wondering why this clever blast magic wolf would use this obviously slower magic, could it be that he could not hide it?

But when Zhang Yang just turned around and was about to rush towards this blast demon wolf, the three [air bombs] even burst out a few meters behind him!

Suddenly, a shock wave of air that was visible to the naked eye suddenly spread from the location of the explosion. This is good. Zhang Yang was unprepared. After the shock wave passed by, the whole person fell into the air In a brief paralysis!

At this time, Zhang Yang saw a smile like gloating in the eyes of the blast magic wolf in front of him! At the same time, after blowing his tongue and licking his nose, the blast magic wolf screamed and shook his head!

Aooo ~!

The stern and long howling wolf instantly cut through the silent night sky, accompanied by the aftermath of the three [air bombs] explosion, and immediately spread far away!


"what sound?"

"Wolf howling! It's wolf howling!"

"Where did it come from? Alert! Xiaoxin Alert!"

After hearing howling Wolves, the Mill Caravan Camp suddenly became tense. The caravan members who survived at this moment are almost all old fritters that have been merchants for many years in the orc kingdom of Campas. Such a high and long howling sound naturally understands that not ordinary wolves can send out.

For example, the erythema jackals, which had previously caused heavy losses to the caravans, although they will also gather to howl, but neither the momentum nor the sound can be comparable to the wolf howl at this moment!

So when the remaining members of the caravan gathered together to guard against the surroundings, Beth asked Besac with a calm face:

"Brother Bessac, can you tell what kind of wolf's call is this? Will it be the wolf's call?"

At this moment Besac was bandaged, but he still held his long-handled axe tightly in his hand. Originally, he was still listening, but after hearing Beth questioning, Besac glanced at him before turning back and looking at Zhang Yang's direction:

"It's not the fear wolf, the cry of the fear wolf is not so loud. If I heard it correctly, it should be the cry of the wind devil wolf! And this distance is too close, as if it is not far in front, who is in it? Fight the same! "

(Who is fighting against it? In addition to the people in our caravan, who else can there be? Oh, yes! Lord Hess has just disappeared, could it be ...)

Thinking of Baston's nervousness here, he heard this wolf howling and understood that this Warcraft is very powerful, and he was not able to deal with it at all.

"Brother Bessac, if it is really a blaster wolf, what level of warcraft is this Warcraft?"

"Very strong intermediate-level Warcraft! As long as an adult blast magic wolf, the minimum is higher than third-order senior! And the blast magic wolf that can make such a howling sound ... I guess it should have about four-level strength!"

"Fourth or fourth order !? In that case, Lord Hess is in danger!"

"what did you say?"

The question and answer between Fangbeisi and Besac naturally escaped the ears of the surrounding caravan members, but the veterans already knew the information about the blasting wolf.

However, when Beth mentioned the name Heath, Munch suddenly turned his eyes.

"Mr. Munch, I mean, it ’s possible that Mr. Hess was fighting her in the dark in the distance and fighting the blaster wolf! I just found out that she was gone when I peeked at her. There was a howl of the swift magic wolf. I think it was Lord Sis who had discovered the swift magic wolf early, and then for the safety of our caravan, I went to find the swift magic wolf himself! "

"Why didn't you say this kind of thing early!"

"Ah? Me, I ..."

(How could I have said it earlier! If you let me know that I peeked at Lord Hess, would n’t you be okay to make fun of me! But, Lord Heath ... you are so strong, should you be all right?)

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